The New World Order will have established for all the one religion of true consequence.
THE AGENDA: The World International Bankers' agenda is to get the big International Corporations and "Democracy" (rapid political change) into every and all countries, large and small. It's an infrastructure. They do this so that controllable / accountable MONEY can be equally circulated, indebted to and depended upon by all people on Earth.

Eventually, Earth's territories will become "nationality immaterial" (no nations nor countries) and each governed territory shall ultimately become of equal economic value.
Initially, International Corporations buy into undeveloped countries. With all their MONEY and hiring practices, they will eventually determine the Democracy / Politics of the land being financially conquered.
The International Corporations then set up a financial infrastructure to politically elect only their own people.
The World International Bankers, who control the World's MONEY, control the International Corporations, and "Democracy", which is the future changing politics of the entire Earth.
"Democracy" (a rapid, revolutionary force), unlike Communism or Socialism, buys and pays for their ever-changing politicians. These politicians are owned and become extremely wealthy by pocketing lobbyist's "special-interest" MONEY. Usury interest and legally enforced taxes also pay these One World Government politicians who serve the ONE MONEY GOD, created by the relatively new competing World Banks.
Like all Gods of the past, MONEY is a man-made creation of an all-powerful and evolving God that runs this World - on behalf of certain men.
Ah - the few new competing World Banks are the disciples of the One Money God.
Eventually, Democracy, Socialism and Communism will evolve to become interchangeable and synonymous.
Real-property ownership will become history. All dwellings, commercial or residential, will eventually be rented from the One World Government so to maintain indefinite financial pressure on all people who are capable of earning. Inheritance of real estate will eventually cease.
All earners are encouraged to procure heavy debt on personal property and services as it makes them perform harder and sacrifice more for their MONEY / GOD.
Most "useless eaters" shalt be ultimately eliminated through euthanasia.
Prophesy: Through bloody competition, there will eventually be only one MONEY system, a One World Bank. In time, an ultimate One World Bank will buy, pay for, and own the "One World Order".
MONEY is the one real GOD that all human beings worship, focus on, depend on, suffer and sacrifice for.
Imperialistic predators coattail this "Pan-Money-God" (money is to be everywhere) in hopes of becoming lesser Gods (governors) over various people. Each competitive predator's ultimate hope is to be promoted, by election, and to ultimately become the one and only God of this World - then - God of the Universe.
All human "authorities" on Earth are "assumed authorities". Their "assumed authority" is also temporary in time. Check out all the United States Presidents. Only one President wields any temporary power and authority of consequence.
MONEY is the only real and lasting authority of consequence on planet Earth.
MONEY is the most powerful force on Earth that determines or allows what a person can and cannot do with his or her time.
Agenda recap: Control the MONEY and be in power to control the World.
Just think! What if Adolph Hitler had become the One World International Banker? What if his organization had owned all the MONEY used on Planet Earth? Imagine that Hitler's organization was constantly being paid for the use of all his MONEY worldwide. Hitler could then afford all the weaponry, technology, mass-media and advertising his organization needed for absolute dominance and mind-control. He, or one like him, could not be stopped - especially if he were not known by name or address.
Prophesy: We will have a new, more powerful and a better organized God coming. MONEY has been evolving to be in control over all peoples' material possessions and their costly services and agendas. MONEY is to be in total control of all the people on planet Earth.
Do you know anyone alive who is not directly or indirectly affected by this growing, evolving force called MONEY?
The MONEY GOD is still evolving to dominate the total population of the World. Before long, all other "Gods", real or fictional, will become obsolete.
Death, by old age, of programmed "faith-based" believers will assist this "Changing of the GOD". Once reality has set in and the one Money system is accepted, religious "faith and belief" will no longer be necessary to "obedience train" the masses. Media and advertising will mass-program what the people are to like, want, accept, have faith in, belief in, support, serve, sacrifice for and promote.

This planet's mass-media can then earnestly and honestly deal with exposing controversial news - because anything that "God" does has to be considered legal and accepted to be morally correct. All qualified Judges will be paid for by the New World Odor, One World Government.
The one MONEY / credit system will ultimately be the only God standing.
Computers and robots will assist this reality.
Undesirable territories, leaders or individuals will be policed, precision targeted and eliminated by space satellite weapons. Wrath and correction shalt come from above. Monitored individual living-chips will enable this reality.
Except for human evolutionary study, most prisons will be eliminated.
Relax. This generation will never see it all come to pass.
Eventually, electronic credit transfers, through living-chips, will produce cashless users. The ONE MONEY GOD and his organization (government) will get his prime cut of every credit transaction.
Armageddon is when the MONEY GOD is acknowledged to be the only God of consequence - in reality.

Ergo: In reality, who ultimately controls all the MONEY is the one real GOD who controls the whole Earth - and then the Universe.
Afterthought: Competitively, it will take a lot more war, pain, blood and elections for the successful imperialistic predators to accomplish their agenda.
Realism: Ego, by nature, always tries to be more than what it is. That is the prime reason why people borrow money and why they find themselves in debt. The secret to multi-level "freedom" (unaccountable time) is to not owe money.
Money is a good servant but a bad master.
IQ & Religion
By Gary DeVaney
This article on IQ / Religion is important, eye-opening and informative for any thinker.
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