Recorded on Dish TV COLRS CH 9407 / 11-20-2009
By Gary DeVaney
Pastor Murray: Abraham and Sarah had the same father but different mothers. Genesis 20:12 determines that they were half brother and sister and they were man and wife. In the earlier part of replenishing the Earth, this (incest) was necessary.
Gary: Pastor Murray accurately defined Abraham and Sarah’s incest relationship. Then, Murray made an excuse for their incest relationship. His excuse was bogus - as there were - according to Murray’s 6th day preaching - multitudes of human beings living, at the time, on Planet Earth.
Genesis 20:2 And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister. King Abimelech sent for and took Sarah.

Sarah Married Her Half-Brother Abraham
G: Abraham lied by omitting to his man / wife relationship with Sarah. Liars are cowards because they are afraid that they will be caught being guilty of something authority does not approve of. Or, they lie so they can profit from others. Manipulative liars have ego-driven fears / motivations to lie. Abraham is no exception. The Biblical C&Vs document that Abraham was a liar. Abraham profited greatly. Pastor Murray authoritatively defends the Biblical God’s heroes - no matter what they did. He boasts that he is blessed and it is obvious that he profits from his "God-fearing" support. Murray is of "THE ELECT" and does not need to fear God. We are SINNERS and we had best be "God-fearing".
M: And many would say - wouldn’t that be incest? No. Where is the law against incest? Have you read of it?
G: Yes, Pastor Murray. I have read it and so have you. What Abraham and Sarah did was against God's law of incest.
Here is the Biblical God’s documented C&V law:
Leviticus 20:17 If a man takes his sister, even a half-sister, who is the daughter of his father or mother, they will be cut off from their people. Since he committed incest with his sister, he shall bear his guilt. Torah / KJV / Catholic
G: Why were Abraham and Sarah, a union of incest, chosen by the Biblical, in control, know-it-all, God?
G: Ham, with his mother - Abraham, with his half-sister Sarah, Jacob - with his 1st cousins Rachel & Leah, Lot - with his daughters and Moses' father, Amram - with his father's sister, all God’s Biblical Heroes, committed God's forbidden by law, incest. They all broke the unchanging Biblical God's laws.
G: Moses was a product of incest according to:
Exodus 6:20 Exodus 6:20 Amram took Jochebed his father’s sister for his wife. She bore him Aaron and Moses. (And Miriam.)
Jochebed & Moses
G: Moses is supposed to have written the Torah which included
Leviticus 18:12 Do not have sexual relations with your father's sister...
By writing Leviticus 18:12, Moses certainly did not honor his father and mother - did he? These "heroes" were all people - who the Biblical God chose - to fulfill God’s “sacred” Biblical agendas.
M: We know what it was to “uncover your father’s nakedness”. That was a law.
G: Murray claims that Ham, Noah's son, "uncovered his father's nakedness" by having sex with Noah's wife, Ham's mother. She, with no name, gave birth to Canaan, Ham's son. Noah cursed innocent Canaan. Noah did not curse guilty Ham for his sin. Canaan was the founder of the Canaanites who owned the "sacred" land that later became Jerusalem. The Biblical God ordered His "chosen" Israelites to murder the Canaanites so to steal their land.
Genesis 9: