Thought / Hope / Faith / Trust / Belief
Behavioral Perspectives
By Gary DeVaney

Thought Is The Ultimate Human Masterpiece

Thought is the ultimate masterpiece for the Human Animal.
Gary DeVaney: Being a hypnotherapist for about 30 years has taught me some critical perspectives about the diverse use of the words - "I believe".
Diverse? Yes. Once, in the 1980s, over a month, I wrote almost 400 words that could replace I believe. It is not a word you can depend on when interpreting what the believing speaker means. If you challange his belief, he can use any number of words to dispell your challenge. If you prove him wrong concerning his belief, he could wiggle out of his lie by stating he believed it - he did not say that he knew it.
Ego: Ego is any manifistation of behavior that exposes: I am the value. I am the authority. I am entitled.
To express a "belief" is an ego manifistation.
To claim to have "faith" is to prefer ignorance. For a believer to promote faith, they want you to remain ignorant. Ask the faithful, do you prefer to have faith and to believe or would you prefer to know? If they insist on you having faith, ignorance is preferred. Setteling on faith promotes covering up facts and knowledge. If they prefer faith and belief, they are lost to learning. That validates the condition that "a high percentage of stupid is stubborn".
Unexplained, thoughts and confused feelings of high emotional intenity are the most accurate perspectives and best describes "spiritual". However, "spiritual" best describes "fantasy". Hope and idealism often contribute to the mysterious "spiritual" equasion.
Christopher Hitchens: What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

Fantasy Spiritual
Being a serious, critical thinker is inconsistent with being a categorical believer.
Religious Dogma: You must trust, have faith, believe in and obey your God with all your heart for your eternal soul to be saved from Eternal Torment. (What a threat!)
Faith, trust and belief are the cornerstones of the god / obedience game.
Faith, trust and belief are the tools / weapons often waged by others against your free-will.
The Tyrant's fear: “If you don’t trust / believe me” - it means that “you won’t willfully obey me”.
Anyone, who incorporates the words faith / trust / belief, feels entitled to your obedience.
People, who want to control you, want power and authority over you. They want you to commit to their beliefs, values and agendas. They want you to serve them on their terms.
Dr. Darrel Ray (The God Virus) submitted: Chris, a PHD candidate, has a new website. Take a look at his youtube site at this link:
"Faith" & "Belief" are tools of hypnosis.
"Have faith" means "Be Hypnotized".
When a believer promotes faith, he or she seems proud to promote ignorance and to accept nonsense without proof. To promote faith is the epitomy of assuming authority over nothing. To trust someone is to give them authority over you. "Trust me" means "shut up and do what is expected". They claim that their invisable god expects conformity and obedience from you when it is only the authoritative believer who expects conformity and obedience from you. "The God Game" is the authority / obedience game.
Typically Being Hypnotized
To be instructed, by an assumed authority, to "believe" deepens the hypnosis.
"Trust me" means "shut up and do what you are told or what is expected".
The purpose to promote "faith" is to command obedience to manipulation.
“I believe” means “I commit" / "I obey”. This is why religious people and other authoritarians push you to believe.
Voltaire: Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense.
Believe be-lie-ve: Lie is the center of believe. For many "I believe" means "I lie".
Bill Mahr: Believers are not fans of knowledge.
An assumed authority wants you to believe in and commit to his or her beliefs, agendas and values. You are targeted to become their slave - to serve them on their terms.
They want you to have faith in - and to be faithful to - their beliefs, values and agendas.
They often want and demand your love, respect and willful obedience.
You must sacrifice your values in favor of theirs – otherwise they will threaten punishment from themselves or from their egos’ fictitious, supernatural God.
Your "faith" is your willful ignorance. Faith is your agenda to not know - to not be responsible for knowledge.
Believers are low-percentage gamblers. Their faithful gambles are based on ignorance. When hope, faith and belief crashes and burns for the believer - it is written off as God's will. The believer just looks for a new nonsensical deal to gamble on. Some are delusional enough to hold on to failed beliefs.
When you question one's belief or faith - you can't expect an answer of substance.
Richard Dawkins: Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.
Often, religious behavior so insane - we can't tell the difference. Why do well-educated, intelligent Human Animals rely on irrational faith and belief concerning vast categories of blatent nonsense in religion.
Dr. Darrel Ray wrote the book "The God Virus". It best explains how faith and belief paralyzes and eliminates the critical mind. The mind, once infected, cannot critically question authoritative categories of life. A virus, like a form of love, sets in and behavior defending a declared belief or faith becomes paramount.
Carl Sagan: "For me, it is far better to grasp the universe as it really is rather than persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. I don't believe. I've always preferred to know."
To lie is to intentionally deceive.
To truly lie, the liar must know the truth.
White lies: Lies you tell to make others feel better.
Rationalize: To lie to make yourself feel better.
Beliefs: Lies to determine how gullible / controllable / stupid others are.

