I Kings 1:1-4 King David tried but he was too old and impotent to have sex with Abishag, a good looking virgin. The spirit was willing, the flesh was weak so the King got no heat.
Abishag Tending Aging David
I Kings 1:5-35 Adonijah, another of David’s sons, displayed ambition to be King. The priest, Abiathar and Joab supported him. Many did not, who supported Solomon. Nathan got Bathsheba to tell David that Adonijah was King and that she and Solomon will be considered criminals. David answered: Solomon should reign after me. Nathan, do a ceremony, then put Solomon on my throne. I designate him ruler of Israel and Judah.
I Kings 1:41-43 Adonijah is told that King David had made Solomon King. Adonijah's guests all left in terror each going his own way. Adonijah seized the horns of the altar and said: Let King Solomon swear he will not kill me. Solomon said: If he is innocent, he will live, if guilty, he will die. (About 962 BC)
I Kings 2:1-11 David turns on Joab, his main General, and tells his son Solomon to kill him. I swore to Shimei, that by God, I would not kill him, you murder him. David died after being King over Israel 40 years.

Was David King over all of Israel for 40 years? Judah, maybe. On his death bed, David talks of God and orders his son, Solomon, a new King, to murder for him. What's wrong with this picture?
Many believers worship God and view David to be God's hero. To have David order murders fearlessly on his death-bed, what a fearless, murderous model this sends to believers. David had no fear of last-minute murdering even though he is about to enter the afterlife. David obviously still doesn't view his murdering a sin.
Note: In The New Testament, both Matthew and Luke, with a total discrepancy in names, trace Jesus Christ’s genealogy back through King David. It may surprise you that it was not through His mother Mary, but through His "father” Joseph. Why Joseph? Wasn't Jesus a “virgin birth”? Believing is such nonsense when contradictory facts exist.
Matthew 1-16 has Jesus' lineage depicted starting with Abraham, going forward in time through Joseph. The most important controversy in Matthew is that King David's son Solomon is in Jesus Christ's lineage. It ends up going through Joseph which has to be bogus due to the "virgin birth".
Luke 3:23-38 reverses the lineage order from Jesus all the way back to Adam, starting with Joseph again (which is again impossible) but through Nathan, another of David's sons.
Clergy spin that this really defines Mary's lineage, not Joseph's lineage because women weren't mentioned in legal or marriage matters. Their husbands were. Some clergy spin that it was Mary's 2 parents who the 2 lineages define. Well, clergy has had time to figure out a plausible "spin".
I Kings 2:13-25 Adonijah went to Bathsheba and said: You know that the Kingdom was mine and all Israel expected me to be King; but, God gave it to Solomon. Would you ask the King to give me Abishag to be my wife? Bathsheba asked Solomon but Solomon had his older brother, Adonijah, murdered.

I Kings 2:28-46 Solomon ordered Joab murdered in the tabernacle because he had killed men without his father's knowledge. God put blood upon Joab and his seed forever, but, upon David’s seed shall there be peace forever from the Lord. (KJV) Shemei, after failing an order, Solomon also had murdered.
By now, this behavior is predictably amusing isn't it? Can't we already see why Solomon was chosen, by God, to be King?
I Kings 3:1 Solomon married The Pharaoh of Egypt’s daughter.
Was she a Hebrew? Wouldn't that be somewhat doubtful?
I Kings 3:4 Solomon loved God and obeyed the statutes of his father David. He offered 1,000 burnt-offerings (sacrifices) at the altar and burned incense.
Isn’t that overkill even for a blood-thirsty and burnt-gut-smelling God?
I Kings 3:7-9 Solomon asked humbly of God to become wise. It pleased God, so, God gave Solomon wisdom, an understanding heart, like none before him...
Q: Assuming Creation was myth, if you won $100 each time you found Biblical evidence that God did something good for someone without hurting or destroying someone else to do it, how much would you win? Well, maybe Sarah and Hannah by their having a child in their old age; but didn’t God make them barren in the first place? How about Solomon’s getting wisdom? What? It didn’t last, you say? Any others? What if you won $100 each time you produced evidence that God killed someone? You would have vast wealth? Really? How about each time the character called Satan killed someone? What? You’d be broke? Are you sure this is all within chapter and verse Biblical evidence?
I Kings 3:9 Give your servant an understanding heart to judge people and to distinguish right from wrong.
Some people stretch and interpret wisdom in this case to be obedience. Actually here, Solomon asked for wisdom and judgment, to know right from wrong. With all his crazy murdering he could use a dose. Let's see if any judgment, obedience or right and wrong takes place or if Solomon’s wisdom lasts throughout his lifetime. Remember, in Genesis, God didn't want people to have knowledge and wisdom. Has God changed?
I Kings 3:14-15 God tells Solomon: If he keeps God's statutes and commandments as David did, God would lengthen his days.
Murder? Theft? Adultery? Coveting wives and property? What Commandment did David keep?
I Kings 3:16-27 Two harlots (hookers) came to the King, each with stories of one living, one dead child. One mother had made a mistake and her child was dead. She took the other's child claiming it to be her own. Solomon had to decide who was truthful. He said to divide (cut up) the child equally. The real mother said: Give to the other mother the living child. Solomon gave it to the real mother as she couldn't see the child die.

Solomon Said To Divide (cut up) The Child Equally
But, what if these monkey-minds had blindly obeyed the great King Solomon? It would have been one sliced and diced child.
I Kings 8:63 Solomon sacrificed to God 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep.
I Kings 9:20 / 21 Solomon conscripted all non-Israelites as forced laborers, slaves.
I Kings 10:1-13 The Queen of Sheba was indeed impressed with Solomon’s wisdom.
Solomon was so obsessed by The Queen of Sheba that he wrote the greatest love poem of all time: "The Song of Songs". Solomon, our Biblical hero, God's chosen, had, God condoned, sex with a black woman. This woman, The Queen of Sheba, is recorded proof by Assyrian 8th century BC inscriptions, that there were women rulers in The Arab World at one time in what is now called the Yemen and Ethiopia.
“What God had commanded” this C&V?:
Deuteronomy 17:15-17 God said: You may set a King over you that God will choose. He shall not multiply for himself wives nor gold and silver.
I Kings 10:23 Solomon surpassed in riches and wisdom all the Kings on Earth.
I Kings 11:3 Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
Solomon multiplied his wives and wealth contrary to God command in Deuteronomy 17:15-17. This validates questioning the Biblical God's powers and control. Also this, again, questions God's ability to choose well concerning His chosen heroes.
God chose Saul to be King and actually changed Saul's heart. That didn't take satisfactorily so God eliminated Saul.
God chose David to be King, who was a mass murderer, and adulterer and did many heinous deeds. But, God was happy with David.
God chose Solomon, after killing his earlier brother after 7 days, to punish David and God was not pleased with Solomon. What a God! What a Bible! What continued insanity!
Solomon was a wise man? Wow! Just think of all that alimony, child support and kept mistress fees. And, what about God’s "chosen" concerning a King’s wives and a King's possessing of gold as stated in Deuteronomy 17:15-17?
I Kings 11:4 When Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart to strange Gods. His heart was not entirely with the Lord. Catholic
What wisdom? It looks like God's wisdom wore off - or Solomon truly got wisdom and left the Biblical God for other, better, more worthy gods. Behold! Solomon, himself, ended up worshipping other Gods! Solomon, like most Jews of the Old Testament, really must not like this Biblical God.
I Kings 11:6 Solomon did evil. He did not follow God as David had done.
I Kings 11:9-12 God was angry at Solomon. God won't deprive Solomon, but will take it out on his son (Rehoboam).

Ezekiel 18:20 The son shall NOT be charged with the guilt of the father.
These 2 C&Vs are a BIG contradiction!
Do you really and truly love this God? Can you explain why? Do you fear Him?
I Kings 11:11 Solomon failed to keep God’s statutes.
What really proves to be hypocritical is with Solomon failing God and actually ending up serving other gods, Solomon wrote the books of Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and other accepted parts of the Canon / Bible. How can Solomon, who served other gods and who didn't please God, be a writer in God's holy, sacred Bible? Matthew has Solomon being in Jesus Christ's lineage / bloodline - right along with 2 women who sold sex - Tamar and Rahab the harlot.
I Kings 11:42 Solomon reigned over all Israel 40 years and died.
I Kings 19:18 God would leave only 7 thousand in Israel, The Promised Land.
As compared to other history bearing nations during this time: Syria, Greece, Babylon, India and others; this God was a wimp and a loser. He turned on, betrayed and destroyed Israel just as Adolf Hitler turned on and helped his enemies destroy his own Germany.
I Kings 20/21/29: Israel’s King Ahab inflicted a severe defeat on Syrians killing 100,000 soldiers in one day.

King Ahab
I Kings 20:35-36 God caused a prophet to say to his companion: Strike me. The companion refused. God's prophet said: Since you did not obey the voice of God, when we part a lion will kill you. When they parted a lion killed him.
Really? What’s the point?
I Kings 21:1-29 King Ahab said: Naboth, sell me your vineyard. Naboth said: No. Ahab sulked to his wife Jezebel. She wrote letters directing leaders to have a feast, with Naboth at the head of the people. Next, she wrote: Get two scoundrels to accuse that Naboth cursed God and the King. Then, take him out and stone him. Naboth was stoned and died. Angry God has dogs eat Jezebel in the streets, then, declares that all of Ahab's bloodline, when they die, will be eaten by dogs and birds.
God decided to bring evil upon Ahab. Ahab humbled himself which impressed God, who changed His mind and decided to bring evil upon Ahab’s son's reign instead. Righteous?
I Kings 22:19-23 God, after holding counsel with His angels, permits His prophets to lie and deceive others on His behalf. God put a lying spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours and decreed evil against you.
It’s awesome! God seeks advice from a staff? God uses a staff to make corrupt decisions? Ya gotta love it. This God has His prophets lie and deceive others on His behalf?
Where’s the evidence? Well, I’ll stop playing dumb because, I’m caught. It’s all right here.
I Kings 22:34-40 Ahab, shot by an arrow in battle, bleeds in the bottom of his chariot and dies. Dogs lick his blood as God prophesied.

Corrections? Comments? Questions?