God Concepts
By Gary DeVaney
The Bible and its "Apocrypha" (scripture not selected) is modern-day man's main source as to the real or fictional existence of the Biblical God.

Apocrypha Time Line The Old Testament Apocrypha
Test your integrity: Other than the myth of creation, list by Bible documentation, where the Old Testament Biblical God did something good for someone without hurting another. If your list proves to be short and weak, can you explain to your child why?
Have you ever used this feared, angry, jealous, murderous and wrathful God to intimidate your child because you are afraid you cannot control your child without doing so?
If so, are you trying to use the wrathful Biblical God as your personal voodoo authority enforcer? Do you attempt to authoritatively bully and control other people with your God?
Having faith is blindly trusting the unknown.
Without the Koran and these Bible / Apocrypha sources of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God / Allah character, Judeo-Christian-Islamic believers would not believe what they claim to believe today.
There are no other sources of God other than the Islamic Allah's Koran - and the Judeo-Christian God's Bible / Apocrypha. The Koran's Allah and the Judeo-Christian God is the same Character - the same "One-God of Abraham".
There is no historical evidence of any supernatural Biblical God or of any other supernatural mythical gods. They're all myths. In reality, there is no evidence that the Biblical God exists. There is only evidence that "belief in God" exists.
I agree that religion is primitive politics and that politics demand control, authority, power and profit over people.
The mystery of a supernatural god lies in our ego's relationship with our ever-evolving genes. Assuming that our human gene-banks (46 chromosomes) light up and shut down as we evolve (age) and that feelings are the vehicles of communication between our conscience ego and our programmable genetic hard-wiring / software, maybe the mysteries of a supernatural god can be resolved and formulated. Assuming that - experience triggers genes and that genes trigger experiences - our genes may be the mysterious gods that we claim to be so personal. Our ego, by interpreting these mysterious feelings / god-like influences, bring all these gods down to one god.
Faces of Gods Throw of the Dice for God
Unfortunately, for our fragile (I am the value, I am the authority, I am entitled) egos, this theory gives our illusive, on-again, off-again genes credit of much of our conflictive, do-want / don’t want emotions and our observable attitudes and behaviors.
What is a theory? A theory is simply another, definite, guaranteed maybe.
Until the capacity for "critical thinking" - for some exploring minds - religion has been spread as dogma to be protected rather than a complex set of hypotheses to be tested.
Solomon Asch's Conformity Experiment
Religion / God attempts to place a fictitious Authority / God over an "obedient" you.
"Repentance" is a psychological tool used to get you to confess your disobedience to authority / God and to assume your agreement not to disobey authority / God again - under the phony threat that you will suffer Hell and Eternal-Torment.
Religion attempts to place and keep you, the individual, in an immature, dependent state instead of a mature state of self-responsibility.
I view that if a man talks to God - he is religious. If God appears and / or talks to him, he is delusional and / or psychotic.
The problem that believers have with Atheists is, Atheists don't do obedience to supernatural / false authorities. That disturbs believers as they demand all obey their mind-set dogma. They use God as their enforcer and punisher to get they way.
Mind-Set Dogma
Atheists rightfully claim that there is no evidence of any supernatural gods. Sadly, that's where atheists usually stop. Most atheists are not equipped to nor are they interested in debating the heinous deeds of the Biblical God to any depth. Atheists don't care to know the selected C&Vs of the Bible that prove their disobedience to the Biblical God to be correct. They don't seem to care or want to know how their concept of atheism is logically validated. They operate simply as the authority over their Atheism.
Believers claim that the Judeo-Christian God is supernatural and real. Believers claim that if you don't obey the Biblical God, He will torment you for eternity.
Most Christian believers prove not to be realists. What? How realistic is a "virgin birth" or the dead coming back to life? Most also prove not to be honest concerning controversial Bible issues. They usually play the authority - obedience / eternal-torment card as they exit most Bible debates.
I support every human being's right to have their own views and beliefs - as long as they do not imperialistically or authoritatively infringe them on others.
To the honest and realist human being - please be just and fair: If you are going to promote, support and finance the Biblical God, at least know what this God is documented, by Bible C&V, to have done.
Regards, Gary DeVaney
"The God Concept" demands conformance and obedience to authority, control, laws, rules, and obedience. If you don't willingly obey, punishment / eternal-torment are your fate.
