By Gary DeVaney
(Inspired by Pastor Arnold Murray)
The blackmail / extortion of religion is: "Be like me - or else!"
Christianity is a constant war between "assumed authority" and stand-up "free-will". Christianity consists of and projects self-assumed, converted and superior wills that imperialistically and aggressively wage war on what they consider to be evil. If you live free and exercise your free-will, Christians will condemn you to be evil - and to not be like them.
Cutting to the pragmatic chase - scenario:
Christian: Hi! I am a practicing fundamentalist Christian. You are a sinner. My job is to convert you to Christianity and to break your evil, sinful free-will so that the Holy Spirit can take you over and restrict you to the sacred service of Almighty God. God owns your soul. You do not own your soul.
How White, European Christians viewed themselves: As Bearers of christianity and civilization (left) |
What "Native Americans" thought of the Christianity that whites brought to the "New World." (right)
Your soul is God's. God created your soul for His pleasure and God can do whatever He wants with it. Right now, you are to repent! You are to change your freedom-loving mind and your sinful life from serving yourself to serving God - so that you may be saved to serve God for eternity. You are not being saved for you. Your salvation is not for your benefit. You are being saved for God's pleasure and to serve God for eternity. God gave you free-will to test whether you love God more than your free-will. God will judge you to Eternal-Torment if you prove to love your free-will more than you love God.
You shall sacrifice your free-will and your life to God. You shall submit, yield and subordinate your free-will to God’s sacred will, which is also my "converted" will and you shall humbly convert to become a practicing Christian. I am God's slave and God's Christian soldier.
I am a practicing Christian. I represent God’s will. You are to serve God with passion and loyalty throughout your lifetime.
Then, God shall judge you. If God accepts you based on your works, your repentance, your faith and your love, only then may God choose you to serve Him, on His terms, for eternity. If you do not break your stubborn, disobedient, sinful free-will and serve God on His terms, you shall suffer Eternal-Torment. And, rightfully so!
I, as a "saved" Christian, wage war on "sin". Your "sin" is without the consent of God. If your free-will does change and you do choose to give up your sinful life and serve your God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I would have righteously broken and converted your sinful free-will. To convert to Christianity, your old, sinful self must die - to be "born again" and to become new in the Spirit to serve and love God forever.
If you disobey me, in God’s stead, I shall correct you as much as I can and repeatedly threaten Eternal-Torment for your soul. If I successfully break your free-will and convert you, you are then to wage war on "sin" and break the free-wills of others - so to convert them and save their souls. You are to be tireless at this and do it until God calls you into His loving arms. You are to sacrifice who you think you are and become what Jesus Christ wants you to be.
Once I break your free-will to my converted will and God's will and you repent, I shall then supervise how you are to live. Once you become responsive to me, you will obey me as you would God. You shall pressure others who display free-will as you find them and supervise those who lose their own free-will and who are receptive and obedient to your new crusade against evil.
Gary DeVaney: Hi, Mr. Christian. So, if you are a Christian and if I am not, do you consider yourself superior to me?
Christian: In the eyes of God - YES! Anyone God chooses to serve Him is superior to the rest. I, through faith, have become spiritually aware that I am actually of God's "elect".

