Adam / Eve - Noah
By Gary DeVaney
When the Biblical God created the World and said it was "good" - did God fib? What's "good" about this World? Good for whom? This World consists of "inter-parasitical survival" - whereby one biological species must eat other biological species in order to survive. Doesn't it? For that deadly process to exist in reality, much pain is experienced. This is the documented agenda that God saw fit to create. Does one know "good from bad / right from wrong" when it comes to the Biblical God? Wouldn't it take something "evil" to create such a painful agenda?
Q: Would you let your God or your President off the hook from any serious questions or criticisms of His deeds, agendas or behavior - especially when those deeds, agendas and behaviors concern the destruction of you, yours or others?
Technical note: Sometimes the King James and the Catholic versions are not the exact same in wording but most of them are close in meaning, chapters and verse. Sometimes they are also, by number, one verse off.
Genesis 4:11-15 God banned Cain and put a mark on him. Cain said: Anyone may kill me at sight. God said: Not so. If anyone kills Cain, Cain shall be avenged seven-fold.
The Mark Of Cain?
Behold, Lamech, Noah's father, killed Cain. Noah and his family of 8 were the only human beings supposedly on the Arc, who survived the flood. God's avenging Cain seven-fold is suspicious.
Did God put the mark of Cain on him to protect Cain? Isn’t God protecting a murderer here? God (alas) failed to protect Cain. Lamech, according to Torah notes, killed Cain. Is this a God of blind justice? What do you think will happen to Lamech and his family? Lamech is the father of Noah. Did God fib again - especially about revenging Cain seven-fold?
Wasn’t Cain the first natural-born human being getting combined DNA from both a human father and mother - unless Satan was Cain's father.
Wasn’t Cain the first human being to make an offering to the Biblical God? Didn’t God’s rejection of Cain's offering cause Cain to become a murderer?
If measurements of love are hurt, sense of loss, jealousy, an inability to accept rejection, mustn’t Cain have loved God very much?
Didn't the first religious offering cause the first murder? Didn't the murder occur because that offering was rejected by God? The first murder grows out of conflict between two worshippers of the Biblical God. What did God want? If everything is for God’s pleasure, did God get His pleasure? If not, did God prove not to be a perfect expert? What if God was in total control and God did get His pleasure? If God's perfect agenda played out perfectly, wouldn't the Biblical God be pure evil?
Did Cain have good intentions by making the first offering to God? Isn’t Cain’s choice nicer by not offering a freshly slaughtered animal? Is Cain ever known for his good intentions?
Don’t most people view “the mark of Cain” as a mark of evil? Didn’t God intend it to be a mark of protection?
Sin is never mentioned during the Adam and Eve's "original sin" story. Sin was first mentioned in the Cain killed Abel story. The "original sin" story must prove to be an after-thought.

Cain Killed Abel
Genesis 4:17 And Cain knew (had sex with) his wife. They had Enoch. Cain built a city.
What? Cain’s city was built by and for whom? How?
Who occupied it? Where did Cain’s wife come from? Wouldn’t inquiring minds want to know?
Maybe Pastor Arnold Murray's myth about a "6th day creation" (previously explained) has some merit after all.
Genesis 4:17-18 Shows Lamech, Noah’s father to be Cain’s bloodline. Torah, Catholic & KJV
Doesn’t this conflict with Genesis 5:6-25 & Luke 3:26-38? They both show Lamech to be in Adam’s other son’s, Seth’s bloodline. Maybe there was more than one Lamech. Believers would insist on it.
Genesis 4:23 Lamech, (the father of Noah?) tells his two wives: I have killed a man (Cain) for wounding me, a boy (Tuval Cain) for bruising me.
Emphasis: This is stated as such by Torah Bible Notes.
According to Genesis 4, didn’t Lamech, Noah’s father, come through Cain? Doesn’t Genesis 5 also have Lamech coming through Adam and Eve’s third son, Seth? Oh, what to believe? Doesn’t the Bible depict it both ways with some very similarly sounding forefathers? If the Lamech of Genesis 4 is not Noah’s father and if he did not kill Cain, why mention him?
Lamech, Noah’s father, takes two wives and kills two people; one, the Torah Bible notes claim, was Cain, his forefather. What did God tell Cain He would do if any man harmed him?
While the rest of the world suffers death by God drowning them, Noah, Lamech’s son and his family, was allowed to survive. There is so much to consider concerning God’s character. Could being murderers possibly become the common characteristics of God’s personally and sacredly chosen people? Shall we keep this in mind?
God's Flood Destroyed Almost Every Living Thing On Earth
In scripture, people live over 900 years for a few generations; then life becomes a mere 120 years or less. How can this be the case? Has anyone else ever been exposed to this “forbidden fruit?” Knowing its effect of knowledge of good and evil, wouldn’t you take a bite? If not, why bother with college to study or obey laws? The only forbidden fruit that Adam alone was warned about was the fruit from the tree of “the knowledge of good and evil” in Genesis 2:16. Where, in scripture, does it say that they took fruit from “the tree of life”? It doesn't.
Pastor Arnold Murray has preached that “the tree of life” was actually Jesus Christ, who was also in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3:22-23, Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden before they could partake of the “tree of life” or eat of it and live forever. One wonders, if Murray is correct about what Adam did with Satan, how would Adam have eaten from the “tree of life” with Jesus?
If you attempt to debate the Bible's C&Vs, most believers will attempt to stop you. They won’t want you to debate it. They want you to believe (and obey) the way they say things are. Some may preach, argue, get angry, and threaten to become an enemy. Why? It is all written C&V in their own Bible. Most won’t look it up. I didn’t write the Bible. I'm not responsible for what the Bible documents. I read it and did a book report.

Dead Sea Scrolls

No matter how often this is emphasized, people still tend to blame the messenger for the Bible's content. Blame is the name of a no win game.
Questions? Comments? Corrections?