It seems that each time a Christian says, "I believe", they get caught trying to supervise others. Christians are always authoritatively telling other people how to live their lives.
If your god happens to hate the same people that you hate, your ego turns out to be your god.
Robert Frost wrote: "I turned to speak to God about the world's despair; but, to make bad matters worse, I found God wasn't there."
The Trinity: God - Savior - Holy Spirit
The Trinity
For believers, the Biblical God is the assumed authority over everything. "God's word" has documented 613 laws / rules to be obeyed by His slaves. That's us. Many of those 613 Biblical laws, if obeyed, would place you in a court-of-law and on death-row.
Each time you say, “I believe” you have announced an authority that you have committed to follow, support and obey. When you preach your beliefs, you are establishing your rules and your values. Your ego then expects others to follow, conform to, support and obey your announced beliefs / values.
"The Holy Spirit” is with you only if and when you are willing to be obedient.
The “Savior” focuses on your willfully trying to obey, failing to obey and repenting. If you don’t repent or try to obey, you will not be saved and you will be punished or destroyed. Employment operates this way. If you don't obey and serve the employer - on his terms - you will be financially crucified.
Your salvation is based on your willingness to conform, support, promote and obey the "assumed authority" that you serve.
This "God Concept" is easily described:
Perceive that God was / is the first corporation.
A corporation is an idea, a fictitious entity, with by-laws and an agenda.
As long as this corporation is supported, promoted and financed, (believed-in) it exists.
Example: Trans World Airlines (TWA) did not exist 200 years ago. TWA did exist for many years in the 20th century. TWA does not exist today.
Trans World Airlines
When people stopped supporting, promoting and financing TWA, it ceased to exist. Such is the fate of most of the mythical gods in mankind’s authoritative history. When the collection plate dried up, these gods ceased to exist.
Ego and God is synonymous. Neither is tangible in reality. Both God and Ego behave as if:
I am the value.
I am the authority.
I am entitled.
Most animals have these behaviors. Dogs are probably the easiest to compare. They worship, obey and try to please their god / master. They also disobey. Dogs often feel guilty and show remorse when their assumed master / god corrects them. They seem to whine and worship, beg and pray to their god / master when they want something.
How many gods are there on planet Earth? There is at least one god for each ego as each big or small ego privately operates as if it were a god.
6.6 Billion People
Epicurus: Why should I fear death? If I am - death is not. If death is - I am not. Why should I fear that which can not exist when I do?
We all assume authority over some things. We often feel entitled and behave as if we are "gods / assumed authorities" over those things we feel entitled to.
We are not known by nor are we identified with what we think. We are known and identified with what we do or what we have done.
Belief often does not promote truth. Belief often promotes self-serving authority.
Religion is the competition of egos. One "converted" ego, claims to have no will of his or her own and claims to live by God's will. That ego tries to break another's will to serve their God. That "conversion" would satisfy their ego. The other ego either commits to convert to God's will or stubbornly claims to live by his own free-will. Religious people tend to angrily condemn those who choose to live by their own free-will and their own values in their lives. "Assumed authorities" demand: "I want you to live by my values in your life with me being the center of those values." God wants it that way. Your boss wants it that way. Your spouse, parent and president all want it that way. Religion is the training of the masses to serve, sacrifice and to submit to other "assumed authorities" on their terms.
Reality is often a problem for believers / authoritarians.
The International Bankers are the "gods" over all the money on this planet. Money is the only "god of consequence" on planet Earth. Everybody worships, sacrifices for and depends on whatever form of money they are addicted to. You are not addicted to money, you say? Try living without money and what it does for you. If you cannot live without the benefit of money, you are addicted.
The International Bankers
Dylan Ratigan Jacob Rothschild(son)--> Amschel Moses Rothschild Paul Warburg
Michel David-Weill (Lazard) David de Rothschild Lloyd Blankfein Mr. Buffett(of Goldman)

Goldman Sachs Chairman and CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Starting with (from left to right) John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie,
Cornelius Vanderbilt, and J.P. Morgan
Confucius stated a legal principle:
“Do NOT do onto others what you would NOT have them to do unto you.”
The United States of America, without legal cause, did a pre-emptive attack on Iraq and has killed almost a million Iraqi people. The USA has injured millions of Iraqis.