The Thinker Dares to Question The Mind-Set Believer Cannot Question His Or Her Belief
Religion manufactures and sells mental / emotional disease that addicts the gullible to become mind-set believers.
Religions promote and demand hypnotic, behavioral tools. An Ego, God and religion requires your obedience. "I believe" often means "I obey, support or promote" something specific. When one promotes his or her beliefs, they may be assuming, insisting or demanding that you share their beliefs. They are testing how much authority they have over you. They are testing your obedience to their beliefs - and to them. They often assume that their beliefs should affect you as their commands or demands would. They are testing your desire to please them. They are testing how usable you are. Should these perspectives desturb you, it is because your belief agenda is exposed.
Repentance: To repent is to practice humility - to discipline oneself - to keep oneself in line with the desires of an assumed authority.
A pastor keeps the pasture full of "God's Word" for the "sheep" to mentally and emotionally graze on.
Churches and ministers promote group-faith. Group-faith creates an atmosphere for people who want, expect and feel entitled to approval from everyone they meet. They don't want to - and will not - answer your critical questions of substance as they feel entitled to your conformity, obedience and approval. If you insist they answer your critical questions, they will threaten you, condemn you, then cut and run.
Mark Twain: The Church has opposed every innovation and discovery from the day of Galileo down to our own time, when the use of anesthetic in childbirth was regarded as a sin because it avoided the biblical curse pronounced against Eve.
We all have egos that we use to competitively control other egos who happen into our atmospheres. Some tend to super-charge their egos by applying and incorporating their fictitious, “supernatural” God. Insane, authoritative egos evolve to feel that it is their birth-right and entitlement to categorically change the world into their image through the sacrifice of competing egos that are accessible to them. Some attempt to use their fictional, supernatural God on the gullible to accomplish their ego’s opportunistic and imperialistic goals.
People claim to have a "spiritual experience" or that something special was spiritual. The "spiritual experience" could probably be best identified to a remembered thought or feeling. Thoughts are rarely remembered unless a feeling of some emotional intensity is attached to it.
Other than an unknown-based, difficult to explain, emotionally charged feeling, what is "spiritual" to you? Can you - with any logical, reasonable and rational clarity - define what "spiritual" means to you? Would your "spiritual experience" amount to a confusing thought with an indescribable feeling attached to it? How realistic or rational is your "spiritual experience"? Remember - you too can walk through walls - in your imagination only. A thought is the most miraculous event mankind can experience. Could your living, lit-up genes have communicated the thought to your consciousness along with a feeling to deliver it.
Mark Twain: Most people can't bear to sit in church for an hour on Sundays. How are they supposed to live somewhere very similar to it for eternity?
God, King and Country: The agenda of the US government is to mass hypnotize its subjects. It's agenda is to program you, its subject, to become a believer so that you will practice sacred loyalty to God and country.
Praying is obeying.
Believing is practicing obeying.
To "have faith" is to shut-up and do as you are told.
To say "I believe" is to admit "I don't know". Why would any intelligent human being buy into another's "I don't knows"?
The paradox of belief: Belief eliminates thought. A person who states a belief - cannot question that belief. Should he or she question that belief - he or she proves not to believe it. Each belief is a state of hypnosis. One who has many beliefs, is bogged down with many states of hypnosis. If one cannot question his or her beliefs, he or she is incapable of thinking.
A question is the highest form of thought.
Do God-fearing believers resent that non-believers go through life without dread, panic and fear of God?
The Ego's Use Of Belief
Human Ego is a behavior manifestation of: "I am the value" / "I am the authority" / "I am entitled".
"I believe" is a manipulative term that often means: "I hope to will something I want into my reality." "I feel entitled to will my desires into reality". "I want you to believe what I believe and assist me in willing what I desire into reality."
If you want me to support, adopt or commit to your beliefs - you want obedience, compliance, support. You really want me to obey you - and - denial is automatic.
If a clergy tells you that God wants you to have faith, ask the clergy to ask God if He can be more specific. If he then comes up with nothing, ask him if he can be more vague. If the clergy feels challenged by you, he will probably authoritatively dismiss you.
If you are a religious believer, "The God Murders" website will question and challenge what your are programmed to believe and what you feel you are entitled to believe. If you are an Atheist, the website will easily validate - by Bible C&V - your being a non-believer.
The hypnotic power and the delusion of belief is strong - as a belief is a state of hypnosis.
"I believe" can often mean: "I pretend".
Believer disclaimer: I don't "pretend" when I say "I believe". G: Do you pretend to believe in Santa Claus? B: That is a joke. G: So, you admit that sometimes when you say that you believe - you joke?
A belief is often an attempt to "will" something into reality. Belief often serves fantasy and invention.
A belief is often "positive thinking" (idealistic delusion).
Idealistic Delusion
Believers use beliefs to manipulate their desires and their values on others. They want those others to give them free cooperation and support.
There was, a long time ago, something I thought that I liked about the Biblical God. But, after reading, studying and learning about the Biblical God, and the deeds that the Bible documented about its God, I can’t remember what it was that I liked.
Intelligence is categorical. We are all capable of learning certain things - and other things - we are not.
The religious teach abstinence and that sex is a dirty, vile and disgusting act that you are to save sex only for the one you love.
Abstinence: Saving it for the worms.
You impose your beliefs on others as if they were rules and laws. You don’t want others to argue, question or challenge your beliefs, rules and laws. You, like God, expect others to support, promote and obey them.
An authoritarian believer said: "I believe" in the afterlife.
Gary: Why is the afterlife important to you?
B: It had better be important to you as you are going to suffer "Eternal Torment".
G: Are you lying when you claim to believe that?
B: No! I am manipulating.
G: So, "I believe" means "I manipulate". Your intent to share your belief with others is your intent to manipulate the will of others? Damn! Why has it taken me so long to figure that out? You use the words "I believe" to manipulate and impose your will on others.
B: Well, of course. Everybody who knows the truth does it. I want obedience because the Bible ordered me to subdue and dominate the Earth.
This is Bible indoctrination and tyrant training.
The greater the belief and trust you have in the insane Biblical God, the greater is your betrayal to other human beings. God has ordered Bible C&V: Go kill every man, woman and child. God will send you into Eternal Torment. How much programmed fear motivates your belief in God?
Review: Each belief is a separate state of hypnosis. To question the belief is to break the hypnosis.
To believe is to obey authority.
To practice believing is to practice obeying.

Defiance! Praying is Obeying
If you practice obeying a fictitious authority - an assumed authority can more easily step in and control you.
Don’t believe me or any other man. Question everything for yourself.
Enforceable criminal and civil laws - you don’t have to believe. You know that you must obey them - or suffer their consequences.
You somewhat control your thoughts. Your beliefs usually control you. You can question your thoughts. You cannot question your beliefs because if you do, you prove not to believe.
Your beliefs control your behavior - not mine. Your belief that you have power over others has no influence or control over me.
Do you tend to use your beliefs as manipulative tools?
To promote your beliefs is to promote gambling because when you say “I believe” - in reality - you are declaring to the world “I don’t know”. Why would you expect others to buy into your “I don’t knows”? If you tell me that you believe, you are not telling me that you know. You are telling me: "I don't know".
Because the question is the highest form of thought, you have the power to change a belief into a thought by simply questioning it.
A belief, like a theory, is another definite, guaranteed maybe.
People say “I believe” because they are trying to change the world to become more what they want. Believers are delusional when they try to will reality into their expectation. And, believers expect you and me to help them in their agenda. People share their beliefs to invent the world they wish to live in. Beliefs are challenges - and like fictitious people, egos or gods - they are competitive.
Islam Trying To Change The World?
In my "The God Murders" debate with believers, this website's words say what they mean and mean what they say. Often believer's debate in a manor that reminds me of the French philosopher, Voltaire, who wrote: "There are some who only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts."
Many religious believers claim and fight for individual freedom - yet - they practice and promote mental / emotional slavery to their Biblical God. They also tend to discipline and restrict the freedom of others. Many believers will go to war for their imperialistic beliefs.
In war, it is the perfect believer who makes perfect canon-fodder.
Hope / Faith / Belief

