Gary DeVaney's Collection Of Scenarios
By Gary DeVaney
A First-Born Baby

Imagine, in a hand mill, an Egyptian slave-girl's small, first-born son looks adoringly into his mother's proud eyes and says to her: Mother, thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me my share of nurturing and gentle words. Mother, should my time come to leave you due to accident or sickness, do not grieve; for, my happiness has been the greatest gift you have given me. And hopefully, I have returned happiness in the same manner to you. I love you, mother.
10. Exodus 12:29-30 God murders all first-born babies of all Egyptians and kills all of their first-born animals. There was not a house without its dead.
Little Pharaoh
A huge tyrannical father came home one day and grabbed his small son whose name was Little Pharaoh. He ordered: Do not move from here to there! If you do, I will severely punish you. Then, the insane father grasped the back of the child’s neck and pushed him from here to there. He then cut off one of the child’s toes, while condemning him for an act of disobedience. The small, helpless child cried. He did this to his son 10 times until all of the child’s toes were gone. The child continued crying because his father forced him to limp painfully after him. Then, he put his child’s head in a ditch and drowned him. Since his death, the child has suffered eternal-damnation till this day and shall forever.
Some have called me an angry writer. Concerning the Bible, what possibly could I get angry about? Ok - I do have my moments. GWD
Exodus Explained
Imagine you have no home of your own. A "STRANGER" authoritatively tells you that he has chosen you and that he will give you a home of your own. You want to believe him. He takes you to a distant land and points out a house to you. He now says, "There is the home I give you." You look and you see people in the house. He says, "Now, you go into that house and kill every man, woman and child in that house or I will do to you what I thought to do to them."
This is the Exodus story. How do you like the story? How do you like the Biblical God now?
What if the Biblical God gave your, your wife's and your children's house to His new chosen?

The warden stated: You have been found guilty of theft and four (4) counts of murder. By the laws of this state, your life will be forfeited at 12:01 by lethal-injection. Do you have any last words?
Prisoner: Yes warden. I have heard clergy. I am God-fearing and I want to be, what I interpret to be, God-like.
I confess that I went into another family’s home and took their valuables. When the father objected I murdered him, and his wife.
The reason I murdered his little children too, was so they couldn’t come back on me in later years. In the Bible, God ordered Moses and Joshua to take peoples’ lands and to murder every man, woman and child in the process. I know that I am one of God’s elect. I believe in God’s unmerited gifts. I will be rewarded for doing what I believe God told me to do.
With God, through Jesus, I am forgiven and innocent. You are a man who cannot understand the wonderment of God and the spirit of the Holy Ghost. Although, you may kill me, my spirit will live in the house of the Lord, through Jesus Christ, forever. You now will have to live with what you have done to me, God’s saved-elect servant. God and I will deal with you warden!
Warden: Proceed with the execution.

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