Imagine you have no home of your own. A "STRANGER" authoritatively tells you that he has chosen you and that he will give you a home of your own. You want to believe him. He takes you to a distant land and points out a house to you. He now says, "There is the home I give you." You look and you see people in the house. He says, "Now, you go into that house and kill every man, woman and child in that house or I will do to you what I thought to do to them."

This is the Exodus story. How do you like the Biblical God now?
What if the Biblical God gave your, your wife's and your children's house to His new chosen?

A Just & Fair God?
Is your concept of God based on the facts about God as written in the Bible or have you created a God in your own mind based mostly on selective hearsay? Do you remember God as depicted in the words of the Bible or have you made up your own God to suit yourself? Is idealistic feel-good a large part of your meaningful or sacred formula?
A mind-set believer would not seek out the truth (facts) when the credibility of their God, Jesus and the Bible is at stake. Some believers tend to demonize and distort what doesn’t serve them? Is your being loyal to a belief more important than your being correct and honest? During slavery and exploitation, potential victims formulate a master / slave relationship without questioning whether their masters are worthy of obedience, worship and /or kiss-butt. Parents, bosses, business-owners, Generals, Captains and Sergeants love it.
You show me a good religious believer, and I will show you a good human-sacrifice.
There is one word anyone can put in the place of God and it will fit perfectly 100% of the time. That word is authority. Why not get out a Bible and prove this to yourself? Find the word God, and put authority in its place. Does it fit?
The genetic Ego (I am the authority) is built to worship itself and to obey it’s own genes while masquerading as a God.
You are created by your genes. They are your creator.

Other than nature and the laws of physics, all authority is assumed. Don’t parents, wives, husbands, educators, employers, supervisors, Gods and all other “assumed authorities” assume that you are to account for your time; that your behavior requires their approval?
The ultimate meaning of freedom is unaccountable time.
Test it. No authority: Boss, parent, General, Captain, Sergeant, husband, wife, clergy nor God wants you to have freedom (unaccountable time). They all want you to account for your time to them, obey them and serve them on their terms.
Slavery may consist of many distasteful elements, but one thing must be present for it to qualify, accountable time. Our genes are so conditioned to slavery that we become addicted to substances like alcohol, drugs, and other sensory and time consuming addictions.
Buzz’s, a prison warden’s criticism: Try to stop making the Bible say what you want it to say. It’s always been and always will be a question of faith. You will see after you believe; not before.
"I Believe" means: I don't know; I gamble, I pretend, I have no hard evidence, I'm mind-set / closed-minded, I project, I impose my will on reality...
As long as I'm committed to my belief, I am not capable of learning. As a believer, I assume to be the authority over an agenda I'd like you to follow and obey. Commit to follow me, serve what I serve, show respect and obedience and serve my authority on my terms. Subordinate your feelings to mine, trust me, shut up and do as I expect. Be a sheep and allow me to satisfy your quest to follow.
"I believe" is the vocabulary of manipulative con men. Faith, hope and belief are the tools for commitments, conscription oaths, employment agreements and wedding vows.
Be-lie-ve. Lie is in the middle of believe.
Fact / reality: A fact is something impartial, not political, has no consideration for any agenda. Facts are the tools to best understand reality - for those who prefer to understand and deal with reality. Facts are the essentials tools in determining illegal deeds upon which judgments are based concerning the fate of criminals.
Truth: Something expressed that generally has a more personal agenda. When a truth is expressed by someone concerning a topic or event, in time, usually it is their feelings being explained, not the facts nor the topic. Their committed feelings amount to their truth.
Faith: When others insist you have faith, they insist you commit to terms not your own. They expect you to prefer their committed feelings and agendas over fact. People wishing for you to have faith are those wishing for you to shut up, to do what you are told and do what’s expected. You are expected to accept and obey what the assumed authority desires without disturbing his agendas and goals.
People, who go comatose with faith, are either afraid to rock the boat or are just looking for a free ride. Salvation, maybe?
To believe that you are so important that Jesus had to die to save you and that you have to bathe yourself in His blood, is totally sick. Do you fantasize that anybody else should also readily die for you? Well, maybe some romantics do - who are capable of murder.
Exodus 21:1-11 God gives His rules concerning slavery.
Exodus 21:7 When a man sells his daughter as a slave . . .
Exodus 21:13 If he did not plan to kill his victim, but, God caused it to happen, then God will provide a place where the killer can find refuge.
Sadistic believers don’t care what Human Being dies as long as they believe his or her death to be “God’s Will”.
Is Death God's Will?
Isn’t this how God handled the Cain murdered Abel case?
Isn’t this also how God handled the Moses murdered an Egyptian case?
Are murderers, who plan their crimes, just puppets or victims of God and His criminal agendas? How does this perspective effect the justice system if the murderer claims or admits that his or her God made him or her do it?
Exodus 21:17 Whoever curses his father or mother shall be murdered.
Exodus 21:20-21 If a master hurts his servant or maid and they die immediately, the master will be punished. But if the slave lives a day or two, then dies, the master will not be punished because that slave is his own money. King James Version
Here is The Good Book's license to murder one's slave as long as the slave dies slowly over a day or two. Who is the slave's adversary?

