The Origin of Christianity |
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Regards, Gary DeVaney
---------------------------------------------------------------DECLARATION OF THE FREE
We have no falsehoods to defend. We want the facts; our force, our thought, we do not spend in vain attacks. And we will never meanly try to save some fair and pleasing lie.
The simple truth is what we ask, not the ideal; we've set ourselves the noble task to find the real.
If all there is naught but dross, we want to know and bear our loss. We will not willingly be fooled, by fables nursed; our hearts, by earnest thought, are schooled to bear the worst; and we can stand erect and dare all things. all facts that really are.
We have no God to serve or fear, no Hell to shun, no Devil with malicious leer.
When life is done an endless sleep may close our eyes. A sleep with neither dreams nor sighs.
We have no master on the land - no King in air - without a manacle we stand, without a prayer, without a fear of coming night, we seek the truth, we love the light.
We do not bow before a guess, a vague unknown; a senseless force we do not bless in solemn tone.
When Evil comes we do not curse, or thank because it is no worse.
When cyclones rend - when lightning blights, 'tis naught but fate; there is no God of wrath who smites in heartless hate.
Behind the things that injure man there is no purpose, thought, or plan. We waste no time in useless dread, in trembling fear; the present lives, the past is dead, and we are here, all welcome guests at life's great feast - we need no help from ghost or priest.
Our life is joyous, jocund, free - not one a slave who bends in fear the trembling knee, and seeks to save a coward soul from future pain; not one will cringe or crawl for gain. The jeweled cup of love we drain, and friendship's wine now swiftly flows in every vein with warmth divine.
And so we love and hope and dream that in death's sky there is a gleam. We walk according to our light, pursue the path that leads to honor's stainless height, careless of wrath or curse of God, or priestly spite, longing to know and do the right.
We love our fellow-man, our kind, wife, child, and friend.
To phantoms we are deaf and blind, but we extend the helping hand to the distressed; by lifting others we are blessed.
Love's sacred flame within the heart and friendship's glow; while all the miracles of art their wealth bestow upon the thrilled and joyous brain, and present raptures banish pain.
We love no phantoms of the skies, but living flesh, with passion's soft and soulful eyes, lips warm and fresh, and cheeks with health's red flag unfurled, the breathing Angels of this world. The hands that help are better far than lips that pray. Love is the ever gleaming star that leads the way, that shines, not on vague worlds of bliss, but on a paradise in this.
We do not pray, or weep, or wail; we have no dread, no fear to pass beyond the veil that hides the dead. And yet we question, dream, and guess, but knowledge we do not possess.
We ask, yet nothing seems to know; we cry in vain. There is no "master of the show" who will explain, or from the future tear the mask; and yet we dream, and still we ask is there beyond the silent night an endless day; is death a door that leads to light? We cannot say. The tongueless secret locked in fate we do not know.
We hope and wait.
Robert Ingersoll
(from his lecture About The Holy Bible)
Submitted by Jim Hurtman
Does the Old Testament satisfy this standard?
Is there anything in the Old Testament - in history, in theory, in law, in government, in morality, in science - above and beyond the ideas, the beliefs, the customs and prejudices of its authors and the people among whom they lived?
Is there one ray of light from any supernatural source?
The ancient Hebrews believed that this earth was the center of the universe, and that the sun, moon and stars were specks in the sky.
With this the Bible agrees.
They thought the earth was flat, with four corners; that the sky, the firmament, was solid -- the floor of Jehovah's house.
The Bible teaches the same.
They imagined that the sun journeyed about the earth, and that by stopping the sun the day could be lengthened.
The Bible agrees with this.
They believed that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman; that they had been created but a few years before, and that they, the Hebrews, were their direct descendants.
This the Bible teaches.
If anything is, or can be, certain, the writers of the Bible were mistaken about creation, astronomy, geology; about the causes of phenomena, the origin of evil and the cause of death.
Now, it must be admitted that if an infinite Being is the author of the Bible, he knew all sciences, all facts, and could not have made a mistake.
If, then, there are mistakes, misconceptions, false theories, ignorant myths and blunders in the Bible, it must have been written by finite beings; that is to say, by ignorant and mistaken men.
Nothing can be clearer than this.
For centuries the church insisted that the Bible was absolutely true; that it contained no mistakes; that the story of creation was true; that its astronomy and geology were in accord with the facts; that the scientists who differed with the Old Testament were infidels and atheists.
Now this has changed. The educated Christians admit that the writers of the Bible were not inspired as to any science. They now say that God, or Jehovah, did not inspire the writers of his book for the purpose of instructing the world about astronomy, geology, or any science. They now admit that the inspired men who wrote the Old Testament knew nothing about any science, and that they wrote about the earth and stars, the sun and moon, in accordance with the general ignorance of the time.
It required many centuries to force the theologians to this admission. Reluctantly, full of malice and hatred, the priests retired from the field, leaving the victory with science.
They took another position;
They declared that the authors, or rather the writers, of the Bible were inspired in spiritual and moral things; that Jehovah wanted to make known to his children his will and his infinite love for his children; that Jehovah, seeing his people wicked, ignorant and depraved, wished to make them merciful and just, wise and spiritual, and that the Bible is inspired in its laws, in the religion it teaches and in its ideas of government.
This is the issue now. Is the Bible any nearer right in its ideas of justice, of mercy, of morality or of religion than in its conception of the sciences? Is it moral?
It upholds slavery -- it sanctions polygamy.
Could a devil have done worse?
Is it merciful?
In war it raised the black flag; it commanded the destruction, the massacre, of all -- of the old, infirm. And helpless -- of wives and babes.
Were its laws inspired?
Hundreds of offenses were punished with death. To pick up sticks on Sunday, to murder your father on Monday, were equal crimes. There is in the literature of the world no bloodier code. The law of revenge -- of retaliation -- was the law of Jehovah. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a limb for a limb.
This is savagery -- not philosophy.
Is it just and reasonable?
The Bible is opposed to religious toleration -- to religious liberty. Whoever differed with the majority was stoned to death. Investigation was a crime. Husbands were ordered to denounce and to assist in killing their unbelieving wives.
It is the enemy of Art. "Thou shalt make no graven image." This was the death of Art.
Palestine never produced a painter or a sculptor.
Is the Bible civilized?
It upholds lying, larceny, robbery, murder, the selling of diseased meat to strangers, and even the sacrifice of human beings to Jehovah.
Is it philosophical?
It teaches that the sins of a people can be transferred to an animal - to a goat. It makes maternity an offence for which a sin offering had to be made.
It was wicked to give birth to a boy, and twice as wicked to give birth to a girl.
To make hair-oil like that used by the priests was an offence punishable with death.
The blood of a bird killed over running water was regarded as medicine.
Would a civilized God daub his altars with the blood of oxen, lambs and doves? Would he make all his priests butchers? Would he delight in the smell of burning flesh?
by Gary DeVaney
Intelligence is categorical.
The Ideological Believer: I don't want to read your empty scribbles. I will dismiss and ignore anything you critically say about my ideology, my Bible or my God.
Believers constantly practice and declare: "I believe". Every time you say "I believe", you freeze your mind and you also incapacitate your process of thinking. To believe is the greatest adversary to thinking. When you claim to believe, you admit that you do not know. So, please don't impose your "beliefs" - your "I don't knows" on me.
As long as you are believing, you are not learning.
Belief assumes commitment.
Your highest form of thought is your capacity to question. As long as you claim to believe something, you are incapable of questioning your declared belief.
Belief causes mental paralysis - a state of hypnosis. You can not question your declared belief and then prove to still believe what you have questioned.
To others, your integrity is gone if you question your belief.
Belief suggests a serious disconnect between the believer's worldview and existing reality.
Each of your non-thinking "beliefs" is a separate state of hypnosis. Ergo, you are in a mind-set state of hypnosis cemented by each of your declared beliefs.
To declare a belief is to trigger another ego-supported mindset. While believing, your ego cannot question what you believe. To thinkers, your mental process may appear to stagnate and and your ego may appear to become stubborn.
Ideological believer's egos often become hostile when their ego-attached beliefs are questioned.
These believer’s attitudes and behaviors have confused Bible critics over the years. Bible critics were fooled into thinking that what they wrote to believers was being read and made a difference. It answers a lot of questions concerning the critic's frustration. Believers completely ignore the critic's stuff. Believers tend to only preach, condemn and threaten the critics with Eternal-Damnation.
I recently heard former President Bill Clinton speak on Ideology as opposed to Philosophy in debate. This is what I now perceive:
Religion is ideology. Reflect on the redundant behavior and the dogmatic mentality of bees and ants. Religion is a hive mentality. When Christians preach their redundant dogma, the hive mentality is exposed. The pressure is for you to become part of the hive. Perceive a school of fish, a flock of sheep, a hive of bees or ants. They all require you to join in, conform to, serve and protect our hive. "Be like us - or else"!
Reverend Alan: This is how Star Trek came up with the Borg: "You will be assimilated, resistance is futile."
Ideology as Opposed to Philosophy
Ideology is a format of mind-set believing.
Ideology focuses on ideals instead of the issues or topics being rationally debated.
Ideology promotes traditional beliefs and a narrow way of life.
Ideology presents dogmatic, authoritative attitudes and mind-set values.
Ideology illustrates and promotes unrealistic, metaphysical and supernatural ideals.
Ideology shuns facts, evidence, logic, reason and reality.
Ideology argues, by threat, for authoritative control.
Ideology promotes: "Shut up and have blind faith".
Ideology avoids and shuns rational topics, facts and perspectives that conflict with the ideology.
Ideology tells you to conform and how to live your life – or else.
Ideology is indifferent to reality, evidence, facts and discounts logic and reason.
Science: If something does not work then thinkers think and work out something else.
Ideology, by faith, claims it works - and then threatens any disobedience to the claim.
With ideology - everything is offensive assertion and attack.
All evidence, inconsistent with the ideology, is already decided to be irrelevant.
Ideology is entirely ambiguous and unsuitable in the solving of problems or in giving accurate solutions.
Ideology is blind to evidence.
Ideologists, in debate, focus on arguing for control and obedience.
Mind-set believers follow and conform to inflexible ideology, and thus, follow their lives.
Philosophy is a format of freethinking.
Philosophy promotes reality-based perspectives - while evidence and facts are focused on.
Philosophy debates to figure out what works in reality and what makes people’s current lives free and better.
Philosophy encourages you to be who you personally are.
Philosophical thinkers tend to lead their lives.
A philosopher thinks and looks logically and realistically at the facts.
This country has been served well by philosophical differences. They counter each other enough that rational solutions and progress emerge in time.
The problem with ideological / philosophical debates:
Mindset ideology opposes freethinking philosophy.
A freethinking philosophy resists conforming to a non-thinking, inflexible ideology.
Stone-age ideology keeps modern people living with stagnant, stone-age values.
Do Christians qualify to be ideological or philosophical?
Does Islam qualify to be ideological or philosophical?
Do Atheists qualify to be ideological or philosophical?
Is Christianity more philosophical or ideological than Islam?
If you mistake mindset ideology for freethinking philosophy, you will find that the facts do not matter and debate is not important to the idealist.
Philosophers, in debate, focus on the topic.
Now we philosophers can better understand and accept the reasons why we tended to get frustrated with ideological believers over the years. We concentrated on and took issue with the words they wrote or spoke. We assumed that they also read our posts or heard us and would respond to what we wrote or said. But, most ideological believers never read or heard a word we sent them. They used our contact just to "preach to the sinner".
Ideologists don't respond to specific issues in debate. They try to take control and change the topic. They will NOT debate the topics that philosophers take issue with.
When a philosopher recognizes a believing ideologist, we have to understand and accept that debate to any depth is unlikely. We favor the format of a mutual dialog. They favor a monolog - usually in the form of dogmatic preaching.
C. Dennis McKinsey: I especially like your last point Gary. Too many are indeed preaching and not listening to us or reading our posts. We definitely need to recognize them early so time is not wasted.
Richard Dawkins wrote: Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaulate evidence. I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.
What one person, who you know, would be impacted if sent to this site?
Thank You!
Any corrections, feedback or comments?
God's Perfect Laws
Gary DeVaney
Is the Biblical God "good and perfect"? Did God give human beings "perfect" laws to obey? Did this "unchanging" and "in control" God stand by and honor His own laws?
Let’s put to the test one of God’s Bible-documented perfect laws:
Deuteronomy 24:16 Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children for their fathers; only for his own guilt shall a man be put to death.
In my value system, this law does seem just and fair. How about you?
Jeremiah 31:30 ... through his own fault only shall anyone die...
This also seems just and fair.
Ezekiel 18:20 Only the one who sins will die. The son shall not be charged with the sins of the father, nor shall the father be charged with the guilt of the son.
Good job, God (fictitious or not). I agree that these laws are just and fair.
But, does the Biblical God truly prove to be just and fair? Does God truly stand by and honor His own documented Bible C&V laws?
Exodus 20:5 & Numbers 14:18 & Deuteronomy 5:9 all document that God said: I am a jealous God inflicting punishment on the children for generations for their father’s wickedness…
Exodus 34:7 The sins of the father will be punished upon his future children and grandchildren to the 3rd and 4th generation for their father's wickedness.
What? Well, this disgusting Bible C&V cannot be much clearer or understood. In my sense of right and wrong, this law is not just and fair.
Reader, do you dare to take a stand on this law being just and fair?
Has anyone noticed that by observing these selected Bible C&Vs, the Bible clearly contradicted itself? Can anyone refute, with integrity, that within these Bible C&Vs their lies contradiction? God's "perfect" law is perfectly contradicted by God's own perfect, flawless, God-inspired Bible. It becomes obvious that one must believe because one cannot know the inconsistent and contradictory will of the Biblical God. An astute, honest, questioning thinker may conclude that this inconsistent God character is fictional and that the Bible consists mostly of mythical and supernatural hoaxes.
In reality, the Bible documents in Exodus 34:7 that God’s perfect law does condemn the innocent children for the father’s sins. Many victims in the Holy Bible do pay for the sins of another. Here are some selected, controversial examples:
God broke His own perfect law by imputing the sin of Adam on all of Adam's descendants - with the exception of Jesus Christ - of course.
How can that be considered to be fair and just?
God broke His own perfect law when God was not pleased with the flawed and sinful mankind that He had created. So, God murdered all but 8 human beings as documented in:
Genesis 7:21-23 All creatures, outside of Noah’s ark, that stirred on Earth the Biblical God did murder by drowning.
This included men, women and babies.
One must question how "guilty and sinful" all those newborn babies, who drowned, must have been. As the "father" of all those destroyed men, women and children, God must not have taught them very well. How good of a father-model was the Biblical God?
How do believers define perfection concerning their God? God also murdered His creation in vain as the Bible documents that mankind has continued to be evil and sinful ever since the flood. This poor, frustrated and miserable God just cannot seem to get it right - and - this insane God always takes His own failures out on His creation.
That, somehow, is claimed to be good, perfect, fair and just - by delusional, anti-human, social-dyslectic minds. Do zealot God worshippers simply hate other human beings? God obviously hates and destroys human beings that He cannot get to serve Him on His terms. Is that the delusional model that zealous God-worshippers learn and adopt?
God broke His own perfect law by murdering about 3,000 of His own “chosen” Israelites because Aaron, Moses’ brother, made a golden-calf for them to worship.
Really? Where is that written - you might say?
Exodus 32:27-28 Moses (Levi) ordered all the sons of Levi to slay their own family, friends and neighbors. Moses murdered about 3,000 of their own relatives. (God's own chosen people.)
Exodus 40:13-15 God then said: Anoint Aaron and his sons as My priests for all future generations.
What? Aaron, the maker of the golden-calf, was not punished? Aaron was promoted to become the head of God's priests? Those poor, murdered people could not have worshipped that golden-calf if Aaron had not made it. What unjust and unfair hypocrisy! By this example, how can you consider the Biblical God (fictitious or not) to be just and fair?
God broke His own perfect law by murdering all of the “first-born” of Egypt due to Pharaoh's consistent disobedience.
Actually, God forced Pharaoh to be disobedient during God's 10 plagues.
What? You say you don't believe that? Really! What part?
Look - don't believe me or any other man. Check out the selected Bible C&V evidence and know for yourself. When you are tested in school, you are not graded on what you believe - you are graded on what you know. When you say that you believe - you admit that you do not know.
Warning! You may become totally sick of the Biblical God if you truly understand this next Bible-document scenario. It does focus on the "just and fairness" of God.
Exodus 7:3-5 God said to Moses: I will make Pharaoh obstinate (harden his heart: KJV) and despite my plagues, he will not listen to you. I will take My (new) Israelite army out of Egypt. I will plague the Egyptians so that they all may learn that I am God.
These selected C&Vs are paraphrased as there are taken from the Torah, KJV and the Catholic versions. All 3 versions sum up the same story.
1. God has Moses demand Pharaoh release the Israelites.
2. God constantly makes Pharaoh obstinate so to refuse and disobey Moses.
3. God then sends the Egyptians 10 separate plagues as punishment for disobeying Moses' and God's orders.
4. God's 10th plague murders all of Egypt's firstborn for Pharaoh's disobedience.
God's egocentric motive for all this pain, suffering and murder is to teach the Egyptians and the Israelites that He is God. God is making these Israelites His personal army with the intention use them to kill other human beings so to steal their lands. This Biblical God is the evil, murderous tyrant that they either must serve - or they must die.
This "unchanging", monstrous Biblical God did evolve to create "The New Testament" which added ETERNAL TORMENT to your fate - should you fail to obey God. How do you know that this insane God doesn't force you to disobey Him so that He can give you a miserable life, kill you and then roast you for eternity? Blasphemous words, you might say? Let's see if your Holy Bible documents such a possibility.
1. Exodus 7:20-21 The river changed into blood. The fish died.
Exodus 7:22 God made Pharaoh remain obstinate as the Lord had said. (In Ex 7:3-5)
What? Ok. Let it sink in. God made Pharaoh obstinate so that God could torture and murder the Egyptians. God's motive was to let everybody know who was God around there. The Biblical God loves to create God-fearing people - and God intimidates them for His control.
2. Exodus 8:1-10 Aaron / God brought frogs upon the Egyptian people and their land and the (guilty) frogs died and stank.
Exodus 8:11 Pharaoh was still stubborn as God had scripted. (In Ex 7:3-5).
3. Exodus 8:12 God brought lice upon the Egyptian people and their animals.
Exodus 8:15 Pharaoh remained stubborn.
No decent human being wants God to make people stubborn so that He can punish them.
4. Exodus 8:17 God infested swarms of flies upon the people of Egypt.
Exodus 8:28 But, once more, Pharaoh became obdurate and would not let the people go. Catholic
5. Exodus 9:6 God killed all the livestock of Egypt; none of Israel.
Some Judeo-Christian (protect God at all cost) zealots have actually claimed that those poor, dumb animals were sinful too.
Exodus 9:7 Pharaoh was still obstinate.
Did God cast an evil spell of obstinacy over Pharaoh? Aren't "evil" entities the ones who casts evil spells?
Who God? Evil? That's impossible, you say?
1st Samuel 18:10-11 An evil spirit from God came over Saul who missed David with a spear when he tried to nail him to the wall.
Did "God's spells" evolve into “the gospels”?
Some portions of the Bible claim that God is a good God. However, other portions of the Bible do not depict God to be a good God.
6. Exodus 9:10 God caused festering boils on man and beast.
And, you wonder what makes the Biblical God's day.
Exodus 9:12 (Torah verbatim) Now, it was God who made Pharaoh obstinate. He would not listen to Moses just as God had predicted.
Doesn't this re-confirm what God told Moses in Exodus 7:3-5?
Exodus 9:27-28 Pharaoh cried: I'm guilty, God is just. We have had enough. I, and my subjects, have been wrong, we have sinned. I will let you go!
Behold! Exodus 9:27-28 documents that Pharaoh did agree to let the Israelites go after the 6th plague! What could change his mind? If God forced Pharaoh to again change his mind and become obstinate so that God could further punish and murder innocent people, what kind of evil monster is this God? Knowing what God is doing here, do you still consider the Biblical God to be just and fair? Would you still mindlessly claim that "God is perfect, good, just and fair" out of fear of this God?
7. Exodus 9:23-25 God murdered, by hail, every man and animal that was outdoors.
Exodus 9:34-35 Pharaoh became stubborn, yet again, as God had foretold. (In Ex 7:3-5).
Exodus 10:1-2 God said to Moses: I have made Pharaoh and his servants stubborn so I may do what I have done. You will be able to tell your children how I made fools out of the Egyptians. You will then fully realize that I am God.
Sorry ye believers and defenders, but the Torah, Catholic and King James Versions all consistently show this Biblical God to be one very sick and insane puppy.
8. Exodus 10:12-19 God covered the land of Egypt with locust. God drowned all the locust.
Exodus 10:20 God made Pharaoh obstinate, so he would not let the Israelites go.
9. Exodus 10:21-22 Magic: Three days of thick darkness.
Exodus 10:27 God again, made Pharaoh obstinate so that he would not let them go.
Exodus 11:4-5 Moses said: Every first-born of this land shall die from the first-born of Pharaoh to the first-born of the slave-girl in the hand-mill.
What moral or legal responsibility does a first-born baby and his mother have concerning God's forcing Pharaoh to disobey Him? Why should they be punished and suffer due to God's insane, egocentric, murderous and pre-planned agenda? How "just and fair" do you now claim that the Biblical God is? Can new information and fresh thinking replace any mind-set belief that is in you? Is all this Bible C&V evidence lost to your logic, reason and your sense of right and wrong?
Redundantly, what specifically did that Egyptian first-born son or his mother do to make the Biblical God so evil? If you were this God, would you murder all the Egyptian firstborn? If your answer is NO - how can you worship, promote, support and finance such a character?
In your value system, by designing and executing this cruel agenda, how does the unchanging Biblical God prove to be a God of good, fairness, love and justice?
What kind of evil agenda or model is God trying to teach humanity? What is God's "moral" in this case? How tyrannical can evil be?
God inflicted 10 plagues, including murder, to unfairly punish all the Egyptians.
Exodus 12:12 God proclaimed: I will murder every first-born in Egypt, man and beast.
10. Exodus 12:29-30 God murders all the first-born of all Egyptians.
Well, there you have it. If you continue to worship, promote, support and finance this Biblical God, at least now you know what you are worshipping, promoting, supporting and financing.
Oh no! There's more!
Judges 14:11-20 Samson bet 30 men 30 tunics to solve a riddle. Upon losing the bet, The Spirit of God inspired Samson to murder 30 men in town for their tunics to pay the debt off. Samson’s wife, who had just married him, made him lose the bet, then, she married Samson’s best man.
The Spirit of God did what?
God broke His own perfect law by having His Biblical hero, Samson, murder 30 men in order to steal their 30 cloaks in order to pay off Samson’s gambling debt.
Good God, ya’ll!
God broke His own perfect law when Israelite wives and sons fell into the nether-world due to their men's defiance of Moses and God. Here is how it went down:
Numbers 16:1-35 Korah and 250 Israelite leaders stood up to Moses. Dathan and Abriam also stood up and disobeyed Moses. God opened up the ground and sent Dathan, Abiram, their wives, sons and their little ones down to the nether-world. God, then, burned alive, by fire, Korah’s 250 men, who had just made an offering of incense to this very same God.
These 250 men were worshipping this God and this God roasted them alive. If I believed in this God, I would probably be afraid of Him too. I don't believe in any God so my life has not been encumbered by such fears.
God broke His own perfect law by murdering 24,000 of His own “chosen” Israelites because an Israelite man married a woman outside the Israelite bloodline. Behold:
Numbers 25:6-9 An Israeli man (Zimri) and a Midianitish woman (Kazbi) came within view of Moses and the Israeli community at the entrance of the meeting tent. Phinehas (KJV) or Pinchas (Torah), a grandson of Aaron the priest, taking a lance in hand, drove the lance through both the man's and the woman's groin, killing them both. That pleased God, so, God stopped His murdering.
As Gary DeVaney explained to Bart Floyd: The Israelite custom of legal marriage required that the new husband and the new wife must legally consummate their marriage by having sexual intercourse. This newly married couple were consummating their marriage by having sexual intercourse in the anti-room when, you can visualize, Phinehas targeted the groom's anus and then shoved his spear through the man's groin, through his belly into the bride's groin and into the floor. They both died and that pleased the Biblical God enough to terminate His murdering of 24,000 Israelites. What-a-God!
The more you fear this God, the more this God loves - not you - but your groveling fear.
God broke His own perfect law by murdering 70,000 of His own “chosen” Israelites because David took a census - that God, Himself, ordered David to take.
II Samuel 24 The anger of The Lord was kindled against Israel and God moved David against them to say go number Israel and Judah. (II Samuel 1:1) David told Joab (his top general) to register the people for their number. Joab asked David: Why do you order this? David over-ruled Joab and so they did it. Joab, after 9 months and 20 days, reported to David the number of people registered. In Israel, 800,000 men fit for military service; in Judah, 500,000. (God had moved King David to count his people, by census, and when David obeyed God and did it, God goes postal.) God gives David the choice of 3 punishments: 7 years of famine, 3 months being pursued by enemies or 3 days of pestilence. David chose the 3 days of pestilence - and 70,000 Israelites died. God murdered them to punish David.
Does this God have a multiple-personality disorder? Can’t you remember (short term) that this very God ordered David to do the numbering?
Anger side-note: Emotional rushes sometimes allow memory to linger longer.
Behold: Satan is introduced in 1st Chronicles, the 13th Book of the Bible. It is evident that there has been no character named Satan in the first 12 books of the Old Testament. This scenario creates another contradiction and / or conflict in the Bible. It is a controversial scenario that is little noticed, preached or mentioned.
1 Chronicles 21:1 And Satan (KJV) stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel. (A Satan rose… Catholic)
What? Who? Why do the books of II Samuel 24 and 1st Chronicles 21 cover the same ground? One version makes God responsible for the census order and the other makes Satan responsible for the census order. Which version lied? Both God and Satan take the hit for ordering David to number Israel. Isn't this all-powerful God always in charge? It is God then Who destroys 70,000 Israelites because David obeyed His order. Again, there is no “Satan” character, mentioned in the entire Bible before this 1st Chronicles 21:1 C&V.
If the entire Bible were a movie, the Satan character would be billed just above an extra with slightly more than a couple of lines of forgettable dialog. Do you remember anything that Satan ever said?
If your answer is no, then, how knowledgeable and really important is Satan to you? Have you ever researched what this "important" Bible character said? If your answer is no, why not? The fact is, Satan is not important to you. It is only the Biblical God that you fear. Only God is your delusional focus. Of course, denial is automatic.
Q: Could this documented Bible C&V evidence prove that the Biblical God and Satan are really the same evil, insane character? Is God as bi-polar (manic-depressive) schizophrenic, tyrannical, jealous, angry and insane as the Bible documents Him to be?
Believers (all together now): No, damn it! Because, we believers do not want Good God and Evil Satan to be the same character!
Well, how about the fact that the Judeo-Christian God is the same exact character as the Islamic Allah? Yes. It's true. The Judeo-Christian God and the Islamic Allah is the same one God of Abraham.
Believer: Oh God / Allah! Tell me it's not true!
Israel, under the law of God, insisted on a pure blood lineage. God killed many due to the Israelites inter-marrying with non-Israelites. Yet, Ruth was a Moabite in the close lineage of King David. Concerning the laws of God and Ruth, Pastor Arnold Murray said: "The law of God did not apply to a female."
Ah, how clergy excuses the making up and the breaking of God's rules as they go. Ruth, a non-Israelite, was in King David's and Jesus Christ's lineage. Tamar, an Israelite who sold sex to Judah, was in King David's and Jesus Christ's lineage / bloodline. Rahab the Harlot, a non-Israelite, was in King David's and Jesus Christ's bloodline.
