By Gary DeVaney
Religion is slavery - the death of enlightenment - conformity to social tyranny - fear based dogma - primitive politics - power and profit over people.

The Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions all prove to be programmed absurdities.
Q: Would you let your God or your President off the hook from any serious questions or criticisms of His deeds, agendas or behavior - especially when those deeds, agendas and behaviors concern the destruction of you, yours or others?
Perspective: In reality, outside of the laws of nature and science, all authority is assumed authority. Specifically, no man or woman has authority that is not assumed.
If you "believe" - and you are successfully programmed to be "mind-set" - so to disregard and overlook all the authoritative Biblical God's murderous deeds, as they are documented C&V, you will also tend to overlook your authoritative President's wrong doings - no matter who he is. Your mind-set would be: "My God, my King, my Country - right or wrong." You will constantly try to stop any critic from taking issue with or questioning your sacred God's or your authoritative President's murderous and illegal agendas.
"My God, My King, My Country
Much of this "condition" is programmed into our animal genes and triggered by authoritative religious doctrine.
The mind-set attitude of: "My God, my King, my Country - right or wrong" has got to cease for war to cease.
War results when one or more egos want peace - on their terms.
Wars only result after the politicians fail.
An authoritative Ego's ultimate objective of war is to break other Ego's wills - and for those broken wills to become obedient to the Authority's will - or die.
Authoritative Christians and Islamics are in the constant practice of waging war to break and convert other's wills to Christianity or Islam. If you fail to convert your will to Christianity, authoritative Christians will threaten you with "spiritual" death and eternal-torment. When a Christian tries to convert you, they are waging war to break your will and to conform your will to theirs. To save your soul is simply to break your will. What did you think the "salvation" agenda was all about?
"Free will"? Assumed authorities constantly try to break, harness and confine your "free will" to the restrictions and supervision of God - or any other assumed authority. You've got to have free will before they can break your free will and control it. The God-game is the authority-obedience game.

If your will is successfully broken and you are converted, you are promised paradise. Praise and punishment are the tools of dog training.
Most successful, authoritative, "might makes right" Governments require their peasants to be religious, worshipful, obedient and prayerful. In the United States of America, those peasants are mostly called Christians. Those Christians are to become brainwashed, by virtue, so to do their authoritative Government's murderous bidding with enthusiasm and without conscience. They are trained to aggressively do unto others what they would not want others to do unto them.
Religions like Christianity and Islam create "Sheeple" - who allow their authoritative Governments to painfully sacrifice them - and their kids - so that their assumed Governmental leaders can have their way. These religions demand "Be Like Me - Or Else". Religion constantly re-cycles this reality - this insanity.
This IS the secret importance of religion - and, how religion is used by any wannabe assumed authority. Do you know or have you ever known any individuals who practice this breaking of wills, warlike agenda?
Why Governments Promote Religions

Why Tyrants Reinvent and Support God:
Have No More to Give
Romans 13:1-7 Let every person be subject to governing authorities. God has appointed those who exist in authority. Rulers are only a terror to your bad conduct. Would you have no fear of him who is in authority? Do what is good and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your own good. If you do wrong, be afraid. He does not wear his weapon for show. He is a servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrong-doer. For the same reason, you must also pay taxes, respect and honor to all who are due.
This is a great Biblical source as to the why and how God was created by tyrants. This same Biblical God is still used today as a tool, a weapon to greedily oppress, blackmail, subordinate, manipulate, enslave, and to extort from naïve believers.
More Clergy and Perspectives
Eugene Rivers III: In the black community faith and hope have died. That’s part of the moral prescription of the book, that we’ll do well if we do right, but where do we see the do well part? This is just more drugs. You’re trying to give us your version of narcotics. We don’t want to hear the traditions of the flat-earth fundamentalists. They give us the Bible and take our money. They have all the resources while we starve and sing jubilee songs to entertain them. Were not going to play that game. More Reverend Rivers: Religion is not about waiting for the mother ship to come down.
G: Sir, I couldn’t agree more. Couldn’t a few clergy take a dose of that logic?
In 1800 AD, there were 1 billion people alive on Earth. There are about 6 billion today. If our population grows at the present rate, there will be 12 billion people in 47 years.

Earth Now 50 Years From Now
Reference: Zero population growth, 1400 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036).
What is our future if the 6 billion people on Earth today should be fruitful and multiply like Jacob’s family did? Many an ego wants to populate and rule this world in its own image. Are there currently more than 1 million people born on Earth per day? Really?
Believer: I don’t like what you say and I resent that you said it. Thinker: I agree with what you said, but you didn’t say it the way I want it said. I have discovered that nobody, believers nor thinkers, really like or want to discuss the conflictive and contradictory contents of the Bible or the undesirable behaviors of its God. I’ve learned it’s not me. If you could get a non-clergy to explain a few of these selected chapters and verse passages, they would get angry and quit without you saying a word. They may criticize you just for pointing them out.