By Gary DeVaney
Christian Belief Concerning The Biblical God
Do you know what the Bible documents about its God? Do you believe in the Biblical God? Do you believe in, worship, support and promote the Islamic Allah? After all, the Islamic Allah and the Judeo-Christian God are the same character. They are both the one-god of Abraham. If you claim that you do not believe in, worship, support and promote Allah, your own reasons why you don't may inform you why I don't believe in, worship, support and promote the Judeo-Christian God.
The believers of the Biblical God are emotionally programmed and brainwashed so that they cannot take issue with what the heinous murdering God is documented to have done, C&V. There are 170 charges of God's C&V murders at:
Programmed and Brainwashed
US Christian believers are emotionally trained to be believers, supporters and financiers of this heinous Biblical God so that they will believe in, support and finance their current President - even to their death. That's how US believers have kept a blind eye on all their former Presidents' evil deeds - like the overthrow of 14 Countries since 1898. The book "Overthrow" by Stephen Kinzer displays historical accounts of the US overthrow of Countries around the World to exploit and control their resources.
Specifically, the heinous and murderous deeds of President George W. Bush is typically defended by the most religious Christians in the United States of America. The Bush administration has been responsible for over 600,000 deaths, most of whom would not be dead if the Bush gang were not in power. These US Christians will defend and protect the Bush administration because of their training in defending the murderous God of the Bible.
Specific, honest and composite:
Believer: Supporting God is a matter of tradition. It is smarter to support than to oppose tradition. Believers are afraid to “rock the boat”. We are afraid to be alone. Since childhood, we believers are programmed to fear and we all need emotional support.

Question: Is a fictitious cause necessary?
Believer: What could be better to support than something no one has a handle on?
Question: Weren’t child-sacrifice, witch burning and slavery once traditions supported by this God, believed in by believers and no longer observed by believers? Yes or no?
Believer: Well, I don’t want to think of it that way, but, I guess so - yes.
Question: If you lived in the time of witch burning and slavery, would you support it?
Believer: If God told me that was His will, of course. Wouldn’t you?
Question: No, I wouldn’t. If the Biblical God-model supported those things once, why isn’t it time for Him to go?
Believer: When in Rome, you do as the Romans do, or else. Give to Caesar his due. When you are in a boat out at sea with evil people, you had best support them or you will be over the side. Survival also is traditional. If you are stuck around evil people and you don’t support them, you are in for some disapproval and punishment. God promised to judge them in the hereafter, so believers will have their vengeance. I approve of all the things God did in the Bible, as He is God, and I love Him. I just don’t want to hear or know any negative views of His deeds.

Evil People
Question: Is that why you defend the evil you pretend to oppose?
Believer: He’s not evil. You just have to support tradition if you want to survive and get along.
Question: Don’t you examine what you are supporting?
Believer: No. With God, it’s a matter of faith. Who would want to know that we are wrong? It would be unbearable to know that we have been lied to concerning God. It would be even harder to acknowledge to ourselves that we passed those lies on to our children. We don’t want to discuss anything negative about God. He’s wonderful!
Question: Be honest now. When you share your beliefs, aren't you trying to supervise others?
B: Hummm... Yes.
Question: Why do parents lie and make up stories to their children about God, Santa-Claus, the Tooth-Fairy and the Easter-Bunny?
Believer: Because, it’s traditional. It’s fun and harmless!
Question: Aren’t parents teaching their children to lie?
Believer: No! Because we don’t want to think of it that way.
Question: Don’t children grow up and then realize that their parents lied to them about highly sensitive and emotional topics and couldn’t that effect their judgment concerning the realities they later encounter in their own lives?
Believer: It doesn’t matter because they love their parents.
Question: How has the parental taboo of discussing sex with their children contributed to pregnancy statistics?
Believer: My parents got married when they had me. I was God’s plan. He loves me. God works in strange ways.
Question: So, love conquers all? But what kind of judgment processes and consequences do adults have as a result?
Believer: That’s where faith in God takes over. People have to be dependent upon and to fear something to be civilized. We are evil by nature.
Question: So, the slave mentality is alive and well?
Believer: Yes, we are all the Lord’s slaves and the brides of Jesus.
Praise God. Satan is the god of this world and we can’t commit suicide. You are a sinner. Goodbye!
Eric Hoffer: To know a person's religion, we need not listen to his profession of faith; but, we must find his brand of intolerance.
Do you support “Human Secularism”? Check out any American $1 bill. The image of a pyramid on it has an elevated caps-stone that dates from 1500 BC. Some say it represents God in the form of Amen-Ra, the ever-present eye? Does “Annuit Coeptis” in Latin mean “The King Sees? He (God) watches the people's actions in life so that He may judge them in death. Below it is written “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, “A New Secular Order”. Are you sure you don’t, in practice, support a pagan religion and / or human secularism?
The constant recycle of Psalms:
God, I am lowly and worthless!

God, You are great, powerful and merciful!

God, feel sorry for me!
God, get close to me!
God, give me a club and back me up!

God, boy, we slaughtered Your and mine enemies!

God, You turned against me!

God, they / You are killing me!
A good portion of Psalms was written by David.
Two hands working can do more than a thousand hands clasped in prayer.
Religion / Politics: If the majority of believers are trained, media manipulated, indoctrinated and coerced to do the wrong thing, then to do the wrong thing is insanely considered right.

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