To Believe In God All You Need Is Faith
The Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions train you to hope, to believe and to have faith in what it is programmed to hope, to believe and to have faith in.
One conflict with hope is - if a Christian currently hopes, he or she is not currently happy with what God has dealt them. Ergo, to hope is to complain against God.
Both the Judeo-Christian God and the Islamic Allah demand death for not being obeyed - even concerning their insane, illegal commandments. Some of their documented insane, illegal commandments are: To kill an unruly son, to kill the infidel, to kill non-virgin girls, to kill gay men. Anyone who does not view these commandments to be insane and illegal - is themselves insane and prone to do insane, murderous things.
Religious training is subordinate soldier, slave, obedience training.
Subordinate Slave / Soldier
Believers are often in error but never in doubt. If you prove them to be in error, they will claim that they said that they believed - not that they knew. Their beliefs also gets them out of a lot of blatant lies.
Hope is a meaningless feeling - usually with dramatic, emotional (do want) intensity - because its fruits always lie in the future. By definition, hope is rarely realized in the now. To act on mere hope, belief, and having faith is to gamble.
Las Vegas gambling is motivated by hope, belief, and having faith. The agenda is - you are to win often and to lose it all once.
"My belief is" often means "my agenda is." That is why believers want you to share their beliefs. Their beliefs / agendas give them a sense of self. It often builds their often false self-image.
False Self-Image
If it weren't for hope, belief and having faith, 90% of therapists and 100% of clergy would be out of business. For the chronic hopeful, hope is the fearful, cowardly, do nothing, substitute for confident, responsible and prepared action. Your hope is like being the rear dog pulling a dog sled. No matter how fast you go you never get closer to the one in front - and the view is always the same.
How much faith is nonsense / delusion?
Christopher Hitchens: What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.
The manipulator's agenda and tools: The hope, belief, have faith agenda is to persuade you to work harder in the hope that things will change and profit you. Mostly, whoever motivates what you should hope for is usually who also profits if you succeed.
You have to ask yourself, are you encouraged to have hope simply to make you obey and do nothing or to achieve something that benefits the one who encouraged you?
Most chronic hopes for the better don't change for you because your mindset beliefs are designed to prevent change.
The words hope, belief, and have faith are used by the manipulative cons and the devious: "Take the crap I am giving you now in the hope that things will get better (but as long as I control you, I won't want them to get better.")
In other words as long as you believe - you are expected to - "Shut up and do as required."
When you buy into hope, belief and having faith, you usually do shut up and do as required - don't you?
Is that NOT the way that you want someone that you tell to have hope, to belief, and to have faith to obey you?
What trains you to hope, believe and to have faith more than fear-based, consequential, eternal-torment religion?

For someone to tell you these things, they are trying to make your decision to do nothing for you and for you to agree to let some agenda or someone have its way with you.
Your "controllers" want you to accept what is going on now in the hope that good times will come. They really just want to con you to agree to let them have their way. Once you agree to hope, believe and having faith, they have made your decision for you.
The words hope, belief, and having faith will attempt to lead the gullible to a false promise. It doesn't fulfill, but, by the time you realize it, it's too late.
Hope, belief, and having faith are tools to keep you in the sacrifice mode.
Hope is designed to keep you from rebelling.
You can't have hope now / today, only tomorrow. Hope is always for later or for tomorrows.
When hope fails later / tomorrow, we can only hope for it's the fulfillment sometime later.
Do not be conned. Question and demand fairness, accountability, justice and freedom now and tomorrow!
That's how hope works - or - more realistically doesn't work.
When you are unhappy, CHANGE is a motivating word.
When promised CHANGE, always ask from what to what will change take place. HOPE for what? Faith in what? Change what? Believe what? Insist on an answer now!
If the hope promoter does not tell you their view of change now, they have none. They want to influence and control you.
It is crucial for an assumed authority to not specify and detail what is meant by his hope, belief, and having faith.
The con man will tell you that he is for you - but don't you dare ask him details as to how he is for you. You will expose his manipulative agenda.
Holy Trinity: Faith / Belief / Delusion - all three are one.

Con Men?
In therapy, crying often takes place. Crying is often a signal that anger is being vented, saddness is being purged and fear is being faced. A therapist's tool is to consider that the client is in a fishbown with his or her problem. If, emotionally, the therapist were to enter into the fishbown with the client, the therapist would be useless and ineffective. The therapist's practice is to address the client's issues, ask the sensitive questions, and take them where others cannot and will not. A surgeon must emotionally distance himself from the body he is performing surgery on. Unless, hypnosis is used, unlike a surgeon, the therapist must endure the pain the client is experiencing during his or her session. Over time, like a conditioned surgeon who loses patients, painful therapy takes a toll on therapists.
In the early 1980s, two Los Angeles police officers came to my office and asked me if I had treated a certain woman. I said I had one session with her a few months earlier. In referring to my notes, I recalled that the client's session issues had no "red flags". There was no discusson concerning her primary relationship nor her life-style. On occasion, if I sense a "red flag" I will tape the session. This session was not taped. They reported that she and her lesbian roommate apparently made and carried out their double suicide "pact". The police had found my business card in her purse.
What one person, who you know, would be impacted if sent to this site?
Questions? Corrections? Comments?
