Why Christians will NOT Debate the Bible or its God
By Gary DeVaney
Most Christian believers, (I hope not like yourself) and especially clergy, will not debate the Biblical God nor the Bible's controversial Chapters & Verses. Believers prove to neither have the courage to try nor the knowledge / tools to successfully debate the Bible's controversial C&Vs. If you should take issue with the Biblical God's murderous deeds or the Bible's controversial C&Vs, believers will totally disregard your C&V topic. Instead,they will "hatefully" attack you, the issue-taker - while claiming they are not. When they are caught, even in print, denial is automatic. Authoritatively, they will preach at you or threaten you "Eternal Torment". But, the believer will always fail to debate with you the Biblical God's murderous deeds or the controversial C&Vs that you have taken issue with.

The believer is mind-set in that the believer can not think enough to question what he believes. (A question is the highest form of thought.) If you are a Christian and if you can imagine a believer in Islam's Allah - see if that perspective fits. Even an experienced, fundamentalist, Baptist minister will run away from a controversial Bible C&V debate.
The fundamentalist minister solidly knows what the Bible documents. He knows that if he publicly defends those selected, controversial C&Vs, he will easily prove that he is a "Psychopath or a Sociopath". He knows that, if exposed, his "assumed authority" over others will not continue. If he publicly debates enough controversial Bible C&Vs, he also fears that he will prove to be categorically insane. Sermons are monologs and not exposed to questions.
Typically, a Christian believer - and clergy alike - will authoritatively threaten you, insult you, disparage you and do a hostile retreat from you - if you challenge them to debate your selected / controversial C&Vs of the Bible. Sad but true - it will almost always end up this way. The delusion is the believer thinks he has won the debate because he threatened and "blew-off" the issue taker. Does any believer have another rational reason why he or she never addressed a specific Bible C&V that was taken issue with? There are thinkers and there are believers. Do you lead your life - or - do you follow?
Comments? Questions? Corrections? gary@gdevaney.com