By Gary DeVaney
Christianity is the most imperialistic religion on Earth.
Islam's Allah is the same God of Abraham as the Judeo-Christian God. Islam is the second most imperialistic religion on Earth.
Christianity, being the wealthiest religion on Earth, can afford to be more imperialistic by buying expensive media. Christianity promotes might makes right with its wealth just like powerful, might makes right, governments dominate the less wealthy and powerful with expensive weapons.
Christianity is absolutely obedience-oriented and authoritative.
Christianity was primitive politics and still assumes political power today.
Christianity tortured and murdered thousands of innocent human beings during historical inquisitions.
Christianity assumes and pretends that it is indestructible.
Christianity is dictatorial. If you don't comply, thoroughly obey and properly finance its agenda, Christianity demands punishment for sins against God and righteously threatens "Eternal-Damnation".

Eternal Damnation?
Fear of pain, torment and death is the greatest conformer and "will breaker" historically known to man. Christianity insists that you fear its "assumed authority" and to focus on its fictional God's "Eternal-Damnation".
Napoleon Bonaparte wrote: Religion is great stuff to keep common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.
More than 5.6 million Americans are in prison or have served time according to a report by the Justice Department released in June, 2007.
Today, about 2.2 million or about 1 in 137 US citizens are currently in the US prison system. This is the highest incarceration level in the world. The USA is the World's largest Christian nation. Christianity proves to NOT be a good model for the United States of America or for humanity.
James Joyce: There is no heresy or philosophy so abhorrent to the church as a human being.
The Catholic Church once defended slavery as "willed by God". It sanctioned and promoted the torture and killing of witches. The Church waged torturous wars called "The Inquisituions" whereby the breaking of human bones and burning people alive was its sacred, God-ordained agenda.
The Catholic Church is being sued to prove that Jesus Christ was a real person.
Christianity is Terrorism.
If the Christian church has adopted the above philosophy and the church has programmed its believers, is it any wonder that about 1 out of 137 US citizens are in the prison system?
Christianity operates as if it represents the supreme ruler, authority, leader, and that upon your conversion, you subordinate and sacrifice yourself to Christian dogma. Christianity operates as if it has supreme sovereign rights over all human beings.
Jesus Is The Supreme Ruler?
Christianity operates as if it has supreme rank and that all are inferior and subordinate to its ideological demands.
Christianity operates as if it has the all-authoritative powers of government and that worldly governments answer to it.
Christianity operates as if it has the policy of forming and maintaining an empire.
Christianity operates by blackmail and extortion.
Christianity tyrannically blackmails, threatens and promises pain, death and eternal-punishment if not totally obeyed.
Christianity constantly struggles for control over human beings.
Christianity constantly subordinates its subjects.
Christianity subjugates people and territories.
Christianity operates as if it has the establishment of authority and control.
Christianity brings people into danger, the act of endangering.
Christianity is dictatorial, haughty, overbearing, arrogant, domineering, and tyrannical.
Christianity pretends or assumes to be indestructible, in absolute authority, majestic, and the highest power.
Luke 19:27 Jesus Christ said: And for those who would not have Me be King over them, bring them before Me and slay them.
Jesus Said: Bring Them Before Me And Slay Them?
Revelation 2:23 The Son of God (Jesus Christ) said: And I will kill her children with death...
"Out of context"? No. Each of Jesus Christ's tyrannical and evil C&V statements has a context and an importance of its own.
This two heinous statements, credited to Jesus Christ by the "Holy" Bible are the primary reasons why I would no longer consider being a Christian. I view that only a tyrannical, evil monster would say such things. Why would any decent, thinking human being support, promote and finance such a "Character", real or fictional?
What is pathetically sad is: Most, decent people, who claim to be a "Christian", are blind and deaf the these horrible realities - and - denial is automatic.
Supernatural miracles do not exist in the natural world. Honest magicians have admitted that magic is designed to deceive fixated observers.

Bart Floyd: "A Miracle is an event described by those to whom it was told by men who did not see it."
Religious Words NOT In The Bible: Contributed by Bart Floyd.
The word "Trinity" appears nowhere in the Bible.
Neither does "Rapture" - nor "Second Coming" - nor "Original Sin".
You will not find in the Bible the words:
"Abortion" - "Advent" - "Apostasy" - "Afterlife" - "Atheism" - "Bible" - "Capital Punishment" - "Capitalism" - "Catechism" - "Catholic" - "Chastity" - Child Abuse" - "Christianity" - "Christmas" - "Conservative" - "Dead Sea Scrolls" - "Decalogue" - "Deity" - "Democracy" - "Divinity" - Dogma" - "Doubting Thomas" - "Education" - "Epiphany" - "Ethics" - "Eucharist" - "Evangelical" - "Excommunication" -"Fairness" - "Fundamentalist" - "Funeral" - "Golden Rule" - "Good Friday" - "Homosexual" - "Immaculate Conception" - "Inerrancy" - "Incarnation" - "Infallibility" - "Last Supper" - "Lesbian" - "Liberal" - "Logic" - "Methodist" - "Missionary" - "Monogamy" - "Monotheism" - "Moral" -
"Morality" - "Omnipresence" - "Omniscience" - "Palm Sunday" - "Patriotism" - "Penance" - "Pope" - "Pornography" - "Purgatory" - "Republic" - "Sermon" - "Sunday School" - "Supernatural" - "Sermon On The Mount" - "The Lord's Prayer" - "Theology" - "Transcendence" - "Transubstantiation" - "Triumphal Entry" - "Unpardonable Sin" - - - -
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