By C. Dennis McKinsey
Peter, who did questionable deeds, the Catholics canonized as a saint.
Luke 5:8 Peter admitted that he was a sinful man.
Matthew 14:31 Peter was rebuked by Jesus for doubting and having so little faith.

Matthew 16:22 Peter rebuked Jesus - accused Jesus of lying - of making a false statement.
Matthew 16:23 Peter was called "Satan" by Jesus.
Jesus Called Peter Satan?
For Jesus to call Peter "Satan", is this not a disqualification for sainthood?
Matthew 19:27 Peter wanted to know what was in it for him if he followed Jesus. Catholic
John 18:10 Peter cut off the ear of Malts with a sword.
Galatians 2:11-12 Peter refused to eat with converted Gentile Christians.
Acts 2:36 Peter said: God made Jesus Lord and Christ.
What? Jesus was neither Lord or Christ at one time? Jesus was not God?
Matthew 26:70-75 Peter had said he would never desert Jesus - then Peter denied Jesus 3 times.
Jesus had stated in Matthew 10:33 & Luke 12:9: Whosoever will deny Me before men I will also deny him before My Father in Heaven. How could Peter make it to Heaven? Did Peter make the cut in spite of Christ's words? Was Peter good enough? What human being who lives a full life is good enough? Is God's Heaven an empty place. Isn't there war in Heaven?
Luke 24:10-12 Peter did not believe the resurrection as stated by the women.
Acts 5:1-10 Petere publicly accused Ananias and his wife of lying to God. They fell dead of fright.
Either Peter or God killed Ananias and his wife for not giving up all of their money.
II Peter 2:7-8 Peter alleged that Lot was righteous although Lot offered his 2 virgin daughters to a mob. Then Lot, himself in Genesis 19:8 had sex with both of his very own virgin daughters. Genesis 19:30-38 Lot even made them both pregnant with his very own sperm. This scenario of incest is obviously good, righteous and proper to Peter God. Unfortunately, some fathers have taken notice.
Peter became “The Rock” - “The 1st Pope” - “The Cornerstone of The Holy Catholic Church.”
Peter - The 1st Pope
Some, who question, think and value knowledge over faith. Most who believe do not question their own beliefs. Ergo, they don’t value knowledge over faith. Many value control over facts and content. Some tend to re-invent themselves by blessing (ordaining) themselves into a state of Godliness; thus, they assume power and authority over others. Some believers set their divine authority over power, logic and reason. Many beliefs are based upon ignorance, superstition, ego and arrogance.
Many believers "believe" in hopes of willing their beliefs into reality.
Many who believe simply get off on lying.
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