II Samuel 24:15 David picks pestilence, and God murders 70,000 of the Israelites.
Were these 70,000 murdered Israelites not King David's and God's own Israelites? What did these 70,000 murdered Israelites have to do with David's & God's / Satan's politics?
II Samuel 24:17 David asked God: What have they done? Punish me and my kin. Gad, on behalf of God, told David to build an altar to God. David built an altar and offered holocausts (sacrifices) and peace offerings.
As bad, murderous and immoral as King David was, in this case, he proved to be of better moral and legal character than his, proven to be, chronically insane Biblical God.
And yes, God loves the smell of fat, burning guts on an alter of sacrifice. How would you know?
Leviticus 1:9,18 & 3:5 In sacrifice, the fragrance of burning fat is the Lord's.
Karen Armstrong, the author of her great book - The History of God, wrote: “I don't like the image of God sniffing the sweet smell of meat. As a nun, God was terrifying for me. God behaves just like an inadequate human being.”
Thank you, Karen Armstrong. I respect a thinking human being with logical, rational judgment and moral courage. Your book is outstanding and I highly recommend it.
God stopped His murdering at 70,000 dead, “God chosen” Israelites.
Bart Floyd confirmed: Yes! 70,000 chosen to die!
God broke His own perfect law when God murdered King David’s and Bathsheba’s 7-day-old baby son to punish the parents.
II Samuel 13:1-18 David said: I have sinned against God. Nathan (another prophet) answered: God on His part, has forgiven your sin. You shall not die. God instead murdered (innocent) David’s and Bathsheba’s (guilty) baby at (the grand old age of) seven (7) days.
God sends evil to David’s innocent child, murdering him only 7 days after he is born. Wake up, oh comatose believer, who stubbornly, steadfastly and righteously remains in denial! What is wrong with all of these pictures? God shows favor to David, who disobeys most of God's sacred commandments:
1. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.
2. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
3. Thou shalt not steal.
4. Thou shalt not murder.
David breaks all of these commandments, but, this God forgives David's valid sins by punishing others who are treated no differently than sacrificial animals. God spared David’s life by sentencing, condemning and murdering his and Bathsheba's innocent baby son, the product of David's adultery, to death in his stead. God punishes the innocent child for his father’s sins. Do you truly love this God or do you just fear Him?
Remember: Ezekiel 18:20 The son shall NOT be charged with the guilt of the father. If this is “God’s word” - then, God lied. If the Biblical God is only as good as his word - this God is not much.
If God made this Bible C&V become a lie, what else does the Bible lie about?
How does this “sacred” Bible C&V NOW measure up in your value system? If you do not believe these selected, controversial C&Vs, it proves that you do not believe in the entire Bible. Knowledge of the Bible is the greatest Atheist maker.
God broke His own perfect law by creating and executing the agenda of having His own Son, Jesus Christ, tortured and murdered for the sins of others.
Have you ever heard that Jesus Christ died for your sins?
Pssst! Through rational human logic, reason and knowledge, please intellectually understand and emotionally accept that the Biblical God does not exist. This imaginary ego-attached God is a re-invention of every ego-starved believer who wants you and others to support their belief system - which proves to them that you are willing to support them. It is a battle of wills as to who is going to control and benefit from your one and only life.
These believers, like God, want you to live by their values in your life - with them being the center of those values.
They, like God, want you to sacrifice and serve them - on their terms.
They, like God, want you to be afraid not to serve their value system and they will threaten you with supernatural consequences should you refuse and disobey. If you buy into their agenda of delusion, you also will become a life-draining vampire to others - just as they are. A human being deserves to live his or her one life without the constant feeding pressure of Bible-thumping, soul-stealing, vampires. When you are armed with the knowledge of the Bible and of its insane God, and you know about religion’s vampire-like conversion agenda. In a battle of wills with you - they are virtually unarmed.
Behaviorally, God and Ego are synonymous - except there is no God.
Humbly submitted,
Gary DeVaney
by Gary DeVaney
The Seventh Commandment reads:
Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14)
From Austin Cline
Thank you so much, Austin Cline!
Austin Cline: This is one of the shorter commandments and probably has the form it originally did when written, unlike the much longer commandments that were probably added to over the centuries. It is also one of those regarded as among the most obvious, easiest to understand, and most reasonable to expect everyone to obey. This, however, is not entirely true.
The problem, naturally enough, lies with the meaning of the word “adultery.” People today tend define it as any act of sexual intercourse outside of marriage or, perhaps a bit more narrowly, any act of sexual intercourse between a married person and someone who is not their spouse. That is appropriate in contemporary society but it isn’t not how the word has always been defined.
The ancient Hebrews, in particular, had a very restricted understanding of the concept and limited it to just sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who was either already married or at least betrothed.
The marital status of the man was irrelevant. Thus, a married man was not guilty of “adultery” for having sex with an unmarried woman.
Gary: Don't these items answer a multitude of moral and legal questions throughout history?
This restriction makes sense if we remember that at the time women were often treated as little more than property — a slightly higher status than the slaves but not nearly as high as that of men.
Because women were like property, having sex with a married or betrothed woman was regarded as misuse of someone else’s property (with the possible consequence of children whose actual lineage was uncertain — the main reason for treating women this way was to control their reproductive capacity and ensure the identity of the father of her children). A married man having sex with an unmarried woman was not guilty of such a crime and thus was not committing adultery. If she also wasn’t a virgin, then the man wasn’t guilty of any crimes at all.
This exclusive focus on married or betrothed women leads to an interesting conclusion. Because not all extramarital sex acts qualify as adultery, even sexual intercourse between members of the same sex would not be counted as violations of the Seventh Commandment. They might be regarded as violations of other laws, but they wouldn’t be a violation of the Ten Commandments — at least, not according to the understanding of the ancient Hebrews.
Contemporary Christians define adultery much more broadly, and as a consequence almost all extramarital sex acts are treated as violations of the Seventh Commandment. Whether this is justified or not is debatable. Less debatable are the attempts to expand the understanding of “adultery” beyond even sex acts themselves.
Many have argued that adultery should include lustful thoughts, lustful words, polygamy, etc. Warrant for this is justified by the words of Jesus: “You have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.“ (Matthew 5:27-28)
It is reasonable to argue that certain non-sexual acts may be wrong and even more reasonable to argue that sinful acts always start with impure thoughts, and therefore to stop sinful acts we must pay more attention to the impure thoughts. It is not reasonable, however, to equate thoughts or words with adultery itself. Doing so undermines both the concept of adultery and efforts to deal with it.
Kirk Fechter, an astute legal-mind, contributed:
"Violation of the 7th commandment makes you liable for life in prison in Michigan."
A Parable
by Gary DeVaney
From: God
To: The US Government legislation
Subject: Marriage & Adultery
You shall invent, supervise and legally enforce first-line supervision of your male and female peasants in a vehicle called marriage; whereby, each subject, under moral and legal pressure, chooses to enter into a binding contract, based on accountability, responsibility, and commitment to the laws of authority.
Marriage is faith made legal, whereas once chosen, like belief, believers have eliminated their freedom of choice. Binding, legal commitments are the surest way to eliminate free will. God and Governments love that.
The marriage contract shall be between the male and the state - and between the female and the state. Genetic, egocentric emotion shall blind this reality. Same sex marriage shalt not be tolerated - even though, if granted, gay individuals could also be legally supervised and repressed.
First-line supervision arises as she shalt supervise him to the law, social expectations, standards and principles of the state. He, in turn, shalt supervise her to the law, standards and principles of the state. They both shall compete in supervising their offspring to the law and social expectations.
By law, she is to assume authority over his sex life. He is to assume authority over her sex life. Should either fail, the other shall enforce the built-in lawsuit and the state shalt imprison the guilty and re-distribute their lives.
Authority shall condone sexual inter-action only in a hostage state and government (authority) shall make them hostage two by two. (Finis)
If adultery is successfully prosecuted by the US courts - intelligent, thinking people will eventually decide not to get married and divorces will increase.
Single individuals will continue to have a lot of sex with one another. Meanwhile, terrified of legal consequence, smart single individuals will totally avoid married individuals. Most married individuals eventually won't have much interesting sex in their lives due to redundant familiarity.
Enforced adultery laws can also greatly contribute to birth control.
George Blye commented: The US government will not enforce adultery laws against tax paying men.
Here's why: If all the talented US professional sports figures, who make billions of dollars in taxes for the US government were imprisoned for adultery, the government would have to finance their children and lose all their hard-earned tax money.
Hummm. Could the US government not want to cut their financial throat by not enforcing the "so-called" adultery laws?
What one person, who you know, would be impacted if sent to this site?
Any corrections, feedback or comments?
by Gary DeVaney
I, Gary DeVaney, am a retired US reserve Army officer. I love and will always defend my United States of America. I am defending it now by saying: I dislike and do not support the fascist, theocratic United States Government. I do NOT agree with: "my god, my country, my government, right or wrong".
Mix Religion, Government and Corporate-Capitalism and you have theocratic-fascism.
The current US theocratic-fascism Government doctrine: War is good for our economy. Invest your son!
Hasn’t mankind readily offered their children for their Government’s wars?
Military soldiers are slaves who are trained to kill and die. Some serve in support and maintenance of killing and dying. Politicians determine when and where soldiers kill and die. Soldiers are often to do the unthinkable. Politicians, without conscience, often order soldiers to do the unthinkable.
Most who apply morality to war are not directly involved. The most immoral wage the most effective wars. Their perceived morality is limited to their self-interest. They tend to demonize their enemy while being less moral than their enemy.
The blind believer mind-set: God is God and has the right to do anything He wants with us because He made us.
Can you tell God apart from who does not exist?
Is our US court system connected to the "STATE"?
When you are sworn-in to testify, do they require you to put your hand on the Bible and swear to God to tell the truth?
Like school prayer, don't the courts break the Constitutional Law of "separation of church and state" each time they make you do that?
Ok, concerning the Bible, where does Satan come in? Has any Satan killed any thing or anybody yet? No! Does Satan ever kill anybody? No! Try to prove it Biblically. Who does all the killing? The Biblical God does all the killing! God took the rap in Job 2:3 concerning the murdering of Job's children and servants. God had documented "Death Angels" to do His murdering. It is NOT clear that Satan was one of God's "Death Angels" as Satan is described to be a winged Cherubim. Is Satan depicted to be a "Serpent" or a figure with "wings"? How would any court throughout known history, have judged any tyrant, by trial, who performed the intentional crimes of destruction that God did?
If a "Space-Alien" attempted these crimes, wouldn’t Earth declare war against it? Which side would you fight on? Would you dutifully and cheerfully declare the alien to be Jesus; then, obey and offer sacrifice of your children for Jesus’ war?
Are you your government or religion when your government or religion kills you in the name of its God?
Have tyrannical leaders created religions and wars to conform the masses, through fear, to their wills?
Are wars but political agendas?
Wasn’t God depicted to repent and to be sad in His heart? Doesn’t this show human-like limitations, frailty and vulnerability in God? Most clergy insist that God is in control.
Doesn’t dogma state that what God creates is good and that God is good? But, doesn’t it also state that the world He created is bad and that we are conceived in sin?
Are human beings just in and of the world, or are they the creators of myth with their God just a flag of identity that flies over them?
Was the flood an opportunity for God to dispose of Satan? Did God dispose of Satan? Why not? Who proved to be the destroyer (adversary) of man? This Biblical God was!
Is God’s Bible a model of justification for the crusades, the inquisition, the holocaust, the slaughtering of North and South American Indians and the enslaving of Africans?
Why did God murder everybody with the flood? If it was because they didn’t obey, why did He murder all the babies? No babies were aboard on the arc. Only the 8 adults. Why did God kill all the animals on Earth minus a few? Can you define God’s justice? Has God changed? Clergy mostly say no. Is this your God?
What are your answers?
Believer: "Faith".
God’s solution to His marriage to human beings and disappointing children is to wipe them all out. Talk about divorce - God style! King Henry the 8th obviously took notice and beheaded his wives. Actually, God wiped out tons of people to fulfill agendas they had little to do with.
Was God’s apparent solution to a problem: Eliminate the people to eliminate the problem?
Why didn’t God make everybody good? Was His power limited? Was His agenda bad? Did God's agenda prove to be flawed? If it was perfect, why was God unhappy with it? God said He was angry. God said He was jealous. Anger and jealousy are not characteristics of perfection. Are they?
When believers say: "I believe", what does it mean? Does it mean that they accept that things happened the way they were presented?
Most believers "know" little about the Bible.
Or, could they, through fear, also be zealously supporting God’s actions, deeds and attitudes concerning, if intentional, the heinous crimes against all living things depicted in scripture?
Pastor Arnold Murray: Nebuchadnezzar was the King of Bablylon (today's iraq) who attacked and killed many of God's "chosen" Jews in Jerusalem. The "evil" King actually did God's will by killing and capturing the Jews that he took back to Babylon. In the 4 chapter of Daniel King Nebuchadnezzar actually wrote a prayer that ended up in the Bible. King Nebuchadnezzar, the enemy of the Biblical God's Jews, was a servant of the Biblical God. Can the words "hypocrisy" and "disloyality" properly describe this God?
Jeremiah 27:6 God said: I now gave all these lands to Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, My servant.
Murray points out that God is in control and had King Nebuchadnezzar kill and capture His "chosen" to teach them a lesson. One lesson the Jews learned in capativity in Babylon was Zoroasterian religion from which the Jews adopted Heaven / Hell and Satan as part of their faith.
Being critical, how could anyone, who knows good from bad, right from wrong, possibly support The God (Authority) of The Old Testament? How can you support any church or Synagogue who promotes this heinous God?
This material, collectively, is against lies and projected falsehoods. Could you muster the courage to get your Bible out and verify some of the Bible passages selected in this work? Would you check yourself, occasionally, to see if you would have preferred ignorance over the facts discovered? Should we just be dumb animals? Haven’t lies always created havoc? Whether or not these facts bring you peace of mind is entirely up to you.
