Judeo / Christian / Islamic dogma: God / Allah is a superman, sees, hears, knows all, never changing and is infallible. God makes stern judgments, and punishes all those who transgress.
What they want: People want a personal relationship with God or any superior authority around them for security and to exploit that God or authority into doing their bidding. Their ego wants that authority to prefer and promote them over others. They play “The God Game” to become one with God (authority), “believing” (pretending to want) what God (authority) wants of them, for personal gains.
Prayer: If you check out people’s prayers, you may see they fall into 2 basic categories.
1. To flatter and feel in favor with God.
Why? For what purpose?
2. To exploit God to do their bidding by exercising their two (2) emotions - their "do wants" and "don't wants".
Could or would you dare question the fairness of an authority, God or Ego?
Do you feel God is all-powerful, or is God inept and powerless? Isn’t life on planet Earth a devouring, blood thirsty, inter-parasitical survival? Is God a monster for creating it? Or, is God powerless? Are Earth’s life forms just randomly condemned to face their own destruction? Is there any real evidence (not myth or fearful hearsay) there is a God?
Numbers 16:1-35 Korah and 250 Israelite leaders stood up to Moses. Dathan and Abriam also stood up and disobeyed Moses. God opened up the ground and sent Dathan, Abiram, their wives, sons and their little ones down to the nether world. God, then, burned alive, by fire, Korah’s 250 men, who had just made an offering of incense to this very same God. KJV

Catholic Bible Notes state: This is one narrative covering 2 different events.
These were Israelite Levites? Isn’t this more human sacrifice? Someone get a net!
Once, assumed authority, Attorney General Janet Reno, with immunity, toasted 84 men, women and children along with David Koresh in Waco, Texas. And, the beat goes on.
Numbers 17:6-14 The next day the whole Israelite community complained against Moses and Aaron. God appeared and told Moses: Depart, that I may consume them at once. God murdered 14,700 more of His own, in addition to those who died because of Korah. (Catholic only)
Numbers 17:25-27 God said: If their grumbling does not cease, they shall die. The Israelites cried out: We are perishing; we are all lost! Every time anyone approaches the dwelling of the Lord, he dies! Are we to perish to the last man? Catholic
Numbers 18:7&22 God ordered: Any layman coming near the meeting tent will deserve death.
Did a Devil say this? Hmmm, did one?
Numbers 18:23-24 God said: It’s an eternal law for future generations, that the Levites not own any land. I give to them in Israel the tithes of Israel, a separate and elevated gift.
Numbers 18:32 You will incur no guilt as long as you contribute the best tithes; or bring death upon yourselves.
Sort of like the IRS, isn't it?
When you discuss, explain or define God, do you define the Biblical God or “the God in your heart”? If the God in your heart is the Biblical God, do you have a good heart?
Tithes, bribes and con-charities. What was the purpose of ancient religious human and animal sacrifice? It appeased a savage concept (God) by death and blood. Today, clergy still con people out of their assets by blackmailing them to dutifully and systematically give religious tithes.
Did you ever view tithes to be insurance premiums for salvation and bribery for a better life? It is clergy robbing from the stupid, and not necessarily from just the poor.
In modern day, when a single politician is caught at this, it is considered crime; but, when a government steals by taxing assets to build awesome weapons of destruction, again, it's the old fear-based insurance policies. Charities? Actuality, a small percentage of charity donations, even under the law, goes to the actual charity. The greatest portion goes into the pockets of unscrupulous con-people.
Malachi 3:8-10 Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me in tithes and offerings. You are cursed for you have robbed Me. Bring all your tithes to the storehouse that there be meat on My table.

Is this worth reminding? Could this perspective about meat affect vegetarians?
Again, God’s created reality: For something to live, things must die. For something to live well, more things must die.
In the movie “The Associate”, Whoopi Goldberg’s character made up a fictitious partner the financial world believed in, which in turn, gave her some awesome attention, power and control. The greatest success story ever was when Moses invented his partner - God. The difference between the Moses and Whoopi stories is that in the end Whoopi admitted that she had been her invisible partner all the time.
Numbers 19:11 Who ever touches a dead human body shall be unclean for 7 days.

The Dead
God's got more hang-ups about crippled people, the blind, deaf, sick, female sex-blood and dead bodies?
The Lord’s Prayer says: Lead us not into temptation.
Is it God who believers are praying to not lead them into temptation? Isn’t it Satan who lays temptation on people?
God: This study, this investigation, has become a prosecution…
For some thinkers, this work serves a declaration of religious non-dependence and a freedom from religion.
Scroll down quietly - reader sleeping.
Would a beautiful, good, fair and just God do these things?
Some debatable questions as influenced by Paul Winchell

