This is Gary DeVaney. (Captain, USAR / ARNG - retired)
I have thought long and hard about it and have come to the conclusion that:
George W. Bush is the GREATEST leader I have ever seen in my entire lifetime.
President George W. Bush is responsible for over 1,000,000 Iraqi deaths since he waged a pre-emptive war on a country that could not defend itself. His primary reasons for waging war on the Iraqis turned out to be lies. He publically claimed that God told him to attack Iraq.
Thomas Paine: My religion is to do good.
Obviously, President George W. Bush's God / religion tells him to kill people who he wants dead.
Napoleon Bonaparte: Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.

The GREATEST leader is the effective leader whose "will" can successfully break, kill or control all other's wills under all circumstances.
To date, that is exactly what President George W. Bush has successfully done. His "will" leads, and he successfully gets results through others.
I haven't been able to break George W. Bush's will to end the illegal war that he was ordered to start. Can you?
Neither can his fellow Republicans - even those who do have a conscience and want to stop him.
Neither will the deceptive - proven to be wimpy - Democrats.
Certainly his chosen (oil-owning) enemy cannot break his will. They will continue to die trying.
Up to now, Bush has successfully controlled the wills of all the American people. Specifically, to date, he has controlled the will of the US Senate, the US Congress, the mainstream media, most US Christians and most of the wills of the prominent leaders of the rest of the World.
Can you tell me who will stop him - and at what price?
Seneca the Younger: Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.
George W. Bush's government has become Adolf Hitler's Nazi government - except, Bush HAS the weapons of mass destruction. He HAS the technology. He HAS the control of "space-command". And, he GETS all of the International Banker's money and backing that he asks for. He HAS all that he needs to do it all - whereby Hitler did not.
Nothing breaks or controls human wills faster than killing a million people. George W. Bush HAS accomplished that. Again, that heinous "accomplishment" fearfully controls most of the cowardly wills in the US Congress and Senate and most of the other prominent wills in leadership positions worldwide.
All previous US Presidents combined have borrowed about 1.01 trillion dollars up to the year 2000.
President George W. Bush alone HAS borrowed about 1.05 trillion dollars since the year 2000. (CNN News: 6-18-2007)
To make it perfectly clear, President George W. Bush HAS borrowed more money from the International Bankers than all the previous US Presidents have borrowed combined. That makes the International Bankers very happy because your children will be paying endless interest on the money that is being spent to fulfill their agenda.
By the way, I view that the International Bankers are the bosses of the Bush gang. Nobody dare know them or point the finger at them. To appeal to the child, the International Bankers are "The Wizard of OZ" that controls all from behind the curtain.
George W. Bush is the GREATEST leader I have ever seen. Like God, his will and deeds are not subject to law.
According to corporate-media-propaganda, his will indicates that the killing has just begun.
For anyone who thinks that it is too late to impeach - in Iraq - as of Jan 2008:
Every 10 minutes an Iraqi dies.
Every 10 hours a US soldier dies.
Every 10 days 2 BILLION US DOLLARS is lost to Bush's illegal war.
This is the price we pay for not impeaching now, tomorrow, the next day, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.....
Neither you nor I can break his will to end the New World Order / One World Government / International Banker agenda. Have we all been beaten and are we all controlled by his will? Is "free-will" over for America?
I take issue with America:
I am embarrassed by the imperialistic agendas of the US Government.
President George W. Bush said: "You are either with us or against us. I am against this President's Government. President Barack Obama has continued Bush's policies and I am against his Government also. I am a loyal patriot of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights - but not to these treasonous Governments.
Under President George W. Bush the US military made a pre-empted attack on Iraq, a country that could not defend itself. Bush admitted that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11.
Bush attacked Afghanistan for its oil and to secure an oil pipeline claiming that we were fighting terrorism.
In its quest for oil, the US Government proves to have no respect for the rule of law.
The United States of America I knew and loved promoted Human Liberty and Human Rights.
Today, the US Government engages in illegal searches, wiretaps, false imprisonment, torture and it criminalizes free-speech - which is censorship. The USA has become the main God-like terrorist of the planet.
The US Government has set up secret torture dungeons and secret assassination "hit squads" that murder people all over the world.
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice, and even Colin Powel knew about and engaged in these illegal and insane activities. They were wrong, insane and evil. I stand against them and for a better America.
(L-R) Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, US President George W. Bush,
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Vice President Dick Cheney
The politically insane have taken control of the Governmental asylum.