By Gary DeVaney
Personal declaration: I, Gary DeVaney, have NO evidence that the Biblical God EVER existed in reality. Furthermore, I personally do NOT like the Biblical God Character, real or not, as depicted, C&V, in the Bible. I personally do NOT choose to spend eternity with such a Character based on His heinous C&V rap-sheet. If the Biblical God IS real and He throws a party, I’m NOT coming.

Delos B. McKown: The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.
This video shows 10 questions that prove that God is imaginary:
"Why God Doesn't Heal Amputees"
Logic tells me that this Biblical "God / Character" does NOT exist in reality. Due to this real or not Character's Biblical C&V deeds, I choose NOT to be around this Biblical God / Character even for a moment - let alone for eternity.
Other than a warm-fuzzy, unexplainable feeling, can you prove there is a God?
Friedrich Nietzsche: “ I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.”
Religious scholarship: To educate eager, young minds by promoting religious beliefs is to promote a universe of liars. GWD
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are often accused by Christians to have been evil Atheists.
Adolf Hitler declared in Mein Kampf: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
Adolf Hitler was known to be Catholic.
Joseph Stalin had at one time attended a Christian seminary.
Some accuse that my writings come across as written by a typical "Atheist" - although, I really don’t care to be limited as such. I rather consider myself to be a "realist". Atheists have about as much influence, in my value system, as do Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Hebrews, Muslims or any other group. Am I an Atheist because I don’t hold respect for the characteristics and deeds of the God of the Bible? If so - I am guilty as charged.
I took on the Biblical God based on His Own diary - the Bible - on what God said and what He did. If there is any evidence of another God, more ethical, fair, and more appealing out there, I am open to also experience whatever that God amounts to.
Jesus Christ did NOT make the cut with me. I am confident that I would also NOT make the cut with Jesus.
These next two Bible C&Vs are what sunk Jesus Christ in my value system:
Luke 19:27 And, as for those who would not have Me be King over them, bring them before Me and slay them.
This parable parallels the dogmatic Christian threat: "If you will not have Me, Jesus Christ, as your savior - you will suffer Eternal-Torment in Hell."
According to Ezekiel, after the millennium, if you are not judged and chosen by God so to serve Him for eternity, you will cease to exist.

According to Revelation, if you are not judged and chosen by God, you will suffer Eternal-Torment.
Most authoritative clergy choose the Revelation version over Ezekiel.
Most authoritative Christians, who unsuccessfully try to convert individuals, will blackmail those individuals with the threat of Eternal-Torment.
Friedrich Nietzsche “ After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.”
The other gross Bible C&V that lost my feel for Jesus Christ is in: Revelation 2:23 "The Son of God" (Jesus) will kill the harlot's children.
Jesus will kill children because of their parents! That's enough of Jesus Christ for me. He is history!
Some Christians say that Jesus loves me anyway and that God put me here at this time to do exactly what I am doing to fulfill His plan. I have no evidence of that nor do I have any evidence of the existence of any Satan. There may be Gods - but none that I have studied to date are worthy of my support - and, I decide that - you don’t. Agreed? Unlike my early years, I am no longer blackmailed by fear. Who knows, there may be a real God, somewhere, Who is interested in straightening out the Biblical God’s mess. He may even be cheering this work on.
So far, I don’t know much about Atheism nor do I care much about what makes it up. Maybe an Atheist meeting or two may educate me. GWD
Most Atheists are thinkers but, unlike most believers, I view that most atheists are NOT doers. Most Atheists DO little to nothing. A man once told me he was an Atheist. I told him I had a few hundred Bible C&Vs that would support his choosing to be an Atheist. He said he didn't care. Most Atheists are basically impotent and harmless to Judeo-Christian-Islamic belief systems.
"Blasphemy" (dictionary): Written or spoken insults directed against religious beliefs with deliberate intent to outrage believers. It is still an offense in English common-law.
Do some Atheists / realists insult God? Yes - and rightfully so. We are often guilty as charged.
But, people widely differ in their take on the Bible. Many profound thinkers contend that the usefulness of the Bible is extinct, that it causes the problems of modern society by its very model.
The believers who claim blasphemy, are generally the ones who attempt to avoid, to evade and to cover up the C&V facts.
Edmond de Goncourt: “If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion.”