Believer: First, spiritual leaders are to oppose false teachers like you by overpowering you by the truth taught so clearly, precisely and powerfully that those who spread error hide in humiliation when their falsehood is exposed.
I publicly welcome any religious leader or layman to attempt humiliation concerning any topic on this website.
Examine the use of the word spiritual closely and you’ll probably discover fantasy. Bible facts: Are you interested in searching out the facts, or do you just assume to be a fear-based, feeling-oriented authority over the topic?
Do you value knowing the facts, or, would you prefer to ridicule or punish researchers who expose the facts. Just think, you can absorb thousands of hours of funneled-down research in just a couple of hours. Don’t you value the Bible and want to know what it says? The worst thing that could happen is you would know most of the Biblical trivia questions. Can your God hold up to this scrutiny? Can you?
Believer: I am afraid that God will punish me for not being what He wants.
Have people, in childhood, bought into and built up images of God that makes them do dumb things and / or troubles them as adults? Does your ego and how you feel about yourself directly relate to how you feel about other people and how you get along with them?
By taking self-responsibility, can we better build our self-image?
Gene theory: What we are programmed to know now has been learned in past life cycles and sparks of knowledge are being re-triggered by experiences during our current life cycle.
Genes remember. Check out the animals. Ego, however, cannot handle the perspective that our living, aware, and ever evolving genes control anything. Knowledge is the nemesis of fear.
To sacrifice: To bestow pain by killing, then to burn, destroy and sometimes consume the body of a virginal, flawless, innocent human or animal; having it take the place of the very guilty ones who perform the monstrous deed. Was not God’s sacrifice of Jesus Christ, supposedly, a sacrifice of a virgin?
Isn’t the highlighted part of this story similar to Judges 19:22-26?
Wisdom: Wisdom cannot be taught. Learn what you will; accept what you can use and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. GWD
Would you ever think to create a colony of inferior life forms in your basement, then to sacrifice your only child for these life forms?
Didn’t the writers of the New Testament depict and promote this kind of insane scenario? Can you define diabolical mind? Let’s see now. God is good? His creations are bad? Hmmm - and, Who is to be feared? God? His creation, an unknown character who hasn’t yet been identified called Satan? Doesn't Satan lie, kill and deceive? Nooo! God does it all!
Yet again, how can the Biblical God, something supposedly perfect, create something imperfect? If God created something imperfect, He has to face the fact that He, Himself, if He exists, is imperfect. Anyone who regrets and repents has to be imperfect. Instead of correcting His imperfections, God destroys them. God wipes them out. Biblical history continues to prove that God did not do much better in His later attempts. Maybe this God feeds on suffering. Wouldn’t that be a shock?
Aren’t livestock in slaughter yards herded into the chutes while having some kind of blind trust, faith and belief? An old, long-whiskered Billy Goat is bribed by treats to go through the chutes. The stupid, younger goats "have faith" in him, follow him and get slaughtered. The old "wise goat" returns to lead other flocks to their destruction.
Does clergy rip off the souls and wills of mankind by coercing them to humbly conform, to follow dogma; to righteously throw away the uniqueness of their lives, if they have any?
Many people are brought up with threats and fear that an angry God lies in wait to punish them, now and for all eternity. Consider war. Don’t most people react to war by turning into monsters themselves and siding with the authoritative (God-like) monsters in charge?
Many children have recorded enough destructive tapes to face a life of dread until dead. Unfortunately, righteously indignant zealots re-trigger those tapes often throughout the puppet-human’s life journey. Fear tapes, once instilled in a child will never go away.
What can be done? The rare person, who becomes a wise, self-responsible adult, will tape over those tapes or re-program their hard-drive in attempt to erase their old paralyzing and cancerous influences. Separating fact from myth has to help. Human ego tends to deny that its programmed mind-set, prejudicial falsehoods are but programmed lies.
A manipulation / exploitation agenda: To demand the practice of believing in a false authority, like a god or religion, so that an assumed authority, one who exploits others, can successfully step in. These are the techniques of predators and parasites.
A sheep is an animal whose purpose is to be fleeced often and ultimately to be discarded or consumed. Either way, it is as if it’s identity never existed. GWD
Sheep become sheep, not human beings, as created by their unique DNA. Sheep genes predestine their predictable value and behavior as do people genes. The perspectives selected in this work tend not to major in minors.
Agenda: This work proves, by evidence, that the Bible is full of errors, conflicts and deception. In present day, if followed, it is an evil model for any civilization. You may choose to debate that it is not. For some, faith is one’s bottom-line answer to everything. Apply faith, and nothing else, to a bursting appendix to see the extent of its powers.
There are differences between debates and arguments. One difference is: A debate focuses on the topic. An argument focuses on control.
If God’s documented attitudes and deeds were identical to the character and conduct of someone who lives near you and your family, how would you feel towards him? Upon seeing his deeds, would you report him to the authorities? If not, would it be out of fear?
This investigation has exposed sufficient evidence to have become a prosecution. The cards are all played face up. It doesn’t hold back nor cover up. It openly presents its evidence. Check yourself. See if you tend to debate the facts or argue for control over the topic. Any debate won’t change the words that are written in the millions of Bibles.
Know All The Real Atheists
Is there only one God?
Is Jesus Christ God?
Is Jesus Christ the "One God of Abraham"?
Did Abraham know about, worship or speak about Jesus Christ?
If Jesus Christ is "The One And The Only God Of Abraham" and because the Jewish and Muslims religions deny that Jesus Christ is God, then, the Jews and the Muslims all prove to be Atheists.
The Study, The Investigation, The Prosecution
Interim Perspectives
You can’t create something out of nothing; yet, ideas do evolve into inventions.
I.B.M. exists. AT&T also exists as do countless corporations. Some vast corporations amount to “the civilization” of small countries. They came out of nothing but an idea that had not existed long before they were created. A “thought” (idea) can give birth to a creation, yet, if the thought is not acted upon, then supported, the creation can never exist.
Positive thinkers are dime a dozen; it’s the positive doers who make a difference. Ironically, most thinkers are not doers. Moreover, as long as something initiated, like a God, is financed, promoted and supported, it exists. If not financed, promoted and supported, it does not. Numerous Gods, and their believers, have come and gone throughout recorded history.
A corporation is a fictitious entity with an agenda and bylaws. All inventions start as a lie. A lie is a seed of creation, bringing something into reality. Without a lie, nothing is invented. The first time someone claimed that we can fly in airplanes, it was not real in time or in reality. The lie gave seed to invention.
The concept of corporations has become big business. However, numerous corporations have failed and disappeared as if they never existed. The concept of God was the first successful corporation. Many gods have come and gone - along with their believers. That is why God is promoted throughout the framework of big business. There is one word that can replace God every time. That word is authority. Test it. Corporations promote God so they can energize authority for their people to obey.
Because small businesses want to become big businesses, they also try to adopt the “Winning God Concept”. They, too, typically put the push on obedience.
Different “civilizations” amount to different “corporations” with their own bylaws (rules). “Gods” histories are often meta-physical, but as long as they are supported, they continue to exist. If the concept of civilization is not supported, we may go back to being monkeys.
Thus, one’s religion (the worship of one’s personal God) is one’s effort to worship and promote his or her own personal civilization; along with anything else he or she can invent and sell it to be. God pushers really try to convert (recruit) others to support their feelings and agendas.
Webster's Dictionary:
Civilization: A social organization of a higher order, marked by advances in the arts, sciences, etc.
Civilize: To bring out of a condition of savagery or barbarism; to instruct in the ways of an advanced society.
Civility: Good breeding, politeness, consideration, courtesy.
A “God” is an idea; a barbaric animal’s thinking approach to a civilizing concept. If one worships a God, one does tend to support his family, race, tribe, army, corporation or the government (civilization) it bonds with. Most seek a safe, civilizing concept, but, due to fear and insecurity, many promote the worship of a God. The danger to this concept is the “assumed authority” who competes to make a “civilization” function on his terms.
He “politically” serves himself by exercising his power and profit over others. He often sacrifices his “civilized” peasants by ordering them to kill and die, as a duty, in the service of his, often corrupt, agendas. “Corporations” are mini-civilizations in their own rite. They also promote the worship of God; so, while being served, the “corporation” also becomes “worshipped” (promoted) and it further benefits as a result.
A Human Being is an animal. Genetic studies have proven that Humans are genetically only about 2% different than Chimpanzees. Man’s religions were inventions, corporations, and fictitious entities that served as primal seeds in the impregnating of civilizations. Civilizations throughout the Earth are diverse. Because humankind’s animal genes are destructive and deadly, religions had totally atrocious and ugly histories. Throughout written history, what religion has been successful in producing a civilized society?
Christianity? No! Certainly not! More people have died in the name of the Christian God than for any other cause. Now, after studying and knowing the painful, destructive path religions took, what can we do to better the track record starting today? First, let’s mature. Can we come out of these dark ages, stop being fatalists, and redefine civilization’s laws and goals? Can we eliminate these destructive religions and their blackmailing God(s) from our programming? An agreement to establish and promote civil and criminal laws that unbiasly serves and protects everyone could be a good start.
A person who is describing his or her “personal God”, is generally providing a view of how “civilization” could better serve their “personal ego’s agenda” on it’s terms. Their ego is synonymous with their God. If their God is the Biblical God, their ego is dangerous.
A believer is one who does not think for oneself. A believer’s agenda is to follow, talk and obey the way they are programmed to follow, talk and obey.
A believer loyally and stubbornly competes against other agendas while resisting change.
A believer insists that any criticism of his or her beliefs be eliminated. They insist that any investigation be turned over to “the proper authorities” even if it is “the proper authority” who is being investigated.
Faith is a placebo effect. it gives power to those who give it power. To those who give it no power, it is ineffectual.
Faith / Obedience: When someone encourages you to have faith, they want you to obey something they influence.
Religious believers don’t get older and wiser. They just get older.
Part of being human is dealing with things unexpected, things unreasonable; learning things that go against blind pre-conceptions and risking to know the difference.
God: The Study, The Investigation, The Prosecution is really an ongoing work which will never be finished. As long as the Bible exists, criticism by thinking people will continue. On many levels, the works prove beyond the wildest doubt, that the evil commands and the modeling guidance of the God of the Old Testament were responsible for why man treats man as cruelly and poorly as he does.
Throughout the Bible, God prefers and chooses some over others. Constantly, those He chooses continue to sacrifice animals and murder much of mankind.
God starts off “face to face” with man. Then, He doesn’t operate directly with His chosen but through Angels. Then he runs things through prophets who advise the rulers and Kings. God becomes more absentee except “in spirit” (fantasy) as time goes on.
Each time when the Biblical God ordered Moses and Joshua to murder men, women and their babies for their land, He created a new holocaust. Each time God turned on Israel and had them slaughtered, He created a Jewish holocaust. Isn’t God still promising the entire world a final holocaust where all but his elect and / or chosen will suffer eternal damnation and punishment? Isn’t this God still acting insanely? How can sane people support Him? The only people who could possibly support this myth are the people who hate people.
Only about 50 years ago, over 6 million of God’s chosen Jews experienced “holocaust”. Would you care to define and sell rational people on their faith? By doing so, would you sit firm, without conscience or action, and watch those you have convinced experience the same fate? I would fight any alien force to prevent that type of event ever happening again and if it were against, God Himself, I’d hope He didn’t like it. What? I sound angry? What is right and wrong? You say: Obedience to God is right and the destruction of everything else is right, if He wills it. You say that you will destroy it all for God if He calls you to do so?
Karen Armstrong: From Auschwitz a group put God on trial for the Holocaust. They decided God should die. They sentenced Him to death. When the trial was over a Rabbi said: The trial has ended. God is guilty and deserves death. It’s time for the evening prayer. (“Genesis”, Paul Moyers)
Let’s examine how an ego has God-like traits similar to those characteristics defining the God of The Old Testament.
Observe these four perspectives:
Your relationship’s behavior does not require your approval.
Your relationship demands that you live by his / her values in your life.
Your relationship has decided not to account to you.
Your relationship wants another. You’re out, they’re in.
Your ego will react differently by shuffling different names where “relationship” is. The assumptions, contracts, agreements and the law may make your ego righteously jealous and possessive. Notice how these feelings promote different motivations. Are they not similar to the tantrums, motivations and acts displayed by the God of The Old Testament? Hypothesis: God and ego are synonymous.
What’s the point? We defend God’s cruelty because basically, we share the same genetic sensitivities, attitudes and motivations. Isn’t it the evil we are capable of that we fear and condemn in others?
Spiritual: A concept that is given birth by hidden or unknown feelings. Feelings compete against other feelings to manifest themselves into reality. Evil spirits are simply feelings that are in opposition to the dogmatic feelings and agendas that assume to be in charge. Competing feelings determine wills, actions and agendas. When a feeling acts to fulfill itself at the expense of others, it is often determined to be evil. Egos tend to praise the good feelings that serve them and to punish the bad spirits or agendas that oppose them.
Often what an ego sees as sin in another, it justifies as virtue in itself. Because the mighty ego (an assumed “God-fog” authority) cannot be wrong, it created that God, like itself, is good and the Devil (any adversary to it) is bad. Could this be the why and how Gods and Devils are born?
Genetically, we are issued one ego each. That is why the “God-fog” is so natural for a believer to muddle in. If a loving God created everything, why would He create an evil, malignant, contagious Devil to wreak havoc, pain and horror on an otherwise ideal world? The Jewish Torah projects no existence of any Devil. God does it all. Christian influence mainly claims the existence of Devils. Some more modern Jews have bought into Satan.
Perspective: Imagine, you were a cute little mouse with pretty pink ears and your father who created you, dropped you into a hungry snake cage. You face the bite that holds and chews while you feel your breath being slowly squeezed out of you, your ribs breaking. Then, you come to just in time to feel strong stomach acid dissolving your body. The Old Testament God created nature. In nature, this is a constant reality, not just a nightmare.
Did you ever figure out that governments, businesses, religions and other organizations absorb, in the name of God, the identities of persons much like the snake absorbs the mouse with the pretty pink ears? They typically demand: Believe in my way, serve me on my terms or be fired and financially die.