God's Chosen People?
Gary: So, do you have "assumed authority" over me? Are you waging war against me to break my will?
Christian: Yes! God has given me authority over Satan. I wage war against Satan - and you are his vessel. Satan dwells within you. I shall drive Satan out of you so that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit can live through you. You and your sinful nature are to sacrifice yourself and die to the World and be “born-again” as a Christian.
Gary: Do you really expect me to believe that?
Christian: Expect you to believe it? I demand that you believe it - or - you go to Hell.
Gary: Is this authoritative agenda you just described what has caused so much destruction, murder, abuse and war throughout all of history?
Christian: No! We are Christians and we love peace.
Gary: Yes. You Christians do love peace - on your terms. War results when two or more egos want peace - on their terms. War results after the politicians fail. In war, a human being, like a President, assumes authority over other human beings. He sacrifices the innocent people, whom he assumes authority over, to kill other innocent people. In religion and war, it's all about authority, obedience and control. The President kills them so to break their will and to serve his will. God killed human beings to force them to surrender to and obey His terms and to serve His "mighty" authority and agendas. Like the Biblical God, this human "assumed authority" actually sacrifices his own people in his quest to kill others.
Christian: Yes. And rightfully so! Remember, Jesus Christ IS the God of the Old Testament! Praise Jesus! A Christian, God-fearing Country must break evil soul's stubborn free-wills - to occupy, enslave and, if necessary, torture or destroy them all. If you do not surrender your free-will for God to occupy and use for His pleasure, God will torture and punish you, not only now, but for eternity. My mission is to break your free-will and convert you so to save your sinful soul from Hell-Fire and Eternal-Damnation. You shall now subordinate yourself and yield to my - and God's will. As a Christian, my place of service in Heaven is more assured by your conversion and your sacrifice.
Gary: So, you insist that I lose my happy, free-thinking life - as I know it? Instead, I am to sacrifice my free-will and fearfully serve your God - which helps you get into Heaven? I am to pray that I am saved and that I satisfy your God's pleasure properly - so God will judge me - and then my Heavenly reward is that I can serve for God's pleasure throughout eternity?
Christian: Yes, yes and yes! Isn’t it wonderful? Praise God! God is authority. You are to obey authority. By the way, you are not happy. True happiness is serving God.
Gary: Says you. Jesus suffered 5 or 6 hours on the cross. That is a lot of pain. But, your God sentences us to Eternal-Torment if we fail His test. Do you view the punishment fits the crime?
Christian: Should you fail God's test in the life that God gave you, God should send you into Eternal-Torment. God loves you and God is fair. Praise God!
Gary: God loves us? God is fair? Just how just, fair, legal and moral is the tyrannical Christian mentality?
Christian: Jesus and God are perfect - not tyrannical. The true Christian mentality is just, legal, fair and perfect.
Gary: And you display the true Christian mentality? For your information, I feel that I have been happy for the past 30 years. I have a clear conscience that I am a good human being. I do not hurt people and I have never spent a night in jail.
Christian: I'm saved. You are not saved. I believe the right way because it is God's way. You are a sinner and you think wrong. You hurt and abuse us Christians by not obeying us and God. You are not serving God and Christians like a good Christian should. You must obey all of the Bible's 613 Old Testament commandments no matter how your feel about them and if you die trying, God will reward you.