In your value system, would you have Iraq do an pre-emptive attack and kill millions of US citizens? Would you have Iraq occupy the USA?
If you say “yes”, you prove to be insane. If you say “no”, then our Christian-lead nation is wrong - for that is what The United States of America has done to Iraq.
President Thomas Jefferson said: The Christian God can be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. The Christian God is a three-headed monster - cruel, vengeful and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging three-headed beast-like God, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve Him. They are always of two classes - fools and hypocrites. Finis
Today, about 1 out of every 138 Judeo-Christians in our United States of America is behind bars in our prison system. That is hard evidence as to how "good and righteous" our Judeo-Christian country is.
President George W. Bush is the most powerful "god / assumed authority” on planet Earth as of this writing. Bush, Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were some of the worst "gods / assumed authorities" in modern history. Why are American "believers" still obeying, supporting, promoting and sacrificing our youth for this heinous tyrant’s murderous agenda?
Sharm el-Sheikh.Saudi Arabia His Oil Well Georg Bush, Hum!
Praying is practicing obedience. Believing is willfully obeying. It is time for this insane, "assumed authority / god" and his staff-support to be impeached and jailed.
It is time for the “might makes right” god-obedience game to cease. Congress must dry up Bush's military collection plate and the troops will have to come home.
President George W. Bush, this heinous, insane god, will now probably try to institute the "military draft" to provide the American blood necessary for the International Banker's wars.
Parents promote God, a false authority, to brainwash and program a child to worship, adore, serve and obey. They program children that God is good, but that if the child is bad, God will be mad and will punish the bad, sinful child. The authoritative parent tries to get the benefit of an obedient, serving, authority-fearing child. The parent often displays that he or she is a model of serving and obeying God - so that the child will learn to serve and obey the parent.
Kings and Presidents claim to serve and obey their “good” God so that their peasants will grovel and serve their “good” authority.

Consequently, the parent programs himself to serve his President, King or Tyrant in sacrificial war. The tyrannical Government promoting religion (the worship and servitude of God) gets the benefit.
Religion is primitive politics. Secular politicians use religion as an immoral back up to their assumed authority. When the peasants have “The Holy Spirit” and are willing to obey, tyranny will have its way. War is waged and the Biblical God’s appetite for blood and death is satisfied.
Religious believers are easily dominated due to their programmed addiction to authority, power and control. They seek authority and then they dispense it. It’s called “the chain of command”.
Many businesses and social organizations use religious prayers and oaths of allegiance to draw workers and members. The social organizations want participants who worshipfully, obediently and dependably contribute their time, talent, assets and money.
Clergy has modeled this profitable tactic for centuries. Clergy are con-men who pedal a false authority so an assumed authority can easily step in. Worshipful believers pray for an authority to follow and obey.
President George W. Bush promotes churches and clergy who pedal a false authority so that he, an assumed authority, can attempt to rule the World.
Regards, Gary DeVaney
God Game
Gary DeVaney: "The God Game" is the authority / obedience game. You can put the word AUTHORITY in the place of GOD and it will fit 100% of the time.

Fundamentalist Believer: Faith in God is not a game as God is real and God is the true authority!
G: Nobody is above the truth - and “faith” in an invisible, supernatural God presumes, in reality, to be above truth.
B: God is everything, in reality, and God is truth. Now you listen to me - through The Holy Spirit - I represent God.
G: Have you ever doubted or been critical of your beliefs?
B: Yes, in the beginning, like you, I was a low-life sinner. Then - through The Holy Spirit - I committed to my faith and to my beliefs. I still sin. I pray and repent. Unlike you, I am a saved soul!
G: Have you ever doubted or been critical of your beliefs since?
B: Never! I now realize that I have always been one of God's "elect".
G: Do you consider your belief to be rational?
B: God and the belief-in-God is beyond the rationale of man.
G: Do you seek other's conformity or obedience to your belief?
B: Yes.
G: Why?
B: God and Jesus Christ ordered it in the Holy Bible.
G: Do you believe in superstition?
B: No!
G: Then, how do you believe in a God?
B: Because, the Biblical God is true reality.
G: Are there any human beings you blindly follow and obey?
B: Yes. Those who preach God and Jesus Christ.
G: Do you want other human beings to blindly follow and obey you?
