Do I consider myself to be a "thinker" or to be a "believer"?
Can I perceive that "Intelligence Is Categorical"?
Can I perceive that the question is the highest form of thought?
Do I have any specific and rational questions about the Bible?
If not - why don't, or wouldn't I, have questions about the Bible?
Do I know - or do I want to know each and every controversial and contradictory C&V in the Bible? If not, why not? Those controversial and contradictory C&Vs are included in the Bible - aren't they?
Do I want to know about the Bible enough to intelligently question others or to rationally debate it?
Do I think "faith" should be pawned off as fact?
Do I attempt to compete with Bible C&V facts or to replace rationale with obedience-based faith?
Do I view that non-topical and non-related issues should be included in C&V debate? Why?
In debate, do I try to avoid - or do I insist on avoiding - presented C&V facts?
Do I feel that I can successfully debate Biblical C&V facts?
Do I try to "spin" Biblical C&V facts to mean things other than stated?
Do I feel a need to preach, blackmail or condemn others who take issue with the Bible?
What objectives do I wish to accomplish in a Biblical debate?
Do I want to "convert" my opponent?
Declaration: I, Gary DeVaney, do not want to convert anyone. Once they know the controversial C&V facts concerning the Bible and its God - what they do with them is their business. Once they know most of the Bible's controversial and contradictory C&Vs - my job is done.
Do I want to stop my opponent from doing what he or she is doing?
If my true agenda were found out by my opponent - would I lose interest?
Do I find myself promoting irrational faith and belief or rational logic, reason and knowledge?
Do I realize that learning requires a change of behavior - mine and theirs?
Do I know and am I considerate that different people learn at different paces?
Do I wish to debate the specific contents of the Bible or use the time to challenge the motives, agendas and credentials of my opponents?
Do I debate to learn - or to feel superior to - my opponent?
Can I put my ego in my pocket when I debate?
Do I tend to resist, adjust, avoid or change an uncomfortable, controversial topic when it is presented to me?
Am I argumentative for control or do I truly focus on and debate the topic?
Do other debaters have to agree with me for the debate to be of value to me?
Do I feel it would it be a sin if I learned something unpleasant and controversial about the Bible and its God?
Under what circumstances would I tend to get angry?
Do I wish to learn about the topic or do I tend to assume authority over the topic and over others whom I debate?
In a debate, must I be right and you be wrong for it to be of value?
Ad Hominine: Am I guilty of attacking my debate opponent's character or motive rather that addressing his or her issue? If I am losing the debate, do I tend to make my opponent the topic?
Do I tend to condemn my opponent to Hell for daring to debate the controversial Bible C&Vs?
Do I ever condemn, insult, demonize and run when I quit a debate?
Can I really learn anything if I only fight and argue for control?
What is the difference between a debate and an argument? Could it be that one who debates focuses on the topic while one who argues focuses on control? Which do I tend to be?
Would I sacrifice knowledge, or facts in evidence, just to win?
Can I remember that in a Biblical debate - I am not the authority - my opponent is not the authority - the documented Bible C&V facts are the authority?
Do I have any lasting-power concerning a Biblical debate?
Do I tend to stay on the subject or do I give constant personal testimonies and refer to irrelevant and unavailable material?
Do I try to get my opponent off the topic he or she initiated or that is being discussed?
Do I insist that the topic be all about me?
Do I understand that without questions, answers tend to be irrelevant and if I don’t question the topic, it’s improbable that any learning takes place for me?
Is evidence and proof or faith and belief more important to me concerning a Bible debate?
Am I really intellectually and emotionally capable of debating the Bible and its God?
Do I realize that as long as or during the time I won't - I can't?
What is my agenda concerning others who participate in a Bible debate?
Would I bother to read through this material prior to challenging or debating the Bible C&Vs taken issue with?
If not, what exactly is it I would be questioning, challenging or debating?
Is it true that a high percent of stupid is stubborn?
Do I ever come across stupid and / or stubborn?
If so, do I handle it with kindness?
How do I feel about these, or any other, guidelines concerning Biblical debate?
Have I formulated debate guidelines for myself that would prove successful for me to follow?
Honestly, in a Biblical debate, am I seeking sound facts and knowledge; or, am I seeking faithful conformity - a herd mentality - a flock commitment - blind obedience?
Do I have the courage to question the "sacred" religious, social values and traditions of man?
Can I perceive that "tradition" is "the dead leading the blind"?
If you think you are capable of debating the Bible, The Bible According To DeVaney on website has about 5,000 very tough questions for you to evaluate and debate. Please contact us if you wish to correct or contribute to what is written.
Circular thinking - the Christian way: "God is real." How do you know? "Because the Bible says so." How do you know the Bible is correct? "Because it was inspired by God."
A believer visited my “The God Murders” web site. He wrote in and stated angrily about my Bible, chapter and verse, criticism, “You don’t know the truth.”
I asked the believer what the truth was.
He said that “God was good.”
I asked him how that “God was good” measured up to the selected Bible C&Vs verses that I took issue with?
He said that I was going to Hell and departed.
Then, he came back and said: “You could never convince me of that God was not good.”
I said, “No, obviously I can’t - and neither can you see the truth - unless you read the selected Bible C&V passages for yourself. What do those words say?”
He said, “I don’t want to read your Satanic passages.”
I said, Then - you view parts of the Bible to be Satanic?
He said, “You’re going to Hell” departed and blocked any further e-mails from me.
Gary DeVaney
What one person, who you know, would be impacted if sent to this site?
Questions? Comments? Corrections?