Thank you, Louis. Your website is extremely informative. I highly recommend it for those who wish to learn.
Unlike Pastor Arnold Murray, who claims that Adam was created on the 6th day and was not the first human being, most clergy view that Adam and Eve were the first human beings created on the 6th day. Adam was formed out of clay and Eve was formed from one of Adam's ribs.

God Formed Eve From One Of Adam's Ribs?

Do Men Miss A Rib?
How can a logical, reasonable person not question the validity of the Bible? If Adam and Eve were created on the 6th day and God was out of the picture for the whole 7th day / 1000 Earth years, then Adam and Eve had to be over 1000 Earth years old when God worked with them again. But Genesis 5:5 documents that Adam lived only 930 years. I find this contradictory and confusing.
In this 1st version, God created man and woman simultaneously and equal on the 6th day. Animals and everything else already existed.
Note: Bible input deems that Mankind was created about 6,000 years ago.
The 2nd Version
Genesis 2:5 No shrubs or plants existed; no rain, no man yet to work the ground.
Genesis 2:7 God formed Man out of the ground.
What? In this 2nd version, man was formed out of the ground before God made plants and animals? This Biblical myth is also doubtful because what would man eat?
1st, science proves that a human being cannot be formed in a 24 hour day out of mere Earth dirt. 2nd, science proves that a living woman cannot be formed in a 24 hour day merely out of a man's rib. If there was more to the story, then the Bible is poorly written and sorely lacking in understandable structure and content. The Bible, so far, shows no logical or reasonable merit. Why do believers insist on believing this over-the-top nonsense? Why do they then push their nonsensical beliefs on others?
Genesis 2:7-9 does conflict with Genesis 1:11 & Genesis 1:27. How can believers believe in a Bible that proves to conflict with Itself?
Some "authorities" claim that the "J" (Jehovistic) version and the "E" (Elohim) version are from 2 schools of authorship - not from 2 individuals. "J" was from Judea / Jerusalem and "E" was from northern Israel.
Many credit Moses for writing the Torah. Moses was associated with Egypt. Egypt was one of the ancient cultures that started a myth of creation; but the Hebrews / Jews did not buy into Egypt's version of creation nor anyone else's afterlife myths.
Genesis 2:11-12 There's especially good gold, pearls and precious stones. (Torah)

Gold Pearls Precious Stones
So what? Other than a monkey attraction to shiny objects, with no commercial / barter system in place, what's the point?
Genesis 2:15 God placed man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and take care for it. Catholic
First, in Genesis 1:28 God gave man dominion over the Earth and now man is confined to a garden - and he hasn't even sinned yet.
So, God does change His mind! How can God be "omnipotent" (all knowing) and always in control - if God changes His mind? Most believers demand that you believe that God never changes His mind whatsoever. Under what circumstance would a Judeo-Christian-Islamic believer ever admit that he or she is wrong? What a maddening thought!
Rabbi Burton Visotsky Ph.D: God is alone in the Universe. If God fills the Universe, how can God create anything? God is afraid if man is alone, he will think.
Some clergy, like Rabbi Visotsky, have claimed that God was alone and lonely so God created man. Due to God's words "us" and "our" in Genesis 1:26, and later in Genesis another myth refers to "The Sons of God"; obviously, these clergy are in error. God was not alone before He is claimed to have created mankind. Jesus and Satan both existed since the beginning of creation. According to the Bible, God was not alone.
Gen 2:17 God said to Adam: In the day (KJV) on the day (Torah) in the moment (Catholic) you eat of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil", you shall surely die.
Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil?
Would God lie?
Genesis 5:5 Adam died at 930 years old - which conflicts with Genesis 2:17 "in or on the day" (especially) "in the moment" you eat the forbidden fruit, you shall surely die.
As there was no “spiritual” death in the OT. The serpent, who was then put on his belly for the rest of his finite life, told the truth while God lied concerning “In the day” (KJV) “on the day” (Torah) “in the moment” (Catholic) wording to Adam and Eve.
Peter 2:3 may try to spin "in the day" claiming that one day for God is a thousand years - but it can't spin "in the moment". It is the Jewish Rabbi who needs to straighten out Christian clergy as to “God’s truth” within the words of the Old Testament - for the Old Testament IS the book of the Jews.
Genesis 2:18-22 God wanted Adam to have a compatible helper so God formed out of the ground various animals. Adam named each living thing and found no helper. While asleep, God built what He took from the man into a woman.
So, God formed man from out of the ground before God formed animals from out of the ground. Man was made from the same dirt that animals were made from. That does not set man apart from animals any more than they are set apart from each other.
God made animals after God made Adam. Then God made woman from one of Adam's ribs. Due to Chapters and Verses like this, many churches, even today, consider it sacrilege to espouse equal rights for women. What an ignorant, stupid and idiotic hypocrisy!
So, God asked Adam what he wanted in a mate. Adam said: Cook, clean and great sex. God said: That will cost you an arm and a leg. Adam asked: What can I get for a rib? (Sometimes old jokes break the tension.)
In one Bible story, God creates both Adam and Eve simultaneously in one act. That makes them equal. Later, in another story, God takes a rib from Adam to create Eve. Now, she is considered to be an inferior creature and a subordinate to Adam. The second story has Adam more divine than Eve because Adam was created first and was preferred by God. The second story is obviously inconsistent with the first story of Adam and Eve. Which story do you prefer? If you are male, and believe that you are superior to all women, you probably shouldn't tell your mother, your sister, your girlfriend or your female boss. If Adam came from dirt, like the animals came from dirt, and Eve came from Adam's living rib; then, didn't Eve come from something more advanced than Adam did? Adam came from dirt. Eve came from a human gene base. To conclude, which, the man or the woman, came from superior stock?
Was the creation of man and woman a response to some need inside God? Can God, a supposed "perfect" being, need?
What was God's motive to create mankind? Pastor Arnold Murray claims that there was a "First Earth Age" whereby Satan went bad and wanted God's throne. 1/3rd of Heaven's Angels followed Satan so God created mankind for all those souls to live lives through so to judge those souls worthiness for serving God for eternity. Murray selects various Bible C&Vs to determine this scenario. It certainly is not a popular mainstream Bible dogma.
Genesis 2:19-21 God formed animals and birds from the ground. Adam gave them names.
Adam Names All The Animals?
This suggests that all animals came from the ground, not just mankind and that man originated on planet Earth and did not come from outer space.
Catholic Bible Note: In ancient Israel, a day was deemed to begin at sunset.
Does that sound crazy to you? Well, how about the fact that today, in the year 2006, our morning begins at 12 o'clock midnight. By nomenclature, how can "midnight" (the middle of the night) be morning? Our modern tradition is still nuts.
Genesis 2:25 They were naked and not embarrassed by one another.
Genesis 3:1 The serpent was the most cunning of all animals. It asked questions of Eve.
The Bible says "Serpent" - not "Satan".
The highest form of thought is the question. Satan proves to be a thinker. God probably doesn't like that.
Most clergy insist that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden was Satan. That Satan tempted Eve, who shared the forbidden fruit with Adam, which caused mankind to fall from the grace of God and that this act created sin. Due to this myth, many churches blame women for causing the first sin and this also has made women the lesser, inferior and subordinate human as traditionalized by man's poor treatment of women throughout recorded history.
I personally view that man is just another predator / animal that tends to be dominant and cruel to smaller, weaker and more ignorant animals. Men tend to kill and eat most of those animals. Men tend to often treat women authoritatively and cruelly simply because they can - as women tend to be physically smaller and weaker. Enforceable modern laws have successfully altered most of modern men's authoritative and cruel behavior towards women. Modern laws are certainly a positive progress from God's Biblical guidance concerning man's treatment of women.
Genesis 3:2-4 Eve said to the Serpent: God told me: Eat the forbidden fruit and we will die. The Serpent said to Eve: Eat it and you will certainly not die. (This indicates that God lied to Eve.) God knows that on the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be as gods who know good and evil.
God stated exactly the same thing in Genesis 3:22 confirming the Serpent's integrity.
Adam and Eve ate of the "forbidden fruit" and they did not die. Again, Genesis 5:5 documents that Adam lived to 930 years of age. Which one, God or the Serpent, frankly lied? Who did not tell the truth? Mindset believers will argue and spin that "surely die" means a "spiritual" death. What else can they say other than they are wrong believing that God couldn't lie or deceive people. There is no qualification here that separates the word die (death) from what it means in later English-speaking C&V scripture. Dust to dust is mentioned. No after-life is mentioned.
Can God Do All Things? Can God Die?
3:9 And God called Adam, and said him, Where art thou?
God asked Adam where he was. Either God was ignorant and did not know where Adam was - or - God was deceptive by pretending not to know where Adam was.
In Genesis 3:11-14 God questioned Adam. Adam snitched on Eve. Eve snitched on the Serpent. They all got punished. It could have been worse, you say? God could have fulfilled His threat and killed them? What could be worse that condemning the human species to be born into sin that will cause them "Eternal Torment", pain and suffering for failing a scenario that God created? Reflect. What could be worse than that?
If one of God's measurable days is 1000 Earth years, God is not "eternal" because God is affected by time. If God is affected by a day, which is a measurement of time, then God is affected by time.
Some ancient Rabbinical comments: Women walk at the head of the funeral procession because woman brought death into the world. Why does a woman menstruate? Because, she shed the blood of Adam. This is her punishment and why it is called "the curse".
The Snake is a wisdom figure and one of immortality. It sheds its skin and is born again.
What poetic bunk.
The Snake is used, prestigiously, in identifying the medical profession.
Genesis 3:14 God said to the Serpent: On your belly you shall crawl all the days of your life.
Don't some insist that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden was Satan? If so, why has Satan NOT been depicted to be on his belly throughout history? He hasn't. Isn't Satan depicted to look mostly like a man? If Satan has "powers" and can change shape - then, God's punishment had little effect on him. God's integrity and power, by His Own words, are diminished. Doesn't it also appear that Satan has a limited lifespan?
Genesis 3:16 God promised woman to multiply her sorrow for conception of her children and that she would be ruled over by her husband.
God can't be much clearer than this as to woman's subservience to man. So much for human equality. What a God!
Actually, here is childbirth pain and goodbye equality. Later however, the Queen of Sheba, at the time of King Solomon, ruled over an Arab country, of all things. Cleopatra, a Greek woman, was the last great Pharaoh of Egypt. Inconsistencies? Neither of these women were subordinate to men as God projected. Both powerful women had sex with powerful men for political purposes and advantages. What are these "models of virtue" teaching your daughters? Islamic women today are getting stoned to death for daring to drive cars. Is this the same God for all time and for all people on planet Earth? Apparently not.
Genesis 3:17-19 To Adam, God said: Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree I forbid you, the ground shall be cursed because of you. You return to the ground from which you are taken; for you are dirt.
When God told Adam of his fate, does God mention any afterlife, Heaven or Hell? Let me help you. No.
Instead of relying on clergy or others to inform you, read the Bible for yourself. Wisdom cannot be taught. You are the only thinker in your entire universe. You can only think and decide what is fact for yourself.
Gen 3:20 Adam called his wife Eve because she was the mother of all the living.
Really! All the living? So, Eve is the mother of Crabs, Bats and Viruses? Obviously, this is another erroneous Biblical statement.
Genesis 3:22 God said: Man has now become like one of us in knowing good and evil.
