Luke 1927: Jesus Christ said: "And, as for those who would not have Me be King over them - bring them before Me and slay them".
Revelation 2: Jesus Christ, the "Son of Man" said that He would also kill the harlot's children.
Jesus Christ lost me on account of these 2 Bible Chapters & Verses. GWD
The "Apocrypha" consists of books and stories submitted that did not make it into the Bible. There was a story that Jesus, as a child, was playing on the roof of a house with another little boy. Jesus knocked the other little boy off the roof and the fall killed him. When Jesus came down, the people cried to Jesus "Why did you do that?" Jesus told them to get off His back and then brought the little boy back to life.
Why do believers tend to lie concerning their descriptions of God and the Bible?
The 66 books of the “Canon” Bible were voted on by "The Counsel(s) of Nicaea" between 325 - 400 AD by the same bunch who maintained that the Earth was flat and the center of the Universe.
“Canon” / Bible The Counsel(s) of Nicaea
Doesn't the Canon / Bible prove that "truths" are competed for, voted on and chosen?
"Facts" afford no such luxury.
Corrections? Comments? Questions?