If believers would take the blinders off concerning the Biblical God, I am confident they would honestly fear Him, but would they honestly like Him?
Thomas Paine: Each of the churches accuse the others of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all.
The Hebrews (Jews) were the first to document a negative external-spirit whom they identified to be God. Up until about 500 BC, there was no Satan in Hebrew scenarios or scripture. The Jews viewed that their God did it all. Was Satan actually written about to pave the way for a composite savior called Jesus Christ?
“ A thorough reading and understanding of the Bible is the surest path to atheism”: Donald Morgan
When the term "faith" is brought into the equation, it raises the question as to any "reality" of God.
“Have faith", "believe me" and "trust me” are often the terms used by control-freaks, con-men and scoundrels.
To Challenge one's faith is to challenge one's nonsense.
Is it those who assume authority over their atmosphere the same those who insist that you have faith in authority. By you having faith, are you yielding to their authority?
Authoritarian / believer / controller: I don’t want debate. I want obedience to my beliefs, demands and expectations.
Not one man in 10,000 has the goodness of mind or the strength of the heart to be an Atheist.
Karen Armstrong: All fundamentalism - whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim - is rooted in a profound fear of annihilation.
Believers are mind-set, hypnotized and brainwashed. When an Atheist questions or uses a C&V fact to point out a believer's error in their mindset, that Atheist is often accused of attempting to brainwash the already brainwashed believer.
Clark Adams: If Atheism is a religion, then health is a disease!
The QUESTION is the HIGHEST form of thought. Learning requires a change of behavior. As long as a believer can NOT question his or her belief, he or she can NOT learn (change their behavior).
The paradox is: If a believer CAN question his or her belief, he or she proves that they do NOT truly believe. Because that is considered "blasphemy", believers are programmed NOT to learn anything outside their dogmatic, mind-set belief. Learning reality does NOT require repentance or apology.
Ernestine Rose: “ It is an interesting and demonstrable fact, that all children are atheists and were religion not inculcated into their minds, they would remain so.”
When a suspect is brought into court, the prosecution has already come to the conclusion that the suspect is guilty - or the suspect would not be in court. It is the prosecutor's job to then prove the suspect's guilt to the jury. I have concluded that the Biblical God is guilty of the C&V crimes documented and listed. The God Murders is my attempt to prosecute and convince a wholly-unbiased jury of the Biblical God's guilt. Good luck - - - right!
In The Beginning of His trial, the invisible Biblical God was asked if He was guilty of these crimes. He refused to answer. His defense representatives (believers) stated that whether the Biblical God was guilty or not was irrelevant, as He was to be considered innocent in that He was God.
To judge is to make realistic decisions based on evidence, not hearsay nor feel-good dogma.
What has produced the effects of dogmatic brainwashing, conditioning or programming more than religion?
Is death a gift or an enemy? If there is no afterlife - no eternal-damnation - no serving and worshiping a tyrannical God forever, death can be a gift.
Doesn’t God show infidelity and poor character when He breaks His word. All of God's broken promises proved to be conditional.
Malachi 2:1-3 God said: If you do not listen to give glory to my name, I will strew dung (throw shit) in your faces.
Nice talk, Sir God.
Romans 5:13 Sin is not accounted when there is no law.
Believer: God is entitled. God does what He wants, whatever is His pleasure. God is not subject to any laws. He is totally above the laws of man. God makes laws to suit His pleasure. How can God be subject to law if there is no law over Him?
Q: Does that also apply when there is a law; but, it is not popular, acknowledged, nor enforced?
Believer: I don’t want to discuss it!
Do Christian fundamentalists regard "evolution" as a scientific theory or as a symbol of evil?
Atheists simply have no evidence there is, in reality, a God. Believers claim, without proof, there is a God and condemn Atheists for their doubt and lack of faith. "I believe" means so many things that Atheists rarely use those words. "I believe", to seasoned Atheists, means: "I pretend" - "I gamble" - "I am mind-set and I am committed to". It's such a multiple-meaning and a vague term that it has little substance. "I believe" always admits "I don't know." Why should an Atheist buy into a believer's "I don't knows?" When challenged, and the believer is proved wrong about something he believed, he will cop-out that he said he only believed. He didn't say he knew.
Atheists are more likely to be thinkers instead of believers. Intelligence is categorical. One can be intelligent in one category and an moron in many others. Atheists tend to require reality and "making sense" in their thinking. Believers tend use unrealistic "leaps of faith" in their debate.