Exodus 22:17 God directs to murder witches. Catholic KJV = Exodus 22:18
Millions of innocent people were hacked to pieces and burned to death during the inquisition due to this “sacred” verse.
Exodus 22:27 You shalt not curse the ruler of your people.
Exodus 22:28: God said: Give me the first-born of your sons.

Give Me The First-Born Of Your Sons
For what purpose? For sacrifice?
Exodus 22:29 A first-born animal may Me. stay with it's mother for 7 days, then you must sacrifice it to Me.

Do you think God figures mother and baby have emotionally bonded long enough?
Exodus 23:15 Do not appear before God empty-handed.
Could this be more clergy's idea?
Rene Descartes alluded that the proposition of belief is a matter of will.
David Hume holds that belief is an emotional condition.
If one believes, then one is unjustified in claiming to know. Are most people's beliefs just what they are programmed to want or to not want?
Are beliefs but committed feelings?
Exodus 23:22-32 If you obey Me and do what I say, I will hate your enemies and attack your foes. I will annihilate them. You will serve your God. I will banish sickness from among you. No woman will suffer miscarriage or remain childless. I will make you live out full lives. I will cause the people in your path to be terrified of Me and make your enemies run from you. I will send deadly wasps ahead of you to drive them out. I will give their land to you. You will not make a treaty with them. They shall not live in your land.
The Biblical God was a hateful thug, bully, tyrant, Who often displayed a street mentality. He was a con God Who dealt out lies and false promises.
This God's most meaningful intentions were to murder people and to take their land for a chosen group. These deeds would not be correct today; nor were they moral, legal or correct thousands of years ago
Ancient gods, or more accurately, those who pretended to serve them, competed for power and profit over the people of Earth just as most politicians and clergy do today. If, back then, your god couldn’t compete by providing promises, miracles and / or consequences, your god just wasn’t much. What’s sad is, that’s the same god many believers would require today. Why?
Test: God created a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist and a Jew. Which is going to be saved for Heaven? Your answer is _____.
Q: Then, why did God create the others?
Exodus 24:5 Moses sent men to slaughter oxen as burnt offering to God.
Exodus 24:6-8 Moses splashes blood on altars, people and everything.
Exodus 25:3 These are contributions you will accept: Gold, silver, bronze…
What would God want with gold, silver, or anything else?
Exodus 29:10-18 God directs: Bring the young bull. Have Aaron and his sons place their hands on the bull's head. Slaughter the bull before God. Take the bull's blood and place it on the altar with your finger. Spill all the remaining blood on the foundations of the altar. All the fat that covers the inner organs, the fat that's on the liver and 2 kidneys, you shall burn on the altar. Do the same to the ram. Cut the ram to pieces. Wash off its intestines. Burn the ram on the altar. It is a burnt offering; an appeasing fragrance to God.

Cooked Fat?
Do you think that this Biblical God would ever require or allow a father, who does His murdering for Him, to do a burnt offering procedure on his 13-year-old little girl, even if the little girl probably loved her father? If you can stomach this scenario, it comes later.
Reminder: I didn’t write the Bible. I just read it, took notes and dared to share them. GWD
Exodus 29:25 You will burn the sweet smelling oblation to the Lord. The rest will be for you.
The Biblical God loves to smell and savor the fat-smoke from the burning fat around a sacrificed animal's organs. The priests seem to get the prime cuts, so it is barbecue-time again for the Aaron Cohen family of priests. This is a disgusting bunch with a even more disgusting Boss.
Can you picture, today, yourself drawing a crowd by placing a living animal on a grate, only to take out a knife and slit it’s throat? Then, you cheer in its death struggle? Next, you slit open the belly of the quivering animal so its guts pour out on the grate ready for flames to scorch. You will do that so your Biblical God can smell the gross odor of the burning fat around the poor animals guts; that He so awesomely craves.
Are these some of the requirements of your personal God?
Exodus 31:15 Anyone who dares work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death.
Oh my?
Exodus 31:18 God gave Moses two tables of stone written by the finger of God.

God's Finger-Written Stones?
Exodus 32:1-5 (Meanwhile): The Israeli people asked Aaron to make a God for them. Aaron replied: Have your wives, sons and daughters take off their gold earrings and bring them to me. Aaron accepted their offerings, made them into a Golden Calf - and an altar.

Moses' Brother Aaron Built The Golden Calf
Exodus 32:7-14 God goes ballistic again and tells Moses not to stop Him when He unleashes His wrath to destroy them. Moses began to plead to make God stop: Egypt will say You took us out with evil intention, to kill us in the country, to wipe us off the face of the Earth. Moses begged God to withdraw His anger and refrain from doing evil to His people. God refrained from doing the evil He planned for His people.
God planned evil? Again? God changed His mind? As with Abraham, God got moral guidance, again from Moses?
Here is a God with the emotions and the temper tantrums of a spoiled, evil child. God orders Moses NOT to try to stop God which Moses disobeys. God intends to destroy His people. Moses tells God to stop being angry and to not do evil to His people. God changed His mind. Here is more evidence of the characteristics of God.
Unfortunately, for the pious believer, as long as Bibles exist, this evidence just will not conveniently go away. In all of this God’s trust there is the potential of betrayal. The mechanism of belief tends to ignore that. Believers are never prepared for betrayal. It’s not a feel-good. Irrational Denial is their automatic response.
Exodus 32:19 Moses, who just calmed down angry God, became so angry himself, he threw down and destroyed God's finger written sacred tablets and they broke into pieces.

Moses Killed 3,000 Of God's Chosen
Boy! Is Moses going to catch it for this? Actually, Abraham gave God a moral lesson too in Gen 18:25. And wow! What about that Aaron, Moses' brother, the head of the priests? Aaron made The Golden Calf. Is his fat going into the fire, or what? Nah - he’s an insider.
Exodus 32:27-28 Moses Levi ordered all the sons of Levi to slay their own family, friends and neighbors; Moses murdered about 3,000 of their own relatives, God's Own chosen.
Is this insane or what? Are you still an accomplice of this God's insanity and treachery; or, are you now going to insist that it wasn't God's but Moses' tyranny? You do recall that it was Moses' brother Aaron, who made the golden-calf from the peoples' earrings? Aaron is allowed to live! Isn't this hypocrisy multiplied by twice the speed of light?
Now that we know what this God did to all the Egyptians, is this "loyal and loving" God worthy of Egyptian worship? How about Hebrew worship? What kind of God would require your servitude and blind obedience; demanding receptiveness to its power, control and manipulation?
Don't big businesses, courts, churches, child-abusers, rapists and the egos of man find virtue in this kind of behavior? Think of all the pain, murdering, anguish, lies, torture, deception, annihilation and destruction, performed by this character we refer to as God.
Could these “Holy Books” be considered sacred by Governments, businesses, armed forces, courts, clergy, and parents, if they knew the truth about them? Yep!
When one questions this Biblical God, many believers defend Him with similar statements that Caligula and Nero shouted: I am the Emperor (God). I can do whatever I want to whomever I want to! The peasants live and die for me, for my pleasure!
Exodus 33:11 God used to speak to Moses face to face as one man speaks to another.
Exodus 33:20&23 God explained: I who show favors and I who grant mercy to whom I will. You cannot see my face and live. My face is not to be seen. (Catholic)
Two pieces of hard evidence: This God does play favorites and any character who claims he has seen the face of this God is a liar. Doesn’t Exodus 33:11 and Exodus 33:20 contradict each other? If one supports either passage, the Bible itself makes one out to be a liar to another who knows of the other passage. Jacob and the rest must be liars, too.
Exodus 34:1 Jehovah calmly volunteers to re-do the tablets.
There is no punishment for Mr. Moses Levi's crime of destroying God's “sacred” finger- written tablets nor for his killing 3,000 of his own.
Again, "thou shalt kill, on my terms"; and, that Aaron? He made The Golden Calf and got off unscathed. WHY???
Exodus 34:7 The sins of the father will be punished upon his future innocent children.