B: Yes.
G: Do you consider yourself to be an authority over other people?
B: Yes.
G: If so, what is your authority?
B: God - through Jesus Christ and The Holy spirit.
G: Who, besides yourself, enforces it?
B: Any saved, god-fearing believer.
G: Do you use God as a threat to enforce your authority?
B: Yes. The Holy Bible tells me to.
G: How do you feel that I don’t obey you or your God?
B: I feel that you are going to Hell! Praise God!
G: Would you send me to Hell?
B: I don’t have to - but if God didn’t - I would if I could.
G: Why?
B: For disobeying God - and me in God’s stead.
G: You would send me into “Eternal Torment” for that?
B: Yes.
G: Do you view that the “Eternal Torment” punishment fits the “disobedience” crime?
B: Yes.
G: Really? Why?
B: God set that criteria – I didn’t. God is perfect. I just obey God.
G: Have you ever killed non-virgin girls, gay men or disobedient sons like God's Old Testament commands?
B: No – I don’t have to as God eliminated all those Old Testament commandments with the coming of Jesus Christ.
G: But, the Bible documents that God does not change and that Jesus said that He came to fulfill God’s law - not to change it.
B: You can only understand the Bible if you have The Holy Spirit. I am right and I am saved. You are wrong and you are going to Hell. You are persecuting Jesus Christ - and us Christians - when you don’t believe in, sacrifice, unify, conform and obey us. God knows everything. God already knows who will be saved to serve Him for eternity. I will no longer sow my pearls before swine. Goodbye and go to Hell!!!
God Formula
by Gary DeVaney
In reality, there is no evidence that the Biblical God exists. There is only evidence that "belief in God" exists.

Belivers say Theses are Pictures of God, Hum, Don't see much of a Face there!
All babies are born atheists.
You were born an atheist.
The first meaningful thing a baby gets from others, after mother's milk, is a formula.
A baby has no language skills to formulate thoughts.
A baby reacts to its genetic feelings.
A mother feeding a dependant child becomes a child's nurturing and saving God.
A father's fearful and punishing authority makes the father an authority or God over the child.
The words "God" and "authority" are synonymous. Test it. Find "God" written anywhere - replace the word "God" with "authority" and it will fit 100% of the time.
Parents introduce and create the one god for their child so that the child behaves when not supervised by the parents. The child is trained to pretend to be supervised by the invisible God.
This is why people, normally not religious, get religious when starting a family. Religious, praying adults don't outgrow the pretend. They continue setting the example for others to conform to. It gives them a sense of authority.
When a child learns words, thoughts then become organized and remembered.
Parents, schools, media, church and religious believers all reinforce “God” to a child.
To a child, god starts as an introduced thought - which amounts to the most “supernatural” human experience.
A child ponders the reinforced thought of God - which then becomes an idea.
Fears and pressures force a child to commit to the idea of God - which then becomes a belief.
A child develops an observable “Ego” - which is only observed during its conscious hours.
Ego / God both display the behaviors: I am the value, I am the authority, I am more important, and I am entitled. When a child cries, he or she is resisting authority or demanding to be the authority over his or her current reality. Ego and God are synonymous.
Through imagination, a child's Ego attaches to a committed belief in God. After ego attachment, God becomes "sacred" to a child.
God becomes a reinforced, sacred imaginary character that the child's Ego claims to be real.
Both ego and God tends to select categories in which both Ego and God try to be more than what they are.
Formula Conclusion
Whether a child grows up to be a believing Christian, a Jew, a Hindu or a Muslim – their Ego and their God have become synonymous.
Growing Up
That’s why they get angry when you question or take issue with their God. If you take issue with their God, they react as if you took issue with them.
Perspective: If any believer were severely tortured while demanded to describe their God, by the end of the torture, their description of their God would look just like them.
The concept of God is purely a psychological manifestation. Outside of an Ego-attached thought, idea or imagined belief, there is no evidence of any God existing in reality.
What one person, who you know, would be impacted if sent to this site?
The words "God" and "authority" are synonymous. Test it. Find "God" written anywhere - replace the word "God" with "authority" and it will fit 100% of the time.
Parents introduce and create the one god for their child so that the child behaves when not supervised by the parents. The child is trained to pretend to be supervised by the invisible God.
This is why people, normally not religious, get religious when starting a family. Religious, praying adults don't outgrow the pretend.
They continue setting the example for others to conform to. It gives them a sense of authority.
When a child learns words, thoughts then become organized and remembered.
Parents, schools, media, church and religious believers all reinforce “God” to a child.
To a child, god starts as an introduced thought - which amounts to the most “supernatural” human experience.
A child ponders the reinforced thought of God - which then becomes an idea.
Fears and pressures force a child to commit to the idea of God - which then becomes a belief.
A child develops an observable “Ego” - which is only observed during its conscious hours.
Ego / God both display the behaviors: I am the value, I am the authority, I am more important, and I am entitled. When a child cries, he or she is resisting authority or demanding to be the authority over his or her current reality. Ego and God are synonymous.
Through imagination, a child's Ego attaches to a committed belief in God. After ego attachment, God becomes "sacred" to a child.
God becomes a reinforced, sacred imaginary character that the child's Ego claims to be real.
Both ego and God tends to select categories in which both Ego and God try to be more than what they are.
God: The First Corporation
By Gary DeVaney

Who is Mad Here?
A Corporation is a fictitious entity, with an agenda and bylaws. God is the first corporation. Like any Corporation, as long a people finance and support this fictitious entity referred to as God, It will continue to affect and control Its supporters as an assumed authority. Gary DeVaney
In God's creation: Life is cannibalistic. Life devours life.
In God's creation: For something to live - things must die. For something to live well - more things must die.
The following is linked, edited and commented on:
Christian Conceptions of God: Can God be judged?
Theists insist that we can not "judge" God. Because God is so much greater than we are, it is inappropriate for us to try to use our puny human reason to evaluate whether God's actions are good or bad.
Do theists understand the implications of this position?
God does not exist in reality but - yes we can judge what God is said to be - just like we can judge history. The courts, made up of a jury of human beings, insist, by law, that we are to judge selected deeds.
What is God? Defining and Understanding the Alleged Nature of God
How do you list 'existence' as an attribute of God? Of course believers think that their God exists.
The “Laws of Nature” - not God - control everything in the universe.
What is at issue is how God exists.
According to philosophical theism, God exists in a very special and unique way:
Can you personally define that way?
God's existence is necessary rather than contingent.
Nonsense. The God facade is only used to fulfill one's ego-driven, self-serving, obedience-demanding agenda.
Importance of Defining God
Can you define what is meant by the concept “God”?
Does your personal concept of God boil down and amount to an indefinable feeling? Without that indefinable feeling, would you have any concept of God? Yes? No?
You can't debate the existence of something unless everyone is clear on what it is they are talking about. Otherwise, people might be talking about completely different things.
God as Abuser: Similarities Between the Christian God and Abusive Spouses
It's common for Christians to compare the relationship between humanity and God to that between husband and wife.
God is "the man of the house" to whom humanity owes obedience, respect, worship, humility and honor. Usually this relationship is idealistically portrayed as one of love and caring, but in far too many ways, God is more like a tyrannical, abusive spouse Who only knows how to love and care through intimidation, violence and murder. A review of classic signs and symptoms of spousal abuse reveals how abusive the "relationship" people have with God.
Index of Attributes and Characteristics
Theists believe in some sort of God while Atheists don't.
If believers are going to debate the existence of any gods, it's critical to understand and accept just what it is they are talking about - and why they are talking about it.
What's the point of debating the possible existence of God if no one has tried to come to an agreement as to what they mean by God?
If it is all a matter of faith, what does faith is God have to do with reality?
Why Defining God is Important
Discussing the nature, attributes, and character of a supposed God doesn’t make a whole lot of sense unless there is some reason to think that this God exists in the first place.

Isn’t discussing whether or not a God is omnipotent or omniscient just a waste of time - if we have no good reason to suppose it even exists?
God is the Creator & Sustainer of Existence
Gods is of our creation - our universe, our world, and indeed our very selves.
We owe our existence to creative acts of God.
The existence of everything is owed to a single creative act by a single perfect God.
God is Worthy of Worship: Divine Perfection
God is perfection and worthy of our worship.
These are reasons why the existence of God is the subject of so much debate.
God is Omnipotent: What does it mean to be all-powerful?
Omnipotence, all-powerful, refers to God's ability to do absolutely anything God wants.