This is the God's C&V confirmation that the Serpent told the truth in Genesis 3:2-4.
Remember that in Genesis 3:4 the Serpent had said to Eve: God knows that on the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be as gods who know good and evil. God, Himself, in Genesis 3:22 just verified that the Serpent told the truth.
Did The Serpent Have Sex With Eve To Produce Cain?
Genesis 3:23 God said He (Adam) must be prevented from taking from the Tree of Life and living forever. God banished man from the Garden of Eden.
1 Timothy 2:14 Adam was not deceived. The woman (Eve) was deceived and transgressed.
If this "perfect" Biblical God gave Adam and Eve "free will", then God did not know how His "perfect creation" would use it. That proves that the Biblical God did not know-it-all and that God is not omnipotent. Also, how "free" is anything if there is a horrible price or consequence to pay?
If just one Human Being on Earth truly has free-will, God is not in control.
If God never changes, God has no free-will.
And, there is that US thing again. God is showing this to other gods? So, if man eats from the Tree Of Life and Knowledge, he not only gets smart but he also gets the potential to live forever. That makes this Biblical God angry? Man gains judgment, without which he cannot make decisions and God gets mad?
Conclusion: This "fruit" separated man from dumb animals and what appears beneficial to man obviously make this God angry. What's so bad about distinguishing good from evil? Don't you want your children to know good from evil, right from wrong? You would think that it was evil for who wants to stop you from knowing right from wrong, good from bad - but noooo. It proves to be God who does that. Can you explain this?
Did God put the Serpent in the Garden to trap innocent Adam and Eve; then, throw tantrums and punish them and all their future children? Didn't know-it-all God know that the Serpent would sabotage His plans, unless, in reality, that was God's plan? If that was God's plan - then Who is EVIL?
Doesn't it take something imperfect to create something imperfect? Was God in fear of being judged good or evil? Was performing good and / or evil all the same to this God? Isn't unauthorized knowledge considered evil to man just like it is to God? If this God should be evil, then, how would you know it unless you knew the difference between good and evil? Believers behave as if they do NOT know the difference between GOOD and EVIL concerning the Biblical God. By not knowing the difference, could evil have its way with you? Notice how God gets hostile once the difference is known. Why? Was God's intent for man to remain as dumb as the animals? Rather than question God, would you prefer to be as dumb as animals? Why get an education then? Are kids who drop out of school just being "religiously correct"?

Dumb & Dumber
Questions for God:
God, are You all-knowing?
God: Yes.
Did you create Judiasm, Christianity, Buddhaism, Islam and Hinduism?
God: Yes.
Which ones will make it into Heaven?
G: Only Christians.
So, why did you create the others - and - why condemn mankind if You knew that Adam and Eve would sin?
God's answer: "As it is written - it is all for My pleasure."
Bill Moyers wrote a great book titled “Genesis” containing perspectives by a mixed bag of world famous religious experts. Some were selected due to their views concerning the Bible and its God. The words are intrinsically important within their own contexts.
Was man alone? Was Eve presented to Adam to serve as his helper?
Does God put delicious, but forbidden fruit, in the middle of a garden? Then, does God create a evil serpent and place it near naïve Adam and Eve? Is this a set up or what?
Does the serpent ask the Bible’s first questions and initiate the first conversation?
So, Are Adam and Eve not supposed to learn the knowledge of good and evil?
Is it because wisdom belongs to God alone?
God makes a command Eve turns into an option. Eve is the one who makes it all happen.
Do these Bible stories teach us about God or about ourselves? If it is about God, then what about God?
Did Eve get Adam in trouble? Could sin, introduced by a woman, be but a bum rap?
God didn’t want Adam and Eve to grow up like parents don’t want their children to mature and become sexually aware. God is jealous.
The Bible sets it up that Adam either obeys God or the woman. Is one bad, one good?
Didn’t the serpent, in essence, call God a liar? Did the serpent prove God to be a liar?
Was God angry because He was disobeyed?
The serpent can’t be right - for wouldn’t that make God wrong?
Did Eve trust the serpent to tell the truth and not God?
Is the Bible’s first incident of trust, misplaced trust?
Why did God put forbidden fruit and the serpent in the garden?
When God gave man choice, did He give man keys to vehicles that drive Him nuts?
Why did this all-knowing God ask questions? Isn’t that more of a human quality?
In ancient times, wasn’t the snake a symbol of fertility, wisdom and health?
Didn’t God even initially introduced prohibition, limitation and boundaries?
Adam and Eve both denied, pointed the finger and covered up. Great lessons God taught.
For Eve to be born from man (taken from his rib) is a reversal in reality.
Does God change His mood, shame His children and kick them out of the house?
What’s wrong if one knows that they are naked?
Does to be created in God’s image mean we are free to choose evil as well as good?
Was God insane and suffering from the beginning?
Genesis 4:1-2 Adam had sex with Eve. They beget Cain (1st) then Abel. (Twins)
Genesis 4:3-8 Cain brought an offering to God. God accepts Abel’s animal sacrifice and rejects Cain’s crop offering.
Hebrews 11:4 By faith, Abel offered to God a sacrifice greater than Cain’s.
Ok, whose idea was it to make the first offering to God? Cain, you say? Wow!
4:7 God said to Cain: If you do well, shall you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door.
Ah, the definition of "sin" according to God.
Genesis 4:8 Cain couldn’t handle God's rejection and killed Abel.

Jealous Cain Killed God-Favored Abel
Was it fair of God to reject Cain? Couldn’t know it all God see this coming? Was it because Cain did not sacrifice a living animal? Point blank: Why did this God reject Cain’s gift?
First, humans are disobedient. Next is an offering to God. Then, next is murder.
Genesis 4:9 God asked Cain: Where is Abel thy brother?
Again, either God was ignorant or deceptive.
Cain asked God: Am I my brother's keeper?
God created Abel. Cain certainly did not create Abel. Was this God’s project or was it Cain’s? Why did God create Cain the way he was? How did Abel, by faith and God’s grace, make out? Was God’s will done? Didn’t innocent Abel get killed on God’s watch? How can God be considered to be the protector of the innocent? Did God make a mistake? What is God’s track record so far? Do you know any authoritarians who won’t admit God’s mistakes or their own? If God has everything pre-ordained, did Cain have any choice in killing Abel?
In Hebrew “Abel” (Hevel) means nothingness or futility. Ouch! Abel, the innocent victim, is erased. Isn’t God instrumental in this story where people become evil? Note: Abel has no dialog, nothing to contribute - except his life. Cain is the star of the show. The Biblical God proves to be ignorant, mean, incompetetent or just plain evil.
Was Abel the 1st sacrificial lamb to God? Didn’t God reward the murderer, Cain, with a wife, and a city? Didn’t God make a him a promise of protection - which He broke?

God Wants Blood Sacrifice
Romulus killed his brother Remus, yet Rome was named after Romulus. Why would Romulus, the murderer, be honored the city's name and not his brother, the innocent victim?
The New Testament mentions Adam and Eve but the Hebrew OT Bible never again mentions Adam and Eve. Why? Wouldn’t you think they would have had a more sacred status? Maybe they were never mentioned again because the later Jewish authors considered it was all a fraud.
God proves to be jealous and punitive of the species He made. He proves to be deficient in understanding, low in tolerance. Is this an accurate picture of God or not? Is this depiction of God the same image you carry within your heart or your head? It is very doubtful.
Adam and Eve were not created immortal. God asked: What if they eat from the tree of life and live forever? How could God be in conjecture and know it all?
God Allowed Satan To Tempt Eve To Temp Adam?

Genesis 5:1 God made man in His likeness.
Does this explained man’s immorality?
Corrections? Questions? Comments?