As long as a tyrant’s believers feared, they obeyed. Authoritarians led their believers to believe that without their God, protection, medicine or drug, they would die and suffer eternal-damnation. The agenda tends to tighten its hold on those who prove to serve it.
Aphorism: The more I learn, I realize, the less I know. At the rate I’m learnin’, I won’t know nothin’ in no time.
This work is designed to provide some knowledge and a few more memories of the more controversial passages the Bible contains. Can you take the time to correct those things you discover to be clearly wrong? Prove that this work is in error, by Biblical evidence, and the error(s) will be corrected. Also, your correction will be humbly appreciated.
Things most open to interpretation are not clearly worded or are contradicted elsewhere.
Truth verses Fact
Facts exist in reality and have no respect for feelings, attitudes, standards, principles, laws or preferences.
Your emotional intensity, your “do wants and don’t wants” concerning any identifiable feelings attempt to change facts into your truths. You are committed to your feelings and attempt to make them reality through what you forecast as truth. How tough and committed are you to your truth?
How much of your truth is absolute fact? Does your truth try to rewrite history in any manner? What is your motive to do that? Is it ever to establish control and / or attention? Is it to cause confusion for your own entertainment? What’s in it for you? Don’t some claim to be telling the truth while attempting to lie?
Q: Are you saying: This is fact or this is my commitment - what I feel committed to?
Believer: If the facts don’t suit my agenda, preferences or values, I feel justified in selling my projection of my truth in my attempt to rewrite history or rearrange things to be more favorable to my liking. If somebody has got to lose, it ain’t gonna be me or mine. I will lie and take my chances. It is my experience that people who confess and tell the facts suffer punishment.
Authoritarians use the fear of a wrathful God to exploit any inferior believers they assume authority over. Their ego-oriented agendas can be fulfilled through the service, servitude and labor of believers and their lives made better, often at the believer’s sacrifice. Slavery will still live on as long as there is any form of sacrifice or worship to a God.
The knowledge of this study may discourage your exploiting and manipulating others or at least prevent these things from being done to you. Con men, corporations, governments, bosses, generals, parents and their clergy spokesmen will denounce, hate, condemn and deny any such knowledge. Contrary to fearful hype, this knowledge does not promote anarchy as appreciation and obedience to rational civil and criminal law is sufficient for a functional, safe and healthy society. And the believers always come up with: But what if?
Analyze your debate. Do you tend to bring into the debate mostly dogma, supernatural stories and personal testimonies? Why continue to spread fairy-tales and non-sense? Can you produce any rational evidence and fact to support your claim that the Biblical God exists today and is good? No matter how angry you become, the answer is probably NO! Prove that you can and you will make history.
Believer: Oh, you wait! You make me mad! You just wait. My feelings are important! The rapture is coming and you’ll be sorry. I’m going to heaven! You’re going to hell!
Concerning the power-use of a fictitious God, the ones who know cause to suffer those who believe and don’t know. The believers, by suffering, enhance the lifestyles of those who know. As long as those who know can keep the suffering believers addicted, they won’t give up the God-concept. Believers pray, hope and have faith that they can suffer through it and move up to exploit others weaker than they; who are more ignorant and beneath them. Like a pyramid scheme, the battle rages on, because, all cannot afford for the more ignorant, stupid or stubborn to lose their addiction.
The concept of God and the sacrifice of His servants is not a symbiotic relationship, but one of exploitation. It is designed to make the believers live hard lives while their sacrifice allows those in authority to live easy lives. Could it all be based on a lie?
Victimized and victimizer believers may whine: By exposing this knowledge I hope you realize what you have done to us who believe! We in charge react righteously indignant, in that this knowledge robs us of our rightful destiny to rule and exploit others who fear. These facts cause me heartache and I refuse to share them with others close to me.
Victimizers: Presume to know the mind of God. Assume to stand in (substitute) for God; thus, become God. Assume the authority to conform (convert) others into their image.
Although the Bible contains some concentrated wisdom in books like Proverbs (KJV), Wisdom and Sirach (Catholic), it mostly promotes a slave agenda - a slave-mentality.
The very concepts of sacrifice and worship endears, even demands, a slave-mentality.
What amounts to God? Is one’s ego attachment to God as a model of unlimited authority? God, the fictitious model, can do no wrong because ego, the vanity, genetically assumes the right and the authority to do anything the ego wants. God, the model, is defended because ego, the fantasy, feels itself to be the value, the authority, the more important, the entitled.
God’s show up with as many faces as the Egos that project them. An ego defends the concept of its God in its defiant, yet denying, defense of its feelings. To insure security and importance, egos are constantly looking for the feelings support of other egos concerning their competing agendas and in their defense. Simply, if you support their ego-oriented feelings (gods), you support them. An ego only defends the god its feelings are attached to. God, in reality, is merely an extension of its ego-oriented feelings and denial of this is automatic.
Most egos tend to demonize other’s feelings (gods) as predictably as they demonize other egos. If one could understand and accept these perspectives, the defending behavior of believers concerning God, could become rationally perceived, accepted and understood.
Most believers, who zealously defend their feelings (their real gods) are, at best, displaying an ego manifestation. When their egocentric feelings and self-centered tactics are exposed, again, denial seems automatic and their threats of super-natural punishments frequently become their tactics of defense. It amounts to elementary voodoo!
When believers display and threaten what harm their God will do to you, they are merely showing what they would do to you if they could only get away with it.
If God were put on trial, a guilty verdict would be improbable as He would not be tried by a jury of His peers but by a jury of His fans. How could people who are emotionally needy and psychologically dependent on God find Him guilty of anything? GWD
Why do some parents bitch and complain to others about their children’s behaviors then, after denial, fire or take to court child-care workers who express similar complaints? Why do parents (and their lawyers) outright lie and deny the facts in court to defend their children when they know they are guilty of murder? Why do they lie and protect their gods in like manner?
Ally McBeal - Fox TV: A dying child in a hospital asked a visiting attorney: If I wanted to sue somebody, could you help me? The attorney said: Well, who did you have in mind?
God. I want to sue God.
He died... I cried. GWD
Religion and Science
Religions are based upon fear, blind faith and belief; to obey and to follow where ordered, without question.
Science is based upon a question, a theory, a deductive, measurable test, reproducible, upon which to draw consistent, accurate conclusions.
If just one car had existed back in the 1700s, it could have been considered magic or a miracle by the people who saw it. Millions of copies of cars existing in the 20th century prove they are not magic, but products of science. Anything that can be reproduced at someone’s will, by a laboratory or by special effects on cue isn’t magic. It’s science.
Religion is primitive politics. The promoters of religion, like politicians, mostly have an agenda to control people and to affect their life-styles for some form of profit or service.
For one who knows, to bet against a believer is theft.
The dogma of Sin: Sin is without consent of God or man or most of all me.
Does something qualify as a gift if promised to you and given to another? Is it a gift if there's a price tag with it?
Doesn't this God really think only of Himself, or does He just enjoy terrorizing and murdering?
Could this God be a parasite of sorts, Who feeds on physical and emotional pain? Is disaster, fear, torment, frustration, anxiety, hate and anger, the main menu of His buffet? Is there any documented evidence here of such a character?
Do the sheep really want to know what their Farmer (God) has in mind for them? This also easily defines the behavior of selfish ego.
What is evident and really sad about modern humanity is - how we view this God-model is who we are. An individual is reluctant to deal with this material because it serves as a mirror of who he or she really is inside. We are still of monkey-mind serving a God of monkey-mentality. We don't want to know how ugly this God is and how ugly our true character potentials really are.
It is vogue to blame some adversary or Devil for our own lack of self-responsibility. Let us retire this Biblical God (primitive, monkey-mind model) and not repeat the past 4,000 years.
Let’s retire this “Holy Bible” to The Smithsonian Institute Library, as a part of mankind’s horrible history, where It belongs.
Agenda review: Again, if the wording confuses anybody, it could be because the material is extracted from The King James, The Catholic easy reading Bible and The Jewish Torah. The Torah covers only the first 5 books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Torah is the source the other Old Testament Bibles come from, chapter and verse. Rewriting the entire Bible verbatim is senseless. This agenda is to select and summarize bold, evident facts and meaningful information for the purpose of impact investigation. It holds evidence, proof, beyond a rational or reasonable doubt, that this Biblical God is not a good God and that the Old Testament Bible is not a good book. This work has become a full-blown prosecution of the Biblical God. This evidence also suggests that the believing egos who support this Biblical material are subject to the same mindless, destructive and re-cycling behaviors that are depicted within its pages; or, maybe it’s just all in our monkey genes. And yes, in this work, the Bible is paraphrased.
Everyone has the right to voice his or her own opinion. An unexpressed opinion is like no opinion at all. Another's opinion should not be censored any more than your own. If a fact influences or affects your life or the lives of your children, it is your business and you have a right to know about it. The contents of the Bible do effect you and your children. You deserve to know what the Bible's Chapters and Verses say. You are the judge. Judge courageously, judge honestly.
The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy by C. Dennis McKinsey Prometheus Books 1995
“When I started reading the Bible years ago, I was immediately struck by contradictions on almost every page. I didn’t have to go out of my way to hunt for them… Those who have been indoctrinated, actually brainwashed is a more accurate term, fail to see what is staring them in the face. There is none so blind as those who won’t see. Only after passing through the first 2 or 3,000 contradictions and inconsistencies is any real effort required. I made up my mind as to what the Bible is after studying the Book, not before.
There is more than enough evidence to expose the Bible for the fraud that it is.”
C. Dennis McKinsey.
The Bible Errancy newsletter.
2500 Punderson drive
Hilliard, Ohio 43026
Thank you so much, Dennis. You are a 30 year (numerous thousands of hours) Biblical pioneer of keen wit and of awesome courage; and most of all, your documented evidence proves that you are correct, overall and specific. GWD
To you, the reader: Do you realize that in just a few hours of reading, you are exposed to an estimated 50,000 hours of concentrated Bible study compiled from some very credible and astute sources? Most thinkers, with above average intelligence and superior courage, can absorb much of this society-influencing information with a small time investment. Do you think that you would have ever gotten around to a like study on your own? GWD
Belief - Faith - Trust - Spiritual
Be spiritual! Just believe, have faith and trust me! These are words of scoundrels. Would you utter these words while denying medical attention as your child’s appendix ruptures? Would you merely pray if he or she were drowning in a pool? Apply that kind of wisdom to airplane mechanics and heart surgery.
Do you want to fly an airplane that is maintained by an agenda of prayer, faith and forgiving grace or one that is maintained by knowledgeable, hands-on mechanics? Don’t you want to know that your heart surgeon has skilled knowledge in proven procedures?
What the manipulative words “I believe” can often mean:
I want - I like - I hope - I wish - I expect - I pretend - I lie - I mislead - I follow - I obey - I support - I depend on, I assume - I take for granted - I fantasize - I dream - I hallucinate - I trust - I gamble - I insist on - I am committed to - I have no evidence - I really don’t know…
"I believe" could mean hundreds of things in the English language. It’s not dependable.
If one has evidence and honestly knows something, one states: I know it not I believe it. People often say I believe to deliver hypnotic suggestions. They are fishing for support and control over others. They use I believe to manipulate the minds and motivations of others, to test and see how gullible and willing others are to support their agendas. It has been done to believers throughout their lives and they unconsciously exercise their habit on others. When this is pointed out to the believer, denial is automatic. I believe usually presumes self-responsibility and commitment to reality and fact. When the believer proves to be in error, he (or she) often falls back on reminding all that he stated he believed and did not state that he knew. I believe is, at best, loose and misleading in conversation and intent. In religion, belief is strangely promoted to being sacred. Belief requires faith which is the giving up of seeking and knowing. In reality, the use of belief is often the hook of most soul-stealing clergy and other con men seeking power and profit over people.
Do you prefer to seek knowledge and actively control your destiny or to lazily believe, follow and coat-tail the agendas of others? For you to seek your own knowledge, you must be capable of questioning those things that you observe.
Ask some people what the word spiritual means to them. You may learn that spiritual, to them, may best describe fantasy to you.
Are answers to these questions the facts?
Who put a lying spirit into the mouth of all your prophets?
Whose sons had intercourse with the daughters of man?
Whose spirit shall not always strive with man?
Who regretted (Torah) repented (KJV) that he had made man?
Who decides, except for 8 people and some animals to murder every living thing?
Who murdered all creatures outside the ark by drowning?
Who told Abraham to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering?
Who was pleased being feared?
Who granted Abraham slaves and slave-girls?
Who said: I will sell your sons and your daughters?
Whose house was dreadful?
Who gave a reward for letting a husband have sex with a handmaid?
Who murdered Onan when he masturbated his sperm on the ground?
Who told Moses he will demolish Egypt and Moses would get silver and gold?
Who boasts that he gives one man speech and sight - makes another deaf and blind?
Who made Pharaoh obstinate so he could kill his first-born son?
Who caused the Hebrews a heavier workload and suffering?
Who changed the river into blood and killed the fish?
Who brought the Egyptians frogs to die and stink?
Who brought lice on the Egyptian people and their animals?
Who plagued Egypt just to let all know who was boss around here?
Who infested flies upon the people of Egypt?
Who killed all the livestock of Egypt?
Who caused festering on man and beast?
Who murdered by hail every man and animal outdoors?
Who murdered all the Egyptian first-born babies?
Who admits he shows favoritism?
Why Others Traditionally Support God
Specific, honest and composite:
Believer: Supporting God is a matter of tradition. It is smarter to support than to oppose tradition. Believers are afraid to “rock the boat”. We are afraid to be alone. Since childhood, we believers are programmed to fear and we all need emotional support.
Question: Is a fictitious cause necessary?
Believer: What could be better to support than something no one has a handle on?
Question: Weren’t child-sacrifice, witch burning and slavery once traditions supported by this God, believed in by believers and no longer observed by believers? Yes or no?
Believer: Well, I don’t want to think of it that way, but, I guess so - yes.