This characteristic is implied from God's characteristic as absolute creator.
The most absolute sense of omnipotent has been found to be incoherent.
om·nip·o·ten- all-powerful: possessing complete, unlimited, or universal power and authority.
God is Omniscient: What does it mean to be all-knowing?
Omniscience, all-knowing, refers to God's ability to know absolutely everything.
God exists either outside of time, or God exists as part of time.
This sense of omniscience has been found to be incoherent.
God is Omnibenevolent: What does it mean to be all-loving?
The concept of Omni benevolence stems from two basic ideas of God:
That God is perfect and is morally good. God must possess perfect goodness.
Being perfectly good must entail being good in all ways at all times and towards all other beings.
There stirs the questions.
What is the content of that goodness?
What is the relationship between that goodness and God?
If something is good – good for who?
If something is good – can the same something be bad for someone else?
If so, how can it be considered perfectly good?
Perfectly Good
God is a Person: Personal Relationships with God
For some, God is a “person” as a necessary and fundamental part of their beliefs.
That God might not be a person is almost inconceivable for that would render them unable to adequately explain their religious history and their own religious experiences.
I support every human being's right to have their own views and beliefs - as long as they do not imperialistically or authoritatively infringe them on others.
To the honest and realist human being - please be just and fair: If you are going to promote, support and finance the Biblical God, at least know what this God is documented, by Bible C&V, to have done.
Regards, Gary DeVaney
God & Gender: Is God Really Male?
In many religions throughout history, gods have been portrayed as male and female, embodying important masculine and feminine attributes.
The tradition of philosophical theism has had difficulty with the issue of gender. Many people act as though God is male rather than female or genderless, but theologians argue that God is genderless. Why does this difference exist?
God is Free: Constraint vs. Freedom
God is absolutely and perfectly free. There are no constraints, forces or limitations on God whenever God acts. God’s freedom is absolute.
God is Eternal: Timeless vs. Everlasting
God is eternal, everlasting, which means that God has existed through all of time.
If Jesus is to sit at the right hand of God, how can God sit next to Himself?
God is "timeless. God exists outside of time and is not affected by cause and effect.
Haven't found a Face Yet!
God is Provident & Sovereign: God Acting in Human History
God is ‘provident,‘ which requires God to become involved with humanity and causes the course of human history to be aligned with God's ultimate desires and purposes.
God is Incorporeal: Mind without Body?
God has no body, is not constructed from matter or energy - both of which are features of the "created universe" rather than the "uncreated God."
God is Immutable: Why can't God change?
God is "immutable". God cannot and does not change. Whatever God is like now is the way that God was for all of the past and the way God will be for all of the future. It doesn't matter what happens elsewhere, God always and inevitably remains the same.
Why do people believe this? Does it make sense to say God cannot change?
God changes His mind and actions often in C&V scripture. Is this the same God?
God is Transcendent & Immanent
A transcendent God is one who is beyond perception, independent of the universe, and wholly "other" when compared to us.
An immanent God is one which exists within - within us, within the universe, and much a part of our existence. How can these qualities exist simultaneously?
Conclusion: No God exists in reality.
The fantasy that Jesus is / was god is baseless. To believe that is to ignore a number of passages in the scriptures that say the opposite:
God cannot be tempted; the idea is absurd. Yet Jesus was: Matthew 4:1
God was also moved / tempted by Satan in Job 2 when God admitted to be responsible for the deaths of Job's children and servants.
In "The Lord's Prayer" believers pray to God by saying "lead us not into temptation". Is it God or Satan that leads God-fearing believers into temptation? Why do believers pray to God to lead them not into temptation?

God would not need to pray. Jesus not only prays privately, but fails to get what He wanted: Matthew 26:39-42-44.
A single unified God cannot forsake itself. Yet Jesus is forsaken: Matthew 27:46.
If someone wants to argue that he is quoting Psalm 22, fine, that Psalm also has the character it is about say that Jesus is less than a man, a mere worm. Would God refer to Himself as a worm?
God is the source not the receiver of authority. Jesus said He received authority: Matthew 28:14.