How Will God Reward You?
Gary: But, don’t God’s 613 commandments include killing disobedient sons, gay men, and girls who are not virgins? Should I kill them?
Christian: That sacred obligation is between you and God. You are to be like Jesus and sacrifice your life to God.
Gary: But, Jesus didn’t kill gay men, disobedient sons and non-virgin girls.
Christian: Praise Jesus! Thank you, Jesus, for suffering and dying on the cross for me! Jesus had His Own cross to bear. You have yours.
Gary: If you actually support, promote and appreciate human sacrifice, can't you see that you have no conscience, that you are a psychopath? How can you promote these psychotic beliefs with sincerity?
Christian: I demand respect for my beliefs.
Gary: Isn't obedience the ultimate test of respect? Aren't you demanding conformity and obedience to your beliefs?
Christian: God tells us that we must conform, believe and obey to be saved. If you obey my beliefs, you will be saved.
Gary: Sir Christian, what if you were confused and you were mistaken about being saved? Would you then agree with God's sentence of Eternal-Torment?
Christian: If it's God's will - it's right. I am God's slave, God's soldier. God can do with me as He wishes. Who am I to tell him?
God's Slave / Soldier
"God's Will Be Done"
Gary: Spoken like a true martyr. Do you realize that what you are demanding of others is what causes war?
Christian: God requires war to break the wills of the sinful. It's so simple. God wants sacrifice so that God knows who He can trust to serve Him for eternity. God wants your love and your sacrifice. God demands peace - on His terms! If God’s statutes, commandments, ordinances and laws are not obeyed - on God’s terms - mankind gets no peace.
Gary: So, is religion, by constantly warring with the wills that don't serve God on His terms, responsible for why mankind treats man so cruelly?
Christian: Yes. Mankind is sinful and war is necessary to break the will of evil so that God can have His way. God is God! And God deserves to have things His way.
Gary: Do you think if Christians knew about this agenda of "waging war on wills" - they would still love God?
Christian: Absolutely. Shut up! Stop talking stupid! You are making me mad.
Gary: Mr. Christian, I propose that you and I make a deal. Ok?
Christian: Ok. What's your deal?
Gary: My deal is: You don't talk down to me - and I don't punch you out.
Christian: But, Christians are God-fearing. God has feelings and feels that the intensity of a Christian's love and fear is important to Him - so, God can know who to choose to serve Him for eternity on judgment day. And, if you take issue with God, we Christians take that as you are attacking us. I feel that you are personally attacking me. If you do not break and bend your free-will to the disciplined will of God, He will destroy you.
Gary: Sorry Mr. Christian, but I can not love and I will not serve the tyrannical, murderous God that you describe.
Christian. Well, it's simple then. You are going to Hell! I am here to give you a realistic taste, based on the Bible, of what God expects of you and what consequences you will face if you don’t bend your will and convert. You are to love God with all your heart. Be like us true Christians - or else.
Gary: Powerful men throughout history have attacked and killed nations to break their will. Those, of the destroyed nations who survived, then had to obey and serve their conquers' agendas. It is a constant recycle of murder, misery and tyranny throughout history.
Christian: God does not change. Praise God!
Gary: In the Old Testament Bible, God’s “chosen people" constantly murdered nations who were not God’s “chosen people” - so to steal their land.
Christian: It was God's land to give to whom He chose.
Gary: Sometimes, God's "chosen people" could not get along and waged war upon themselves - God's Own "chosen".
Christian: Yes! God corrects His own.
Gary: When God's "chosen" lost battles or were not totally obedient, angry God turned on them and destroyed them or He arranged for an enemy to put them into captivity and slavery.
Christian: God owns this Earth, every thing and every one on it. It is all God’s land to give to whom He chooses. All lives and souls are God's to take when and as He wishes. If you are willfully disobedient, God will turn on you and destroy you too. As with Jesus Christ's wonderful sacrifice, God had it all pre-planned and God was in control. Yes, God does destroy all those who don’t totally obey Him. You'd best repent for your sins and disobedience. President George W. Bush, who God has appointed over the people of the United States of America, is making current history by waging war and defeating evil empires. Satan controls those evil people. The more sacrifices that are made, the more God documents in "the book of life" who is suitable to serve Him for eternity. God loves the intensity when souls sacrifice in serving His authority.

Which Child Would You Sacrifice For God?
Gary: Robert Ingersoll wrote, "Those who have loved God most have loved men least." Sir Christian, don't you care about your fellow human beings?
Christian: Not compared to my love for God. Human beings can't save me. Only God can.
Gary: You tend to preach hatred and intolerance. Your words describe ethnic cleansing.
Christian: God loves and hates as He did with Jacob and Esau. God is all-powerful, jealous and wrathful. It is best that you take heed.
Gary: Is Heaven a paradise as Christians project?
Christian: Of course it is. Yes, there was war in Heaven, but God loves you. You just make sure you are fit for God's judgment. Stop thinking about yourself and do everything you can to pleasure God. That is your one and only job. God is not going to be happy with you if you don’t break others wills as I have broken yours. Convert, fear God, repent, get baptized, pay generous tithes, sacrifice, do good works, believe, have faith - and God may select you to serve Him for eternity.
Gary: Would I have "free-will" in Heaven?
Christian: Certainly not! You are tested by how you serve God on Earth. That determines whether or not you make it into Heaven. Because God does not change, what suits God on Earth suits God in Heaven. "God's will is to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." Are you delusional enough to think that God would give you something in Heaven that He would not allow you during your lifetime on Earth?
Gary: So, what’s in it for the Christian?
Christian: Well, two things come to my mind. You shall have the privilege to serve God - on His terms - for eternity. And, you will not be suffering Eternal-Torment in Hell. That is a sweet deal, if you notice.
Gary: If I did agree to God’s and my current Government’s imperialistic agenda, would I be expected to kill people?
Christian: Of course. If you are a proper Christian, you will volunteer your life to soldier, to serve, to crusade, to obey and to sacrifice for God and for the President who God appoints over you. That President is doing God's will. The Bible says so. If Almighty God, or your President, requires you to do some killing - you are a slave to God and you are a soldier to your President. You are to subordinate your will and you are to serve your masters' wills to your death. God will reward you both on Earth and in Heaven - if you loyally have faith, believe, love and obey.