Question: If you lived in the time of witch burning and slavery, would you support it?
Believer: If God told me that was His will, of course. Wouldn’t you?
Question: No, I wouldn’t. If the Biblical God-model supported those things once, why isn’t it time for Him to go?
Believer: When in Rome, you do as the Romans do, or else. Give to Caesar his due. When you are in a boat out at sea with evil people, you had best support them or you will be over the side.
Survival also is traditional. If you are stuck around evil people and you don’t support them, you are in for some disapproval and punishment. God promised to judge them in the hereafter, so believers will have their vengeance. I approve of all the things God did in the Bible, as He is God, and I love Him. I just don’t want to hear or know any negative views of His deeds.
Question: Is that why you defend the evil you pretend to oppose?
Believer: He’s not evil. You just have to support tradition if you want to survive and get along.
Question: Don’t you examine what you are supporting?
Believer: No. With God, it’s a matter of faith. Who would want to know that we are wrong? It would be unbearable to know that we have been lied to concerning God. It would be even harder to acknowledge to ourselves that we passed those lies on to our children. We don’t want to discuss anything negative about God. He’s wonderful!
Question: Why do parents lie and make up stories to their children about God, Santa-Claus, the Tooth-Fairy and the Easter-Bunny?
Believer: Because, it’s traditional. It’s fun and harmless!
Question: Aren’t parents teaching their children to lie?
Believer: No! Because we don’t want to think of it that way.
Question: Don’t children grow up and then realize that their parents lied to them about highly sensitive and emotional topics and couldn’t that effect their judgment concerning the realities they later encounter in their own lives?
Believer: It doesn’t matter because they love their parents.
Question: How has the parental taboo of discussing sex with their children contributed to pregnancy statistics?
Believer: My parents got married when they had me. I was God’s plan. He loves me. God works in strange ways.
Question: So, love conquers all? But what kind of judgment processes do adults have as a result?
Believer: That’s where faith in God takes over. People have to be dependent upon and to fear something to be civilized. We are evil by nature.
Question: So, the slave mentality is alive and well?
Believer: Yes, we are all the Lord’s slaves and the brides of Jesus. Praise God. Satan is the god of this world and we can’t commit suicide. You are a sinner. Goodbye!
Do you support “Human Secularism”? Check out any American $1 bill. The image of a pyramid on it has an elevated caps-stone that dates from 1500 BC. Some say it represents God in the form of Amen-Ra, the ever-present eye? Does “Annuit Coeptis” in Latin mean “The King Sees? He (God) watches the peoples actions in life so that He may judge them in death. Below it is written “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, “A New Secular Order”. Are you sure you don’t, in practice, support a pagan religion and / or human secularism?
In the movie “The Associate”, Whoopi Goldberg’s character made up a fictitious partner the financial world believed in, which in turn, gave her some awesome attention, power and control. The greatest success story ever was when Moses invented his partner - God. The difference between the Moses and Whoopi stories is that in the end Whoopi admitted that she had been her invisible partner all the time.
What is a transfigured body?
Who, in the Bible, had a transfigured body?
Who, in reality, has or has had a transfigured body?
How did Jesus use His transfigured body?
What's the difference between a transfigured body and a flesh body?
Can a transfigured body be separate from a flesh body?
Were Moses and Elijah both also in transfigured bodies?
Could Jesus go into His transfigured body while on the cross?
Can a transfigured body feel pain?
Did Jesus resurrect in His flesh body or His transfigured body?
Why didn't Jesus allow Mary to touch Him after the resurrection?
Did Thomas examine Jesus' flesh body or His transfigured body?
How did Jesus enter and leave the room that Thomas examined His wounds?
How does a transfigured body survive?
Was Jesus always and only a transfigured body?
Has anyone any evidence of a transfigured body?
Angels: Good or Evil
By Gary DeVaney
Inspired by TV 4-7-2003
Angels are thought to carry out God’s orders.
Angels are messengers of God or messengers of Satan.
Only 2 Angels are mentioned by name in the KJV - Michael & Gabriel.
In the Catholic version the apocrypha book of Tobit the Angel Raphael is mentioned.
Satan in some texts a loyal servant of God. In others Satan is God’s bitter enemy.
In beginning Christianity, demon Angels were depicted small to be like flies or gnats. Their image and reputation grew as Christianity evolved.
Angels are go-between messengers between a beyond this world God and mankind.
Angels protect or “save” you from going where you should not go. They could save you from drowning or from evil. They keep you on the path of righteousness.
Righteous: Obeying civil, criminal, moral, human or natural law.
Satan, the serpent was cast out of heaven for rebellion.
Lucifer was cast out of Heaven for pride - and took 1/3rd of the Angels with Him - thus, the fallen Angels.
How can the Good, all powerful, in control God allow evil in the world?
Angels and Demons are cop-outs for irresponsible men and women. God or the Devil made me do it.
Believers infer: “I know it’s true because I heard it come out of my own mouth.”
5,000 years ago in Egypt, good and bad supernatural beings were professed. They evolved.
Forces of nature were identified as acts of God.
Have you seen a picture of early male American Indians with a beard?
“I believe” is a tool of manipulation which can mean If I will something, you take it as a command and obey it.
Zoroaster’s God was named: Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord).
Angra Mainyu or Ahriman = destructive / evil
Many of Zoroaster’s characters evolved into our modern Angels.
Angels of protection, success, healing or particular pursuits.
Ancient Angels faded into oblivion and gave way to new Angels - Michael, Gabriel and an army of fierce guardian Angels.
Your white blood corpuscles have more power against evil / destructive disease than do the fictitious Angels.
Most ancient tribes put faith into many gods.
Your many creative genes could more be valid as gods than these fictitious entities.
Israel and Judah put their faith in one god. One King - one God.
The Hebrew Bible - The Tanakh - was written between 1,000 and 160 BC - about 800 years.
The first Angels were Cherubim. The first Cherubim were stationed by God in the Garden of Eden to keep the exiled Adam and Eve out.
Satan was a Cherubim - one of the 2 Cherubim guarding God’s throne as depicted in The Arc of the Covenant - according to Pastor Arnold Murray.
These Angels are the security agents of God.
The all-powerful, in-control God needs security?
The Angels Michael & Gabriel are introduced in the book of Daniel.
Gabriel is the main messenger of God.
Michael is God’s enforcer Angel.
Nowhere in the Hebrew Bible are the names of Angeles included.
They are not to be considered entities unto themselves but only messengers of God because god does not need assistance nor for someone to do something for God.
In the Hebrew Bible there is no devil. God does it all. There is no biblical Hebrew word for Satan / Devil - the bad Angel - the head of bad Angels.
Satan, nowhere in the Bible is considered an enemy of God. Satan is a Hebrew word that means adversary - job description - not a name.
Satan is an Angel in God’s circle who is an adversary of Human Beings - not God. Satan tempts Human Beings so God can know who to trust to be with Him for eternity.
Emperor Constantine had Rabbis and their scribes meet at the Council of Nicea about 325 AD. In that and other councils, they voted the books of the “Canon” and also voted for Jesus Christ to be God / Divine.
“Apocrypha” means “the hidden books” / “dubious texts“ - not fit to be believed not credible.
Lilith, Adam’s first bad girl wife was responsible for evil in Jewish Apocrypha myth.
The followers of Jesus Christ split off the old Judaism. Gabriel informs Mary she will have Jesus.
Christians took on winged creatures to be Angels - the messengers of God.
The Catholic Bible includes the Apocrypha book Tobit - which introduces the Angel Raphael.
Because of Ezekiel Chapter 28, Ezekiel must have been influenced by the book of Tobit.
In the New Testament, Satan is denounced from throughout ending in Revelation. Satan and any evil human judged disobedient to God would spend Eternal Torment in Hell.
Despite some fundamental differences Islam share common ancestry with Judaism and Christianity.
Islam looks upon itself as a continuation of Judaism and Christianity
The Koran has constant references to the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.
The Biblical heroes, prophets, Jesus and Mary are major figures in the Koran. Adam & Eve, the Exodus story, the baptism of Jesus are all Islamic stories. Islam also includes Angels.
The Koran is direct communication from the Angel Gabriel (“Jibrael” in Arabic) to Mohammed.
The “Koran” means “The Recitation“. Gabriel tells Mohammed that he is a prophet and he will be the reciter of God’s message.
The Koran recognizes that Jesus is a prophet and that Gabriel told Mary of her giving birth to Jesus.
Islam promotes watchers - beings assigned to each living person - a guardian Angel.
Islam has creatures of evil known as Shayahteen or Satans - as with he Jewish tradition - who are adversaries of Human Beings - not God.
God focuses on spiritual (fantasy) values while Satan focuses on Earthly (real) values. The soul waivers in between.
Jinn or Genies are fire like Angels are forms of light.
“Iblis” is the Islamic Satan.
Iblis is the mythic projection of human bad tendencies, frailties like jealousy, envy, hatred, anger, spite…
One Angel presents a scroll with the good deeds. Second Angel reads of a scroll of bad deeds. God is the judge.
The good go to paradise. In Christianity the condemned go to Eternal Torment with Satan in Hell. Islam’s Hell is not eternal with Iblis. Angels only contact people when the Angels want to - not when people want them. People try to use magic to contact Angels / Spirits on their own terms.
Opposing beliefs are exposed opposing wills.
You may buy my will but you cannot demand it.
God’s Angel, Michael, is the most powerful Angel.
Concerns Arch-Angel Michael can address:
Children died.
Male impotence.
Demonic presence.
Animals not behaving well.
Business problems.
Your personal Guardian Angel gives you supernatural powers.
To me this defines Ego. Ego always tries to be more than it is. That’s Ego’s job. It seems to expose itself categorically. Intelligence and talents are categorical. Your ego can be deemed evil or good - mostly by authoritarians.
Maybe our genes have specific functions and help us live healthy balanced lives. Until the past 200+ years genes were not known of. I view that the study our genes is our final frontier. Genetic medicine is our breakthrough gods.
Maybe the average human being has about 70,000 genes - which could be considered 70,000 angels.
How many individuals consider God and Angels art figures and lost their theological importance.
To thing one had sex with demons and produced demons is simply the random luck of the draw of bad or incompatible genes.
Conclusion: Our genetic influences could have mistaken as “Spiritual Angels“. Could our ever aware, ever evolving genes send our egos messages that could be interpreted to be spiritual or supernatural? We are here only because our ancestors had the strong enough genes to survive long enough to have us. War and other terrible experiences can trigger “evil” genes to kill and destroy. Other genes are predator genes and penitentiary time is in store for many. Nature and nurture is a factor as to how genes trigger experiences and experiences trigger genes.
land of bones
Protestant Catholic Hebrew
1. Thou shalt have no 1. I am the lord thy 1. I am the lord thy
other gods before me. God. Thou shalt not God, who brough thee
2. Thou shalt not make have strange gods out of the land of
unto thy any graven before me. Egypt, ot of the house
image, or any likeness 2. Thou shalt not take of slavery.
of any thing that is in the name of the Lord 2. Thou shalt have no
heaven above, or that is thy God in vain. other gods before Me.
in the earth beneath, or Thou shalt not make
that is in the water 3. remember thou image, nor any manner
under the earth: Thou keep the Sabbath day. unto thee a graven
shalt not bow down 4. honor thy Father image, nor any manner
thyself to them, nor and thy Mother of likeness of anything
serve them: For I the that is in heaven above,
Lord thy God am a 5. Thou shalt not kill or that is in the earth
jealous God, visiting 6. Thou shalt not beneath, or that is in
the iniquity of the commit adultery the water under the
father upon the children earth: Thou shalt not
unto the third and 7. Thou shalt not steal. bow down unto them
fourth generation of 8. Thou shalt not bear nor serve them: For I
them that hate Me: And fase witness against the Lord thy God am a
showing mercy unto thy neghbor. jealous God, visting
thousands of them that 9. Thou shalt not covet the iniquity of the
love Me, and keep my thy neighbor's wife. father upon the children
cmmandments. 10. Thou shalt not unto the third and
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Sabbath day, to keep it goods. them that hate Me: And
holy. Six days shalt Cathoclic Catechism by showing mercy unto the
thou labor, and do all Peter Cardinal Gasparri, thousandth generation
thy work; But the Published with of them that love Me
seventh day is the Ecclesiastical approval and keep my commandments
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God: Into thu shalt imprmatur of Patrick the name of the Lord
not do any work, thou Cardinal Hayes, thy God in vain: For the
nor thy son, nor thy Archbishop, We York. Lord will not hold him
daughter, thy manservent P.J. Kennedy & Sons, guiltless that taketh His
nor thy maidservan, nor the name in vain.
cattle, nor thy stranger 4. Remember the
that is within thy gates: Sabbath day to keep it
For in six days the Lord holy. Six days shalt thou
made heaven and earth, labor, and do all thy work.
the sea, and all that is in But the seventh day is the
them and rested the sevent day: Sabbath in honor of the Lord
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Sabbath day and hallowed it. do any, neither thou, nor thy
5. Honor thy father and thy mother son, nor thy daughter, thy
That thy days may belong upon the manserventnor thy maidservant,
land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that
6. Thou shalt not Kill. is within thy gates: For in six days
7. Thou shalt not commit adultrery the Lord made the heavens and
8. Thou shalt not steal. the earth, the sea, and all that is in
9. Thour shalt not bear fasle them and rested on the seventh day:
witness against thy neighbor. Therefore the Lord blessed the
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's 5. Honor thy father and thy mother:
wife, nor his manservant, nor his In order that thy days may be prolonged
maidservant, nor his ox. nor his ass, upon the land which the Lord thy God
nor any thing that is thy neighbor's giveth thee.
King James Bible issued by 6. Thou shalt not kill
the American Bible Society. 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neigbor.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's
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wife, nor his mansevant, nor his
maid servant, norhis ox, nor his ass,
nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.
Bloch Publishing Company
New York 1922.
God's Trial Evidence By Bible C&V
(Without Commentary)
By Gary DeVaney
1. Genesis 7:21-23 All creatures, outside of Noah’s ark, that stirred on Earth, (including men, women and babies) the Biblical God murdered by drowning.