Jesus talks about God: Mark 3:35
Jesus said only God was good: Luke 18- 19
No one has ever seen God, but many saw Jesus: John 1:18
Jesus said the Father was greater than him; contrary to the trinity doctrine which clearly teaches that all members of the God-Head are coeternal and coequal: John 14:28
Jesus admits he has a God: John 20:17
Paul did not believe in the Trinity because he said he served the same God as his Jewish ancestors (and they did not believe in a God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit): Acts 24:14
Paul states Jesus is between God and humans, therefore Jesus is not God: I Corinthians 3:23
Paul says the Father is God, and Jesus is a separate being: I Corinthians 8:5-6
Paul says Jesus has a God: II Corinthians 11:31
Paul again states that Jesus is the MEDIATOR between God and humans: I Timothy. 2:5-7
John says that no one has ever seen God if Jesus was God this would make no sense: I John 4:12
Taking certain passages out of context created the trinity doctrine.
One can see from John's writing that Jesus is distinct from God, that Jesus has a God, and that no one ever saw God.
The verses taken out of context and even mistranslated are John 1:1, can be more accurately translated, in context, with this ending: and the Word was God's. That translation places everything that follows into context compared to what a mistranslation said. IMO, the early Christians were so obsessed with the mystery religions that Jesus was invented to go along with it.
John 1:18 is mistranslated to make it appear that God begot God. If that is true, then Jesus was not coeternal and the whole Trinity doctrine comes crashing down.
John 8:58 is the most common verse taken out of context. In John, Jesus merely says: "I Am", but when one goes back to check what is actually written in Exodus, one gets far more words:
Eheyeh asher eheyeh, translated it is I will be who I will be, or I Am that I Am. Jesus did not say in John, "I Am that I Am". Therefore the apologetic is based on pulling a half sentence out of Exodus.

I Am that I Am
John 10:30 only means that Jesus and God were in agreement, this makes sense if he was doing the will of another and giving the message of another - something the New Testament asserts.
One need only look at John 10:30 in light of John 17:20-23 - are we supposed to believe that God now includes the apostles!
Col. 2:9 is made clear with Col 1:15-16; some people say I am the image of my father - but that does not make me my father.
The Trinity doctrine grew out of Asia, or more accurately the Roman province by that name. In II Tim 1:15 Paul complains that "all those in Asia turned away from me" and in Romans 1:21 that these heretics invented foolish notions about God. The Trinity easily is one of those foolish notions.
There simply is no Trinity and to believe in one, one must ignore at least 15, in context, quotes from New Testament to the contrary.
Peace, Rev Peter
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Warren-Flew Debate Anthony Flew debates Thomas Warren on the existence of God.www.nationalchristianpress.com
Breaking News Documentary Has Science Discovered God? Famous Atheist Says God Existswww.ScienceFindsGod.com
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God Does ExistHelpful Links for God Does Existwww.toseeka.com
I Samuel 15:29 (GOD) The Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for He is not a man, that He should repent.
This Bible C&V claims that God never repents. The following C&Vs claim the opposite:
Genesis 6:6 It repented the Lord that He had made man on the Earth, and it grieved Him at His heart.
Would you agree that this Genesis C&V contradicts Samuel? If God is NOT a man, why would God need a heart?
Exodus 32:14 The Lord repented of the evil which He thought to do unto His people.
God does evil on people - even His chosen? How can a "perfect" God repent or be sorry about anything?
1 Samuel 15:35 The Lord repented that He had made Saul king over Israel.
1 Samuel 15:11 The Lord said, It repenteth Me that I have set up Saul to be king.
Jeremiah 26:3 That I the Lord God may repent of the evil, which I purpose
to do unto them because of the evil of their doings.
This C&Vs indicate that the Biblical God is often a sorry individual and an emotionally out of control Character.
Jeremiah 18:8 If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do to them.
Jeremiah 42:10 For I repent of the evil that I have done to you.
This C&V concludes that after being sorry for thinking to do evil, God did the evil and was still sorry. This God cannot be credited to be in control of Himself let alone the entire World.
Also see: Deut. 32:36, Judges 2:18, 2 Sam. 24:16, 1 Chron 21:15, Psalm 106:45, Jer. 15:6, 18:10, 26:13, 26:19, Amos 7:3, 7:6, Jonah 3:9-10, Joel 2:13, and Hosea 11:8.
Two meaning for Religions
Spiritual: The mystical connection / feeling between you and your influential genes that produces your choices and determines who or what you become. GWD
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