The Sons of God
By Gary DeVaney
Genesis 6:1-2 When the daughters of men were born, The sons of God saw how beautiful they were and took for their wives as many as they chose. KJV
Was the Biblical God in control of this?
So - The Biblical God had Sons!!! If the Bible is "God's word" and "God's word" says the Sons of God - then Jesus Christ was NOT God's only son
Genesis 6:3 God's spirit shall not always strive with man because he is flesh, yet, man shall live 120 years. KJV
What? God will eventually desert man? In 1900 AD, the average life-span of human beings in the United States of America was 47.3 years. Then, in 1995, it was 76.3 years. Jeannie Calment of France died in 1997 at 121 years of age. With extreme accurate?
Genesis 6:4 The Titans (the fallen ones) were on Earth in those days and also later. The sons of God had come on to thedaughters of man and had fathered them. The Titans were the mightiest ones who ever existed, men of renown. Torah
The Titans: Oceanus
Who were God’s sons, the Titans? Did they turn against God? Did that cause them to be the fallen ones? Does this explain where Cain’s wife, maybe a fallen one, came from?
Genesis 6:4 The Sons of God had intercourse with the daughters of man who bore them sons.
What? Whew! Change the rating of this Catholic version!
Sons of God? Does God, have gender, sex organs? The Sons of God obviously had sex organs to have intercourse with
human women?

If they were God's son's, did God have sex organs also? Are these God’s sexually transmitted sons, or is God a hermaphrodite? Did God have sex with one female or many females to produce these sons? Oh, what to believe?
This is too sensitive for one to discuss, you say? Why is that? God said: Behold the man has become as one of us… God is talking to whom? His sons, the fallen sons? They took as many human women as they could? Who said God created man because He was all alone in the universe? Was the Biblical God a dysfunctional father concerning His Heavenly family? Couldn’t God get along with His Own family, that He sired? Did God’s Sons rape unwilling women with God’s consent? Did His sons have a falling out with God? If God’s Sons did improper acts with these women, what does that say about God’s upbringing skills concerning His Own offspring?
Is this all more than you want to know? Is your desire for knowledge and facts stronger than your fear of some questions?
In a Satan story, Satan and 1/3rd of the Angels fell from Heaven, then was God only 2/3rds popular in Heaven? How can that be? Is that the Model that believers worship today?

Satan and 1/3rd of the Angels
This alludes to pastor Arnold Murray's "1st Earth Age" as previously discussed. God, clergy boasts, can hold up to any question; but, can clergy?
Believer: I don't want to ask certain questions or to know certain facts and I don't want you to either. I know that I have the right to know. I just don't want to know - even if it matters. I just want to stop you from doing what you are doing.
Presidents and tyrants get away with heinous, murderous acts due to the same "head in the sand" attitude.
To believe: To let others do your thinking and decision-making for you. Do you know any "Ostriches", in fearful denial, with their heads in the sand?
Do you realize that the more you hope, the less you are satisfied with the deal God dealt you? The more you pray, the more you are telling God how to do His business.
Genesis 6:6 God regretted (Torah) repented (KJV) that He had made man on Earth.

God was sorry? God repented to whom? God was fallible? Did not this God admit, right here, that He made a mistake?
How many righteous child-abusers have also admitted that they made a mistake by their having children.
Genesis 6:7-10 God decides: Except for (8 people) Noah, his wife, his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives Who? Who? and Who? serpents? and some of each kind of animals (including ) God would murder every living thing.

Noah and his Wife Shem, Ham and Japheth