2. Revelation 4:11 God created mankind for His Own pleasure then God destroyed (murdered) men, women and their babies when He wasn’t pleased.
3. Genesis 19:1-26 God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He murdered all the people, including all the innocent children. Lot’s wife turned to look at the carnage. God murdered her by turning her into a pillar of salt.
4. Genesis 38:9-10 Onan, when he had sex with his brother’s widow, would waste his seed on the ground. What he did offended God. God murdered him.
5. Exodus 9:23-25 God murdered by hail every man that was outdoors.
6. Exodus 12:29 God murdered all of Egypt’s firstborn.
7. Exodus 14:6-28 God forced the Pharaoh and his army to chase the Jews. God parted The Red Sea for Moses’ people. God collapsed the sea and murdered the Pharaoh's Army who had followed the Jews into the sea.
8. Exodus 21:17 & Leviticus 20:9 Whoever curses his father or mother shall be murdered.
9. Exodus 21:20-21 If a man strikes his male or female slave and they die immediately, the man shall be punished. But, if the slave lives a day or two and then dies, the man will not be punished because that slave is his own property. Catholic
10. Exodus 22:18 God directs to murder witches. KJV (Catholic version, it is in Exodus 22:17)
11. Exodus 22:20 If you sacrifice to any God other than the Lord, you are to be murdered.
12. Exodus 22:29 God said: Give me the first-born of your sons.
13. Exodus 22:30 A first-born animal may stay with its mother for 7 days, then you must sacrifice it to me.
14. II Samuel 12:13-18 God murdered David and Bathsheba’s first-born son, a human being, after 7 days of his life to punish the parents.
15. Exodus 23:22-32 God said: If you obey Me and do what I say, I will hate your enemies and attack your foes. I will annihilate (murder) them. You will serve your God.
16. Exodus 31:15 Anyone who dares work on the Sabbath day shall be murdered.
17. Exodus 32:27-28 Moses (Levi) ordered all the sons of Levi to slay their own family, friends and neighbors; Moses murdered about 3,000 of their own relatives.
18. Leviticus 10:1-2 Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu offered incense to God, by unauthorized fire. God murdered them both, by fire.
19. Leviticus 10:6 Bare your heads or tear your clothes and God will murder you and bring His wrath on the whole community.
20. Leviticus 15:31 Anyone unclean defiling Gods dwelling, God will murder.
21. Leviticus 20:9 God commands: Anyone who curses his father of mother shall be put to death.
22. Leviticus 20:10 God commands: If you commit adultery, you shall be put to death.
23. Leviticus 20:11 If a man has sex with his father's wife - uncovered his father's nakedness - shall be put to death.
24. Leviticus 20:12 God commanded: If a man has sex with his daughter-in-law, murder them both.
25. Leviticus 20:13 God commands to murder gay men.
26. Leviticus 20:14 God commanded: If a man marries a woman and her mother, murder them by burning all three of them to death.
27. Leviticus 20:15 God commanded: If a man has sex with an animal, murder both of them.
28. Leviticus 20:16 God commanded: Murder women who have sex with animals.
29. Leviticus 20:27 God commanded: If a man or woman acts as a fortuneteller, murder them.
30. Leviticus 21:9 God commanded: A priest's daughter who fornicates - burn her to death.
31. Leviticus 21:17-21 God commanded: Any one with a handicap shall not profane God’s sanctuary.
32. Leviticus 22:9 God commands: Obey my rules or I will murder you.
33. Leviticus 24:11-16 An Israelite cursed and blasphemed God’s name. God ordered: Take him outside the camp and let the whole community murder him. Anyone who curses God shall be murdered.
34. Leviticus 26:27-31 God stated: If you persist in disobeying and defying Me (God), I will punish you until you begin to eat the flesh of your own sons and daughters.
35. Jeremiah: 19:9 God said: I will have them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters; they shall eat one another’s flesh…
36. Ezekiel 5:10 God said: Fathers shall eat sons and sons shall eat fathers.
37. Numbers 1:51 God commanded: Any "stranger" (KJV) "layman" (Catholic Version) who comes near God’s dwellings will be put to death. (Also found in Numbers 3:10.)
38. Judges 1:5 God saved people from Egypt and later murdered those who did not believe.
39. Hosea 13:16 (KJV) or Hosea 14:1 (Catholic): Samaria, who rebelled against God, will fall by the sword. The little ones shall be dashed to pieces, expectant mothers shall be ripped open.
40. Numbers 3:13 God said: Every first-born of man and beast became Mine the day I murdered all the first-born in Egypt. I am God.
41. Numbers 4:17-20 claims whom God would murder if they look at the sacred objects.
42. Numbers 5:1-3 God moves all the sick, suffering people away from the camp, as God can't stand to dwell near them.
43. Numbers 11:1 The people complained, so God murdered many of them.
44. Numbers 11:18-20 God made them eat meat until it came out of their noses. (They died.)
45. Numbers 14:2-23 God said to Moses: How long will this nation continue to provoke me? I will murder them! I will murder all the people who saw what I did in Egypt and in the desert, but who still don't obey.
46. Numbers 14:26-38 God spoke to Moses and Aaron: You will not get to The Promised Land. Everyone, over twenty years old, who was counted is going to die in the desert. The only exceptions will be Caleb and Joshua. Your corpses will fall in the desert. They will die.
47. Numbers 14:36-38 Men who explored and gave a bad report about The Promised Land were murdered immediately. Only Joshua and Caleb remained alive.
48. Sirach: 46:7-8 Caleb and Joshua were the only two (2) spared out of the 600,000 infantry. Catholic
Numbers 1:45-46 The total number of men 20 years old and up able to fight war was 603,550. KJV
49. Numbers 15:32-36 They found a man gathering sticks on The Sabbath Day. God commanded Moses to murder the man.
50. Numbers 16:1-35 Korah and 250 Israelite leaders stood up to Moses. Dathan and Abriam disobeyed Moses. God opened up the ground and sent Dathan, Abiram, their wives, sons and babies down to the nether world. God then, burned alive, by fire, Korah’s 250 men, who had made an offering to God.
51. Numbers 17:6-14 Then the whole Israelite community complained against Moses and Aaron. God appeared and said to Moses: Depart, that I may consume (murder) them at once. God murdered 14,700 more of His Own "chosen".
52. Numbers 18:7&22 God ordered: Any layman coming near the alter will deserve death / murder.
53. Numbers 21:5-6 The people spoke out against God and Moses. God sent poisonous snakes against his people. They were bitten and they died.
54. Amos 9:3 God said: Though they hide from My sight in the bottom of the sea, I command the serpent and he shall bite them.
55. Numbers 21:33-35 God ordered Moses to do to the King of Og as he’d done to others. Moses struck down the King's sons and all of his people until none were left and Moses took possession of the King's land.
56. Numbers 22:33-35 God said: Had your ass not turned away, I would have murdered you; but I would have spared your ass.
57. Numbers 25:6-9 Phinehas (KJV) or Pinchas (Torah), a grandson of Aaron the priest, taking a lance in hand, drove the lance through both the man's and the woman's groin, murdering them both. That pleased God, so, God stopped His murdering after He had murdered 24,000 more of His Own "chosen".
58. Numbers 25:16-17 God ordered Moses: Treat the Midianites as enemies. Crush them.
59. Numbers 31:7-34 God declared war on Midian, murdered every male including its 5 kings, kept 32,000 virgins, then ordered Moses to execute thousands of others including mothers and babies.
60. Numbers 31:14-17 God’s army murdered every Male child and kept only the 32,000 virgin girls for themselves.
61. Numbers 32:11-13 God said: Because the Israelites didn't wholly follow Me (didn’t want to kill and die for any more land) God displayed anger against Israel. God made them wander for 40 years in the desert until they all died out.
62. Numbers 33:4 The Egyptians buried their first-born that God had murdered.
63. Numbers 33:55-56 God said: If you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, I will do to you what I thought to do to them. KJV
64. Deuteronomy 2:14-15 Thirty-eight (38) years later, God had destroyed, murdered and consumed the whole generation of soldiers.
65. Deuteronomy 2:24-25 God said to His chosen: Begin the murdering occupation. Provoke him into war. Today, I am beginning to make all nations dread and fear you.
66. Deuteronomy 2:30-34 God made stubborn and obstinate of heart King Sihon so we could murder him, his sons and all his people. God’s army destroyed all this King’s cities and utterly destroyed all the men, women, and murdered all the little ones. God left no survivor.
67. Deuteronomy 3:1-6 God delivered Og to us and we killed until none remained, utterly destroying all the men, women and children of all 60 cities.
68. Deuteronomy 4:21-22 Moses said: God displayed anger at me due to your words. God swore I would die in this country - not making it into The Promised Land.
69. Deuteronomy 4:25-26 God commanded: If you make a statue or image, making God angry, you will then be utterly destroyed.
70. Deuteronomy 7:16 Without pity, murder all the people who God delivers to you.
71. Deuteronomy 7:20-24 God will send hornets to destroy your surviving enemies. You will take these nations little by little; you cannot exterminate them all at once. You will rout them utterly until they are annihilated. No man will be able to stand against you, till you put an end by murdering them.
72. Deuteronomy 8:20 Like the nations God destroys before you, so shall you too perish and be murdered, if you do not obey God.
73. Deuteronomy 9:3 God, a consuming fire, will reduce them to nothing and subdue them before you, so that you can drive them out / destroy / murder them quickly.
74. Deuteronomy 12:2 God said: You shall destroy / murder places God chooses.
75. Deuteronomy 13:6-10 God ordered: If your brother, son, daughter, wife or friend entices you secretly to serve other Gods - murder them. Your hand shall be the first raised to kill them. The rest of the people shall join in with you.
76. Deuteronomy 13:13-16: If you hear that certain scoundrels have led astray the inhabitants of their city to serve other Gods who you have not known, inquire and investigate it thoroughly. If you find that it is true, you shall put the inhabitants of the city to the sword, dooming that city and all the life that is in it, even its cattle, to the sword.
77. Deuteronomy 17:3-7 God commanded: Any man or woman who worships the Sun, Moon or any Host of Heaven will be stoned to death. All the people are to join in on the murdering.
78. Deuteronomy 17:7 God said: At an execution, the witnesses are the first to kill the condemned; then, all the people are to join in murdering him or her. Catholic
79. Deuteronomy 17:12 God commanded: Any man who has the insolence to refuse to listen to God’s priest or Judges shall be murdered.
80. Deuteronomy 20:10-17 God said: When you attack a city, first offer it terms of peace. If it agrees, all of its people will serve you in forced labor. If they refuse, destroy them by murdering all their males; but, the women, children, livestock worth plundering, God has given to you. That is how you deal with a distant city. But, the cities God gives you as your heritage, you shall not leave a single soul alive. You must doom and murder them all.
81. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 God commanded: If a father has a stubborn, rebellious son, murder the boy.
82. Deuteronomy 22:20-21 God commanded: If the tokens of virginity be not found in a young girl, murder the girl.
83. Deuteronomy 22:22 God commanded: If a man has relations (sex) with a married woman, murder them both.
84. Deuteronomy 22:23 God commanded: If a man has sex with a betrothed virgin, murder them both: She, because she didn’t cry out; he, because he humbled his neighbor’s wife.
85. Malachi 3:16-19 A record book was written of those who fear Him and trust His name. God said: You shall see the distinction between the just and the wicked between who serves and doesn’t serve God. The day is coming that all the proud and all evildoers will be set on fire and murdered.
The Notorious Deuteronomy Chapter 28 If you don’t obey God - these things will happen to you:
86. Deuteronomy 28:20 God will defeat / frustrate every enterprise you undertake until you are speedily murdered, destroyed and perish.
87. Deuteronomy 28:21 God will make disease attach to you until you are consumed / murdered.
88. Deuteronomy 28:22 God shall murder you with consumption, inflammation, fever, extreme burning, with the sword, with blasting and with mildew until you die. KJV
89. Deuteronomy 28:24 God will make your land powder and dust until you die.
90. Deuteronomy 28:25 God will cause your enemies to murder you.
91. Deuteronomy 28:51 God said: They will eat your animals and crops until you are destroyed.
92. Deuteronomy 28:53-55 You will eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your own sons and daughters, while begrudging your relatives any share of your children that you, yourself are using for food.
93. Deuteronomy 28:56-57 God said: The most refined and delicate woman will refuse her husband and children her afterbirth and her infant, that comes out from between her legs, as she secretly eats them for food.
94. Deuteronomy 32:42 God said: I will make my arrows drunk with blood, my sword shall gorge itself with flesh with the blood of the slain and captured, flesh from the murdered heads of the enemy leaders.
Finis: Deuteronomy 28...
95. Joshua 5:6 The Israelites wandered 40 years in the desert until all the warriors that came out of Egypt died off because they had not obeyed the command of God. God swore that He would not let them see the land of milk and honey that God promised their fathers He would give them. The Hebrews fled Egypt to escape Egyptian tyranny. God promised them "The Promised Land". By leaving, they became subjected to God’s tyranny. Because they would not obey God’s orders to murder all the men, women and children in "The Promised Land" in order to occupy it, God wanted them dead. God murdered / destroyed them.
96. Joshua 6:20-21 God ordered Joshua to attack Jericho’s mighty walled city. God knocked the walls down with sound. Joshua’s army slaughtered all the men, women, young and old.
97. Joshua 6:23-25 The "harlot" (hooker / prostitute), Rahab, and her family were spared by the spies. They burned the city and everything in it except for the silver and gold, which was placed in the treasury in the house of God.
98. Joshua 7:19-25 A’chen took some spoils of war against God’s ban. God gets mad. Then, the Israelites lose a battle. Thousands of Israeli soldiers are killed. Israel stoned and burned A’chan and his children.
99. Joshua 8:1-2 God tells Joshua to get his army and to go murder the city of A’i; to do to the A’i King what they did to Jericho and its King, except that they may take its spoils and livestock as booty.