Gary: Mr. Christian, is God’s Judeo-Christian-Islamic dogma directly or indirectly responsible for all the wars - and all the suffering and pain that humanity has experienced within Biblical documentation and real recorded history?
Christian: God is in charge. God does not change. God wants sacrifices. God wants you to love him, worship and pray to Him. God hears you! When you love God - it makes His day.
Gary: Why does your Biblical God want sacrifices? Why would your God want you to be a slave to His will and to your country's leader's murderous will and his imperialistic agendas? That does not sound good, just and fair for mankind. That sounds a lot like authority-driven tyranny and evil blackmail to me - in my value system. I view that your Biblical God is wrong and that many US Presidents have been wrong in leading the citizens of the US against countries who could not even defend themselves.
Christian: Blasphemer! There is only one value system and that is God's! You will obey God - or else! You need to be taken behind the woodshed and corrected. God is good, fair, just and if you don’t break your stubborn will and convert, God will righteously toss you into Hell forever. God sends His plagues on people like you to let you know who is boss.

Are You In A Plague Group For God?
Gary: Is Polio one of the crippling plagues that the Biblical God has sent people?
Christian: Yes. Polio, Cancer, Aids! Praise God!
Gary: But according to Darrel W. Ray's awesome book "The God Virus", mankind has proven that he has evolved to be smart enough to eliminate many of God's major plagues on human beings like Small Pox, TB, Syphilis and Polio. Darrel would probably ask you if you have ever considered getting into a "Religion Recovery Program"?
Christian: You will definitely suffer God's wrath and go to Hell for saying that to me, God's "elect" and holy servant.
Gary: Richard Dawkins and Darrel Ray would probably diagnose that - by your symptoms and behavior - you have a "God-Virus" in your brain.
Christian: If you don't speak rationally, I'm out-of-here!
Gary: Ok, how's this sound? Maybe all of mankind will evolve and become smart enough to eliminate the greatest human plague that was ever invented for mankind - religion and its God.
Christian: You go to Hell!
Gary: Well sir, can you realize that you have an imposing, authoritarian personality that I don't want to adopt. You have a parasite on your life - a religious virus - that I don't want to catch. Mr. Christian, let me look you square in the eye and tell you that you will not break my free-will. I have no interest in serving your God-infected ego - nor - your Judeo-Christian-Islamic God - nor - will I serve a President who attacks defenseless countries in order to fulfill his administration's imperialistic, corporate interests.
Christian: Our Christian God is not the same as Allah!
Gary: Read chapter and verse selections of your own Bible and of the Koran. The Biblical God and the Koran's Allah is the same "One God Of Abraham".
Christian: Blasphemer! Satan is in you.
Gary: It is true that Muhammad started Islam. Before Muhammad there is no documented lineage of Islam. All indicators point to Abraham impregnating Hagar who had Ishmael. Ishmael is considered to be the father of the Arabic people who make up most of Islam today. Abraham had one God. Islam has one God / Allah. It is not logical that God or Allah is real but most probably believe they are the same character - the one God of Abraham.
Would you restrict my will, control my behavior and make me a slave to Jesus?
Christian: Yes.
Sir Christian, you shalt not convert my soul any more than your fictitious God has any say over my will.
Christian: God is great, unchanging and perfect! God killed His only Son for you! You refuse to learn from me, and you have nothing to teach me. We have no reason to communicate further. Praise God! You are going to Hell! I shall no longer cast my pearls before swine.

Do Not Cast Your Pearls Before Swine
I support every human being's right to have their own views and thoughts - as long as they do not imperialistically or authoritatively impose them on others.
To the honest and realist human being - please be just and fair: If you are going to promote, support and finance the Biblical God, at least know what this God is documented, by Bible C&V, to have done.
I'm Gary DeVaney. I am a realist, a humanist and an atheist - as I have no evidence of any supernatural God. Do most practicing Christians imperialistically wage war on those of us who live by our free-will? If Christians are constantly waging war, by virtue of the Biblical God's documented doctrine, is it any wonder that heads of countries also wage God-backed "might makes right" war on who they can? By documented evidence - for those who are not too mind-set to see:
"The Biblical God is not a good God and the Bible is not a good model for humanity."

Does Religion Enslave Humanity?

It is obvious that the Biblical God Character - fictional or not - is mainly responsible for why man treats man so cruelly.