Somebody, please, get a net! Some Christians, today, claim religious persecution. When examining their claim, it often boils down to: We set values for you to obey. If you display any resistance to our values and disobey us, we will righteously claim that you are persecuting us.
This Bible and Its God in no way qualifies as a model for a society that wants to survive. Considering Moses and Aaron, God’s agendas are being carried out by psychotics.
Exodus 40:13-15 God said: Anoint Aaron and his sons as my priests for all future generations.
What? God gives a reward for Aaron’s screwing up? Again, what hypocrisy!
Don't people, even today, who do their best to obey God, still get driven into wars where by they destroy or are destroyed in the name of God? We must fire this God to break the pattern. History has factually shown us that while we are attempting to serve this God, we have always been attempting to destroy portions of our own man-kind.
Who was the Egyptians' evil? Who was the Israelites' adversary?
What? No Satan, Hell or Heaven, nor after-life has yet been mentioned? What a non-coincidence?
To “have faith” is to blindly and irrationally support something although it is nonsense. One cannot explain nonsense; ergo, one cannot explain faith. Do people, who influence you, want you to think and to learn or to believe and to obey? Those who promote faith want you to maintain your ignorance for their own control and your obedience purposes. Learning does not take place without a change of behavior.
Truth: The dedication to what is real and accurate. Shouldn’t we support the proven facts, even if they are not what we want?

Samuel Clemments AKA Mark Twain
All that it takes for great lies to continue is for honest people to do nothing. Well, that also proves that they are not truly honest.
Feel-good believers compromise: When the truth is ugly, only a lie can appear beautiful. Believers tend to compromise reality in favor of beautiful fantasies and false-hoods.
Sometimes believers will stubbornly declare concerning an unlikely belief: “I just know it!” They know nothing. But, now you know that they desire to become an authority, superior to you, to control you and to be respected (obeyed) by you.
Wisdom can not be taught. For some thinkers, this material triggers enlightenment and knowledge. But, for some mind-set, God-fearing believers, it is like the taking of bitter medicine. These rational questions, perspectives, thoughts, theories and discoveries do tend to lie outside the dogmatic, religious mainstream of society.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights assures that questions aren’t guilty. The technique of acquiring law-breaking facts through the questioning of illegal deeds is what best determines guilt in a justice system from the street cop to the supreme court.
Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights
Clergy of certain faiths have people praying for “the harvest”. Don’t people know that they and their children all must die to satisfy “the harvest”? Do they hate life on earth so much that they would willingly sacrifice all mankind to get off, they think, safely? What if their faith was misplaced and they found out they were not chosen? Would they still sacrifice all mankind for their gamble? Clergy spin sick scenarios based on sick scripture.
The Bible has stories that people are told to live by. Can you pick just one that you would like your child to live by if the child had to fulfill the story in its entirety? Which one?
Did you notice that in The Old Testament, God’s personal murderers, adulterers and thieves had more time on stage, in the spotlight, in the headlines, than anyone else?
God is temperamental? Isn’t that Satan’s job? How angry and evil would you have to get to do the things God did? Could you? If yes, is that why you worship God?
Do you like people who attempt to change the facts you have discovered with irrational faith (non-sense) with a straight face and denial? Nobody likes to be proven wrong but one often learns something when it happens. Often, it’s the painful lessons about God or ourselves, that we refuse to learn.
When people can’t effectively see anything but themselves, they invent a God to focus on. If you asked someone to define the characteristics of their God, it would be doubtful you would recognize any God of the Bible. You would probably recognize a fair description of themselves.
Could the biggest moral force in the universe be that which leaves natural things alone?
Natural evolution tolerating the acceptance of differences, may be the second greatest moral force. Destructive revolution with no tolerance of differences may be the greatest evil force.
How many times does the God of The Old Testament display, by deeds, a sense of morality? How many times does He not?
If God is our moral model, how well or far has it developed according to history and the current newspaper? It seems gun size and military strength determines morality if you listen to the testimonies of moral cowards and sheep.
Does your clergy preach for you to look forward to another world by forsaking this one? Does your clergy tell you that you don’t have to die to get there? Does he or she promote Santa Claus?

Did the Hebrews of the OT believe in an afterlife? Do most Jews today believe in an afterlife?
What one person, who you know, would be impacted if sent to this website?
Questions? Corrections? Comments?