100. Joshua 8:8 God said to Joshua: When you have taken the city, set it on fire in obedience to God’ command. These are My orders to you.
101. Joshua 8:9 & 24-29 (By ambush) God murders all 12,000 men and women, the entire population of A’i. Joshua hanged their King.
102. Joshua 10:10-11 God slew a great slaughter at Gideon and other cities. When the victims fled, God cast down great stones from Heaven. More died by God’s hailstones than the Israeli soldiers killed by sword.
103. Joshua 10:12-13 Joshua ordered God to make the Sun and the Moon stand still so Joshua could finish God’ murdering. God obeyed the voice of a man.
104. Joshua 10:22-26 The five kings remained alive Prisoners Of War. Joshua said: Put your foot on their necks. Do not be afraid, be firm. Joshua struck and murdered them. He hanged the 5 Kings (P.O.W.s) on 5 trees.
105. Joshua 10:28-42 Joshua captured and God slaughtered the cities: Makkedah, Libnah, Lachish, Gezer, Eglon, Hebron, and Debir and murdered every person leaving no survivors, not even their Kings.
106. Joshua 11:20 God hardened the hearts of the people God wanted killed for their land. God made them war with the Israelites so that God could kill them.
107. Joshua 12:7-24 Joshua captured and murdered over 30 countries and their Kings.
108. Joshua 24:5 God boasted: Then I, God, sent Moses and Aaron and murdered Egypt.
109. Joshua 24:7-14 God said: After you witnessed what I did in Egypt, you dwelt in the desert for a long time. I brought you to this land and I destroyed it before you. I sent hornets ahead of you and drove them out of your way. It was not your sword or bow. I gave you land that you did not till and cities you did not build. Therefore, fear God, obey, and serve Him completely and sincerely.
110. Judges 1:4-6 God slew 10,000 and cut off Adonibek’s thumbs and big toes.
111. Judges 3:31 Shamgar (God’s savior) slew 600 Philistines.
112. Judges 8:10 God murdered 120,000 men that drew sword.
113. Judges 9:1-5 Abimelech, God’s chosen, murdered his 70 brothers.
114. Judges 10:7 The anger of God was hot against Israel and God sold them out.
115. Judges 11:30-39 God had Jephthah murder 20 cities for Him. Then, God had Jephthah’s 13-year-old daughter first to come through his door, to happily welcome her father home. Jephthah gave his virgin daughter 2 months to mourn her virginity in that she couldn’t live long enough to bear children. Jephthah then sacrificed his only child by burnt offering to your Lord.
116. Judges 13:1 The Israelites again offended God. God sold the Israelites out to the Philistines for 40 years.
117. Judges 14:1-4 Samson saw a Philistine woman that orchestrated God’s plan to go against the Philistines. God had Samson be born and become a weapon to destroy and murder the Philistines.
118. Judges 14:11-20 Samson bet 30 men 30 tunics to solve a riddle. Upon losing the bet, the Spirit of God inspired Samson to murder 30 men in town for their tunics to pay the debt off. Samson’s wife, who had just married Samson, made him lose the bet. Then, she married Samson’s best man.
119. Judges 15:15-16 God released Samson’s hands; he found a jawbone of an ass and killed / murdered 1,000 men. Samson said: With the jawbone of an ass, I have slain a thousand men.
120. Judges 16:29-30 Samson killed more men and women bringing down the temple than he had murdered during his entire lifetime, and died himself.
121. Judges 18:27 They attacked Laish, a quiet and trusting people. They murdered them and destroyed their city by fire. Catholic
122. Judges 20:22 The Israelites asked God: Should I again engage my brother in battle? God said they should.
123. Judges 20:24 But, when they met for the 2nd time, God had the Benjamites kill another 18,000 Israelites.
124. Judges 20:26-28 The Israelites offered sacrifice to the Lord and God said: Attack tomorrow and I will deliver them to you.
125. Judges 20:35 On the 3rd day the Israelis killed 25,100 Benjamites.
126. Judges 20:48 The Israelites murdered the inhabitants of the Benjamite cities they chanced upon. They destroyed, by fire, all the cities they came upon.
127. Judges 21:10-11 Twelve thousand (12,000) soldiers were ordered to Jabesh-Gilead to murder those who lived there including women and children.
128. Judges 21:12&16 except for 400 virgins, God murdered all the Benjamite women.
129. I Samuel 2:6-7 God kills, and makes alive; he makes the rich and the poor.
130. I Samuel 2:22 & 34 God’s priests are misusing tithes and having sexual relations with women who serve at the meeting tent entrance. God will put them to death which will gives rise to the priest, Samuel.
131. I Samuel 4:2 God had the enemy Philistines murder about 4,000 Israelites.
132. I Samuel 4:10-11 God killed 30,000 more Israelites and the 2 bad priests.
133. I Samuel 6:19 God slaughtered 50,070 men who looked into the Arc of God. King James Version The Catholic version depicts God slew only 70. (This is one of very few differences between Bibles.)
134. I Samuel 15:3 God said: Go smite Amalek, utterly destroy all that they have, spare them not; slay / murder both man and woman, babies and suckling.
135. I Samuel 15:8-11 Saul killed but spared King Agag, alive. Then, God said: I regret having made Saul King. He has not kept My command - (to murder all that God wanted murdered).
136. I Samuel 15:18-19 Samuel, God’s prophet, said: Saul, go exterminate / murder them. Why have you disobeyed the Lord?
137. I Samuel 15:23 Samuel said to Saul: Rebellion is sin. Because you have rejected God’s command to murder them all, God has rejected you as ruler.
138. I Samuel 15:32-35 Samuel commanded to bring King Agag to him and Samuel cut Agag to pieces before God. God regretted having made Saul King. KJV
139. I Samuel 18:25-27 (God’s chosen) David is given task to deliver 100 Philistine foreskins for a dowry. David murders 200 Philistines, circumcises their corpses and counted them out before Saul to win Saul’s daughter, Michal. Catholic.
140. I Samuel 19:9-10 An evil spirit from God came upon Saul and he tried to nail David to the wall with a spear. David got away. Saul commanded: Bring David up to me in bed so that I may kill him.
141. II Samuel 5:17-20 The Philistines searched for David. David asked God if he should attack them. God said: Attack the Philistines! I will deliver them to you. David attacked and defeated them.
142. II Samuel 6:1-8 David assembled 30,000 men of Israel to move the Arc of God. Uzzah guided the Arc and reached out his hand to steady the Arc for the oxen were making it tip. That angered God. God murdered Uzzah. David was disturbed because God murdered Uzzah.
(Side-note: God had the Israelites build, by God’s specifications, this "arc" which is an idol to God. The "caduceus" and the "arc" are both God ordered idols.)
143. II Samuel 7:9 God told David: I have been with you wherever you went and have destroyed / murdered your enemies before you.
144. II Samuel 11:2-17 David knocked-up Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba. David ordered Uriah -(Bathsheba’s husband) - one of David’s officers - Joab’s armor bearer - to be killed in battle so that David could have his wife, Bathsheba.
145. II Samuel 12:13-18 David shall not die. God, instead, murdered David’s and Bathsheba’s baby at seven days of age.
146. II Samuel 24:15 God offered David 3 punishments to choose from. David chose # 3, pestilence. God stopped murdering, by plague, His own Israelites at 70,000 dead.
147. I Chronicles 21:12-14 God used a destroying Angel and (God) sent pestilence upon (His Own Chosen) Israel and 70,000 men died.
148. 1 Kings 18:19&40 God had Elijah murder 450 prophets of Baal.
Prosecutor: Elijah, one of God's prophets murdered 450 Human Beings.
149. I Kings 20:35-36 God caused a prophet to say to his companion: Strike me. The companion refused. God’s prophet said: Since you did not obey the voice of God, when we part a lion will kill you. When they parted a lion killed him.
150. II Kings 2:23-24 Elisha went up to Bethel. Some small boys jeered at Elisha: "Go up bald head." Elisha cursed the small boys in the name of God and two she bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the children to pieces. Catholic
151. II Kings 17:26 & 36 God sent lions to kill people because they did not know how to worship and sacrifice to God.
152. II Kings 19:35 God’s Angel murdered 185,000 Assyrians.
153. Jeremiah 48:10 God said: Cursed be he who holds back his sword from blood.
154. Jeremiah 50:21 God said: Slaughter / doom them. Do all that I commanded you.
155. Jeremiah 51:20-23 God said: You are My weapon of war. With you, I will murder nations, kingdoms, horse and rider, chariot and driver, man and wife, old and young, youth and maiden.
156. Ezekiel 5:10-1 God said: Fathers shall eat sons, sons shall eat fathers. I’ll inflict punishment on you and scatter you in every direction.
157. Ezekiel 5:11-15 God said: You have defiled My sanctuary. I will cut you down, no pity, no, mercy. 1/3rd of you shall die of pestilence. 1/3rd of you will die of the sword. I will scatter and pursue 1/3rd of you with the sword. I will send famine against you and rob you of your children. I have jealousy, anger and fury. I God have spoken in My jealousy. I will wreak My fury upon them until I am appeased. They shall know I am God. I will make you a waste among nations. I God have spoken.
158. Ezekiel 9:4-10 God said: Pass through Jerusalem. Mark an X (Catholic, actually a T / Tau) on the forehead who complain of abominations practiced in it. Do not look at them with pity or show any mercy. Slay utterly old and young, both maids, little children and women. Wipe them out. Do not touch any marked with the X. Defile the temple. Fill the court with the murdered. I (Ezekiel) cried out: God, will you destroy all that is left in Israel? God said: I will not show any mercy.
159. Ezekiel 18:3-4 God said: All souls (KJV) lives (Catholic) are Mine. All sinners shall die.
160. II Thessalonians 2:11-12 God is sending them a deceiving power so that they may believe the lie, that all who approved wrongdoing may be condemned.
161. Ezekiel 20:25 God said: I gave them statutes and ordinances that were not good so they could not live.
162. Ezekiel 20:26-33 God said: I let them become defiled by their gifts, by their immolation (sacrifice) of their first-born. They offered up their sacrifices. Their offensive offerings sent up appeasing odors by making their children pass through fire. As I live, says God, I will be King over you. Catholic
163. Ezekiel 20:33 God said: I will claim the first fruits of your offerings. As a pleasing odor, I accept you.
(Leviticus 1:9, 18 & 3:5 In sacrifice, the fragrance of the burning fat is God’s.)
164. Ezekiel 21:8-36 God said: I draw My sword and cut off from you the virtuous and the wicked. Everyone shall know it shall not be sheathed again. The sword has been sharpened to work slaughter. I have put a sharpened sword in the hand of a slayer. I will pour out My indignation and fiery wrath on you. I hand you over to ravaging men. You shall be fuel for the fire. Your blood shall flow throughout the land.
165. Ezekiel 23:22 God said: I will stir up your lovers against you from all sides. I will let loose My jealousy against you, so that they will cut off your nose and your ears; they will murder you and burn you. I will hand you over to those you hate. They committed adultery with their idols. To feed them, they sacrificed children they bore Me. They slew their children for their idols. Men shall punish them with the sentence melted out for adultery and murder. God said: Deliver them to terror and plunder.
166. Ezekiel 23:36-47 God said to me: Hack them to pieces and slay their sons and daughters. Catholic
167. Ezekiel 25 God said: I will stretch out My hand against you. I will execute great vengeance on them, punishing them furiously. They shall know I am God when I wreak My vengeance on them. Her daughters shall be slaughtered on the mainland by the sword; thus they shall know I am God. I bring King Nebuchadnezzar against Tyre and he shall slay your daughters. He will slay your people and pull your pillars to the ground. Never shall you rebuild. God has spoken. I will thrust you down with those in the pit. I will make you dwell in the nether lands, in the everlasting ruins, so you may never return to take your place in the land of the living. I’ll make you a devastation. You shall be no more. You’ll be sought, but never found again, so said God.
168. Ezekiel 28 God said: I will bring against you enemies that will murder you. They shall thrust you down into the pit to die a bloodied corps. Will you say: I am God when you face your murderers? I have brought out fire to devour you to dust. You shall be no more. I am God and I inflict punishments and pestilence to manifest My holiness. Blood shall flow in the streets.
169. Ezekiel 29 God said Pharaoh, the real Pharaoh and King of Egypt, I am coming at you. I give Egypt to Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar. He shall carry off its riches, plundering and pillaging it for the wages of his soldiers, who did it for Me. As payment for his toil, I gave Egypt to him so they will know I am God, says the Lord.
170. Ezekiel 30 God said: They shall know that I am God when I set fire to Egypt and break all who help her. My command to terrify unsuspecting Ethiopia is coming. I shall put an end of Egypt by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar. He and his most ruthless people shall be brought in to devastate the land. They shall fill Egypt with the slain. Everything I hand over to the foreigners to devastate. I, God have spoken. I will inflict punishment on Egypt that they may know that I am the Lord. I will break Pharaoh and strengthen the King of Babylon by putting My sword in his hand. They shall know I am God.
171 Psalm 137:9 God's Bible documents: Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
172. Ezekiel 39:17-19 God said: You shall have flesh to eat and blood to drink - and drink blood until you are drunk.
173. Psalm 135:10 God, who smote great nations and slew mighty Kings...
174. Acts 5:1-10 Ananias and Sapphira sold their land, kept some of the money and gave the rest to the Peter. Peter asked Ananias why Satan filled his heart to retain part of his money. Ananias fell dead. Peter asked Sapphira, his wife, Did you sell your land for this amount? She said: Yes. Then, Peter said: Do you test God? She also fell and died.
175. Job 2:3 God said to Satan: "You enticed (moved / tempted) Me against him (Job) to ruin him without cause."
176. Hosea 14:1 Samuel has rebelled against God. They shall fall by the sword, their little ones shall be dashed to pieces, their expectant mothers shall be ripped open.
177. Prosecutor: Luke 19:27 Jesus, The Lord’s Son, said: Those who would not have Me be king over them, bring them before Me and slay them.
178. Revelation 2:23 The Son of Man, (Jesus Christ) said: "I will kill her children"...
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