The God Murders

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Motivations of this Agenda

Motivations of this Agenda

By Gary DeVaney


This work began as a study to determine if the Biblical God’s history is responsible for why mankind treats mankind so badly. After discovering incriminating C&V facts, the study turned into an investigation. Consequently, the investigation produced enough C&V evidence to make a strong prosecution proving the Biblical God to be the greatest villain of mankind. As long as one Bible exists, this evidence will not go away.

Concerning The Biblical God’s (fictional or not) crimes and deeds against mankind, do you hold any reasonable doubt as to His guilt? If so, does your doubt concern God’s documented C&V crimes or is it your programmed fear for your own eternal life? Will your fear cloud your judgment? In this case you are your own judge and jury. Courage now. How do you find?

I initially began this intense Bible study for myself - by myself. I then realized that whatever I do in life only for myself dies with me. So, I created The God Murders website to share the now 10,000 + hours of study with others so that the study and debate may live on beyond my life-cycle.



How many people judge God to be just, fair or good? Be honest and be careful now. Where is your evidence that God is just, fair and good? Outside of the myth of creation, list one good thing that the Old Testament God did for someone - without hurting another. Does your list turn out to be short and weak?

Oh, there is God allowing old women to have children that He had previously made barren. And, of course, there is Solomon, whom God gave wisdom, with which Solomon used to choose and worship other Gods before he died.

Can you think of any more? With all the God hype, you should be able to produce an easy, high quality of good deeds, laundry-list.

But - you cannot. What does that say about your Biblical God? Are you sure that the Biblical God is really the personal God in your heart or are you just afraid to claim that He is not?

Reflect: Is this the God (fictional or not) that you have as your God-model? If so, why do you require that? If you feel you need this God, ask yourself why? Are you an evil person who needs an excuse to hurt others or are you a good person who lives in fear and denies it? How could anyone believe in this God and not be afraid of Him?

Is the personal God in your heart the same as the God of the Bible? If not, keep the God in your heart for you have probably invented a much better God than the insane, murderous God depicted C&V in the Bible. Just don’t be a hypocrite and insist they are the same. If you do insist that they are the same, you are probably a very dangerous Human Animal towards other Human Animals.



Believers often state: I’ve found no evidence that God murdered anyone here. Only an insane person would infer that God murdered anyone. Others declare that this God has the right to murder anyone at anytime He wishes. Believers often condone this God’s actions as if they were actually cheering Him on, often, even if it hits home. Many believers are still of monkey-mind and often when put to the test themselves they are not very humane or law-abiding. They put God above the law as they would themselves, their family or friends. They often wish / hope / pray for and expect immunity from punishment.

Is this your “God of Love”? More realistically, is this God fictitious? Are this God’s supporters living in a fantasy world? Do they coattail a phantom hierarchy that makes them feel important? If so, is it any wonder that many Presidents, Kings and favorite sons have gotten away with rape, murder and other crimes?

My conclusion is: "The Biblical God is not a good God and the Bible is not a good model for humanity. It is time both were retired to the Smithsonian Institute Library as the worst models of mankind." GWD


Smithsonian Institute


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