Richard Francis Burton: The More I study religions, the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.
Karen Armstrong: Religion should be studied with the same academic impartiality and accuracy as the economy, politics, and social customs of a region, so that we learn how religion interacts with political tension, what is counterproductive, and how to avoid giving unnecessary offense.
How realistic are Christians? How many Christians believe in the "Virgin Birth" and the "life after death resurrection". How realistic do believing Christians prove to be?
Revelation 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses.
Should Atheists believe that there are killing armies and war horses in Heaven? Evil religious people may believe it - but, should Atheists?
Believers feel supported when other believers commit to the same unrealistic dogma they commit to. That's strange to a thinking Atheist. GWD
By Gary DeVaney
Christian: Tell me, sinner, do you believe in God?
Atheist: No sir. I am an Atheist. I don't have any evidence of any God.
Mr. Christian, you tell me, do you believe in God?
Christian: I most certainly do.
Atheist: Which God do you believe in?
Christian: There is only one God, the God of the Bible.
Atheist: If an Islamic believer approached you, to convert to Islam, how would you feel?
Christian: I would be offended!
Atheist: How would you feel if he pressured you to convert?
Christian: I would soon tell him where to get off.
Atheist: What would you do if he threatened you with "eternal-torment" if you did not convert?
Christian: If I were a violent man, we might come to blows. I would tell him, "Satan, get ye behind me."
Atheist: What if you saw him try to convert other Christians?
Christian: I would strongly intervene.
Atheist: Based on your answers, how do you think Atheists feel when you try to convert us?
Christian: After this conversation and if I absolutely knew that he or she was an Atheist, I probably wouldn't bother.
Atheist: Mr. Christian, we would appreciate that.
Christian: You are going to Hell!
Atheist: Mr. Christian, I view that you are a "Poly-Atheist".
Christian: What? I believe in God.
Atheist: Ok, be honest and answer yes or no. Do you believe in the god, Zeus?
Christian: No! I certainly do not! Zeus does not exist.
Atheist: Can you prove that Zeus does not exist?
Christian: No. I don't have to. It is more than obvious that Zeus does not exist.
Atheist: Do you believe in Allah?
Christian: No!
Atheist: Do you believe in, support, promote and finance the war god, Mars?
Christian: Of course not!
Atheist: Do you believe in the gods Neptune, Horus or Thor?
Christian: No! No! And No!
Atheist: Then, by your own admission, Sir Christian, you are a Poly-Atheist because you do not believe in MANY gods.
I too qualify to be a Poly-Atheist or even a Serial-Atheist as I also do not believe in many gods - especially yours.
However, as a regular, not-accepted Atheist, I believe in just one God less than you do.
By the way, the Islamic Allah you claimed not to believe in is the same "God of Abraham" as your Judeo-Christian God.
Christian: I don't believe that and I will not spread pearls before swine.
Atheist: Sir Christian, are you more upset that I don't believe in your God - or - that I don't believe you concerning your God?

Do you qualify as an Atheist?
Do you claim that there only one God?
Do you claim that Jesus Christ the one God?
Do you claim that Jesus Christ the "One God of Abraham"?
Did Abraham know about, worship or speak about Jesus Christ?
If Jesus Christ is "The One And The Only God Of Abraham" and because the Jewish and Muslims religions deny that Jesus Christ is God, then, the Jews and the Muslims all prove to be Atheists.
If the Biblical God and the Koran’s Allah are the same character - then - Jesus Christ is Allah. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is Allah or are you also an Atheist?
The Church fears Atheism, not because it is adverse to human welfare but because it is adverse to the church's welfare.
Stephen Roberts said: “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”
Atheist Statistics
Some Notable Atheists
Thomas Paine, Thomas Edison, Isaac Asimov, Ernest Hemingway, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Andrew Carnegie, Aldous Huxley, Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan, Robert Green Ingersoll, Mark Twain, Robert Frost, Frank Lloyd Wright, Susan B Anthony
Atheists Video
Top 80 Best Short Atheist Quotes About Atheism And Religion
Christian: That did it! I'm done! You are going to, Hell!
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Gary DeVaney's YouTube videos:
Who do you know hasn't yet seen "The God Murders" website or "The Shocking God" videos?
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