Who allowed children to die at birth? Crib death? Starve to death?
Who allowed the crippled, blind, deaf, tormented, persecuted, starved?
Who allowed cancer, leukemia, aids, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, etc.?
Who allowed animals to be slaughtered, steamed alive, killed for sport?
Who allowed wars, allowed man’s ego to, like God, demand peace on his terms?
Who allowed nature’s wholesale destruction of life forms and property?
Who allowed suffering and misery in infinite categories?
Who allowed earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes killing thousands?
Who ordered Homo-sapiens to war and to destroy masses of its own species?
Who destroyed all human life on Earth sparing only a favorite family?
Finis: Paul Winchell
Are Earthly calamities “Acts of God” against man? Why do religious nuts and insurance companies call natural disasters “Acts of God”?
Is “The Creator” of all this destruction and pain worthy of respect, adoration, tithes, love, worship? If you feel so, have you dared to question your own value system / beliefs?
What would a human tyrant, if found guilty in any world court of law, be sentenced to for committing any or all of God’s heinous deeds? What if you were a juror at this man’s trial whereby you learned, by undeniable evidence, that he killed your child after 7 days of life; blinded another, crippled another and injected a targeted group with Aids? Would you be experiencing any hypocrisy?
If it takes an ideal God to create an ideal world, what kind of God do we have? Either God wants to help His children but cannot, or He can, but does not want to. In either case, what virtue is this God to us?
If your name was Doubleday and you had invented the game of baseball and it’s rules, and 12,796,374,826 games were successfully played by your rules, would you really care who won or lost?
Why would you pray to Doubleday or to God?
Numbers 20:1 In the desert, Moses’ sister Miriam died and was buried.
Moses' Sister Miriam Did Not Get To The Promised Land
No one can say that Moses’ and Aaron’s sister, Miriam, received God's Promised Land.
Numbers 20:23-29 Aaron, Israel’s head priest, and Moses’ brother is denied The Promised Land and died, because he and Moses had rebelled against God.
Well, there dies out God’s chosen leaders Miriam and Aaron. They, by Biblical evidence, lost out on God’s promise. Would God fail Moses too?
Numbers 21:5-9 The people spoke out against God and Moses. God sent poisonous snakes against His people and they were bitten and they died. Moses intervened. God told Moses to make a fiery serpent of brass and put it on a pole. Anyone seeing it would live.
Idol? Graven Image?
Did you ever see a caduceus, the modern doctor's medical symbol? How can it not qualify as an idol? It’s a strange choice to have an “evil snake / serpent” wrapped around a pole. Hermes, in Greek mythology, was a God, the son of Zeus and Maia, the messenger of the Gods. Hermes carried a staff around which Serpents coiled. He was identified with the Roman God, Mercury. They protected thieves, travelers and merchants.
Isn't this just another example whereby the Jews stole (excuse me, borrowed) from the myths of other more ancient pagan religions to make up their own?
Most importantly, God's second commandment is to not make idols and sacred images. God actually ordered this brass snake on a pole for those who see it would live. God ordered the breaking of His Own second commandment.
Numbers 21:33-35 God ordered Moses to do to King of Og as he had done to others. Moses struck down the King's sons and all his people until none were left and took possession of his land.

Numbers 23:19 God is not man that He should speak falsely nor human that He should change His mind. Is He one to speak and not act, to decree and not fulfill?
Excuse me, please! But, this God has changed His mind a few times and has broken some super-whopper promises!
Numbers 25:1-15 The Israelites had illicit relations in the city of Shittim (and their shit) God.
These pagan’s "scatological practices" involved fecal turds. (Torah notes). That made God angry so God told Moses to take the leaders and impale the idolaters publicly before God.
Numbers 25:6-9 An Israeli man (Zimri) and a Midianitish woman (Kazbi) came within view of Moses and the Israeli community at the entrance of the meeting tent. Phinehas (KJV) or Pinchas (Torah), a grandson of Aaron the priest, taking a lance in hand, drove the lance through both the man's and the woman's groin, killing them both. That pleased God, so, He stopped His murdering. Yes, after He had murdered 24,000 more of His Own chosen.

Numbers 25:16-17 God said to Moses: Treat the Midianites as enemies and crush them.
Oscar Wilde: "When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despise of ever writing anything to equal it."
Holman Bible Dictionary: Zipporah, Moses’ wife was a Midianite.
A Jewish marriage was performed by a ceremony at an altar; then, by going into an inner chamber and having sex to consummate it. Did this young priest murder the couple while they were coupled, consummating, by sex, their marriage vows? (Torah).
Moses, being married to (T)Zipporah (Ladybird), a Midianite / Ethiopian black woman, is ok with God; but, this mixed religious couple, God wants dead.
Solomon had sex with and married the black Queen of Sheba and nothing bad happened. Obviously genes and skin color doesn't matter. The religion (who is to be obeyed) is all that matters to the Biblical God. Wasn’t one of our first-ladies named Ladybird?
Solomon & Sheba Wedding
In Numbers 25:11-17 Phinehas, by murdering Kazbi (Cozbi) and Zimri, turned God’s jealous wrath away from the Israelites. God then ordered Moses to murder the Midianites.
The people took issue with Phinehas for wrongful deaths. God then declared Phinehas a hero because he had saved (Israelite) lives by murdering the couple. Torah notes
More: Moses married (and probably divorced: BN) a Midianite woman (Exodus 2:16-21), yet he murdered Midianites? The Midianites were who sold Joseph into slavery: Genesis 37:36.
Numbers 26:51 God's census numbers of soldiers now registered over 20 years old were 601,730.
Numbers 26:59 Moses’, his brother Aaron's and his sister Miriam's parents were: Mother, Jochebed and their father, Amram.
(Moses’ sons were Gershom and Eliezer Exodus 2:21-22; 18:4).
Numbers 31:1-35 God told Moses: Take revenge and kill the Midianites; then, you (Moses) must die. God declares war on Midian and murders every male including its 5 kings. They took captive all the Midian women, their children, animals, wealth and their possessions. They set fire to their cities, taking all the booty and plunder. They brought captives back to Moses.

Numbers 31:14-17 Moses was angry at the Generals and Captains of the army and asked: Why have you kept all these women alive? Now, kill every male child as well as every woman who has had sex with a man. But, the young girls who have not had sex with a man, you may keep alive for yourselves. God's army killed every male child and kept only the 32,000 virgin girls for themselves.
Moses had ordered the execution of thousands, including mothers and babies. Have your eyes glassed over with comatose? Aren't you numb with all God’s murdering, yet?
Numbers 31:32-35 (Recap) As booty, the soldiers kept 32,000 girls who were still virgins.
God is love? (Lie!). God is good? (Lie!) God is great? (How?)
Praise God? (Why?)
Let see what Mark Twain writes about the topic: