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The Bible According To DeVaney
Jesus' Sins



Can Anyone Charge Jesus With Sin?


by Gary DeVaney




Jesus' Sins




Luke 1:33 Jesus will rule over the house of Jacob, forever. KJV


Forever? Historically, when has Jesus ever ruled over the Jews?


Mark 2:18-20 Jesus went against God’s rules on fasting. Catholic

Matthew 5:32 Jesus went against God’s rules on divorce. Catholic


Btw, did you know that God, Himself, is a divorcee - as documented C&V?


Jeremiah 3:8 For all the adulteries rebellious Israel committed, I (God) put her (Israel) away and gave her a bill of divorce... (Catholic)


God gave Israel a "bill of divorce" which makes God a divorcee. Shocking - isn't it! We have been lied to about God so much.


Mark 4:11-12 Jesus said to them, to you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to outsiders, all these things are done in parables: That they may see, and not perceive; and they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.


Jesus wants outside people to not understand, not be converted, and not to be forgiven? Jesus Christ wants outside people not to be saved. Could anyone you know consider that to be a sin?


Matthew 9:18-25 While Jesus spoke, there came a certain ruler who worshipped him, saying, my daughter is dead, but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. Jesus said the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. They laughed at him. Jesus went in, took her by the hand, and the maid arose.


"If the ruler's daughter was dead, then, Jesus lied (G: sinned). If she was not dead, then Jesus performed no miracle." (G: A sin of deception) C. Dennnis McKinsey


Matthew 10:5-6 Jesus said: Go not into the way of the pagan (Catholic) gentiles (KJV), but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.


What? Jesus loves Jews more than others? Is discrimination a sin?


Matthew 11:19 Jesus came eating and drinking. They said: Look, He is a glutton and a drunkard...


Jesus hereby has a published Biblical reputation of being a  "drunkard". Alcohol Anonymous ought to love that. Is being a glutton and a drunkard a sin?


Mark 7:15 Jesus altered or ignored God’s dietary laws.


If anyone else changed God's rules and laws - would they be guilty of sin? If Jesus is God - then God does change - as documented C&V.


John 5:8-11 & Luke 13:10-16 Jesus went against God’s rules concerning the Sabbath.


Isn't going against God's rules is a sin?


John 8:4-11 Jesus went against God’s rules on adultery.


John 9:16 Pharisees claimed that Jesus was not God and that Jesus was a sinner for He cured a blind man on the Sabbath.


Jesus could have obeyed the Sabbath commandment and cured the blind man on another day - but Jesus chose to break the law. Is breaking God's law a sin?


Matthew 12:40 The Son of Man (Jesus) will be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth.


Was Jesus actually put in the heart of the Earth? How can “Good Friday” afternoon to before sunrise Sunday morning qualify for 3 days and 3 nights? Could this be a sinful deception?


Matthew 15:2-17 & Luke 11:37-38 Jesus went against the washing of hands before dining.


If "the washing of hands before dining" was God's rule - and Jesus is documented to have gone against it - Jesus sinned.  


Luke 9:62 Jesus said: No one who looks to what was left behind is fit for The Kingdom of God.


Isn’t this like the story where Lot’s wife looks behind and turns into a “pillar-of-salt”? God killed her for doing that. Do you think the punishment fit the crime?


Luke 19:27 Jesus said: But My enemies, who would not have Me reign over them, bring them before Me and slay them.


Would Jesus declare people enemies for not following Him; then, have them murdered? This theme does parallel the "judgment day" scenario whereby, if you don't make the cut by obeying God completely and accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will spend eternity in torment. I view that Jesus made a sinful, murderous command. I do not want a tyrant like that ruling over me - or anyone else.


Have you ever had a pet that you truly loved? Check out "Samantha" at:




Would you ever consider providing "Eternal Torment" for your pet after it died? What kind of a God is Jesus Christ? What a sad and heinous model Jesus Christ is proving to be. What a pillar of insanity the salvation myth is.


There is no mention of "Eternal Torment" or "Salvation" from Hell in the Old Testament. There is God condoned slavery, genocide, child-mutilation, murder, deception, land theft and war - but there is no Hell of eternal consequence. If Jesus Christ is the insane, murderous God or the Old Testament - Jesus sinned.


In the New Testament it was Jesus Christ who brought Hell to humanity. Jesus Christ introduced punishment and "Eternal Torment" for the dead. Thanks Jesus. And believers insist that you are not the evil one. With Hell, Jesus Christ could not be "The Savior". To see where Jesus may have got the concept of a religious Hell see: Bible's Hell http://www.thegodmurders.com/id195.html


Luke 19:27 is the prime C&V that proved to me that Jesus Christ was out in my value system. GWD


Revelation 2:23 Jesus (The Son of Man) said: I will also kill her children... KJV


Would Jesus murder children too? How can I believe Jesus would do such a thing? Jesus is definitely OUT!


Luke 19:27 & Revelation 2:23 Both sound like the cruel, tyrannical Old Testament God.


Critic: Everything you take issue with was written spiritually, metaphorically.


What’s your point? Would you be content if your daughter gets married only spiritually, metaphorically?


I Corinthians 6:12 Paul said: All things are lawful for me, I will not be brought under the power of any. KJV


Is Paul claiming to be above the law here? Could I Corinthians 6:12 be prime terrorist, anarchist and prison training?


Mark 10:18 Jesus said: Why do you call Me good. No one is good but God alone.


Is Jesus declaring that He is not perfect or good; that, He does sin and that He is not God? Doesn’t the character of John’s Jesus seem much different than those of the other Gospel writers? John’s Jesus is certainly not humble or meek. John seems to put a lot of emphasis on love, feelings, attachment, commitment and pleasuring God. Both Jesus and John sound to be men in love - with each other - wanting everyone to know of their love. Doesn’t John seem to emphasize relationships of eating bodies, drinking blood, and (sorry) male to male intimacy?



Ethan Allen: That Jesus Christ was not God is evidence in His Own words, which I never disputed. Being conscious, I am no Christian.


Thank you, Ethan Allen! You voiced my sentiments long before I was born and learned about Jesus Christ.



Luke 10:19-20 Jesus said: I have given you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will hurt you. Rejoice, because your names are written in Heaven.


Mark 16:17-18 Jesus said: They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sink, and they shall recover.


If your child believed Jesus and picked up a deadly serpent and was killed - would you then consider Jesus to be sinful? If you publicly promoted this C&V to people and some acted on your words and died, wouldn't you go to prison? Jesus Christ proves not to be a good model for humanity.




 An actual military plaque on an Army 1st Sergeant’s desk


Join the Army!

Visit far off and distant lands!

Meet exciting and unusual people and kill them!




Mark 10:25 Jesus said: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


"So son, don’t you dare go out there and earn that raise!" Do some Christians believe this? Could Jesus' words influence the homeless?


Mark 10:26-27 Who can be saved? Jesus said: For human-beings, it is impossible…


According to this verse, a human-being really can do absolutely nothing to be saved? If that be the case, what is all this salvation nonsense about?


When your children do harmful things while not using logic, reason and common sense, do you tend to parent, criticize, discipline and correct them? Won’t faith create enough of a sense of self-responsibility within them. Did parental faith hold up for those offspring who were found guilty of murder, theft, rape or any number of consequential acts?


Mark 16:15 Preach the gospel to every creature


Is salvation also for non-humans? Don’t some pastors say there are animals in Heaven?


Are the answers to these questions the facts?


Who said: I judge no man? 

Who said: I do not accept testimony from a human being?


Who said: If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out, throw it away?


Who said: If I bear witness of myself, My witness is not true?


Who was accused of being a glutton and a drunkard?


Who said: I do not accept human praise?


Who said: I will not accuse you. Moses will?


Who couldn’t do many miracles in His homeland due to their lack of faith?

Who said: Don’t worry about your life, body or about tomorrow?


Who said: No one can come to Me unless Who draws him?


Who declared all foods to be clean?


Who went against God’s rules on fasting?


Who went against the rules on divorce?


Who altered or ignored God’s dietary laws?


Who went against God’s rules concerning the Sabbath?


Who went against God’s rules on adultery?


Who went against the washing of hands before dining?  


Who said: Slay My enemies who would not have Me reign over them?  


Who said: I will also put her children to death?


Who said: Why do you call Me good? No one is good but God alone.


Who said: Who can be saved? For human beings it is impossible?


John 10:26-28 Jesus said: You do not believe because you are not among My sheep. My sheep hear My voice; I know them and they follow Me. I give them eternal life and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of My hand. Catholic


What is God’s elect? God and Jesus both know the elect because They chose Their elect before the Earth was formed? No one can take the elect out of Jesus’ hand? The elect have a free ride by grace? Why didn’t the Jews believe this? Why am I so skeptical?


Luke 22:36 Jesus said: He that has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.


Matthew 10:34-35 Jesus said: I came not to send peace but the sword, man against father, daughter against mother. KJV


Matthew 26:52 Jesus said: Put up the sword, all who take the sword shall perish by the sword.


Aren't Jesus' messages about swords inconsistent and contradictory here?


Ezekiel 21:05 God said: All know that I, The Lord, have drawn my sword; it shall not be returned any more.


Leviticus 26:25 And I (God) will bring a sword upon you...


Godly-gee! What is to be understood here?


Matthew 11:6 Jesus said: Blessed is the one who takes no offense at Me.


Christian conversion competes for mastery over the bodies and minds of all members of the human race. I now encourage one to be the master over his or her own body and mind and allow others to be the masters over their own bodies and minds. That concept does, however, disrupt the manipulative sanctity of some marriages and employment. GWD


Matthew 19:16-18 One asked Jesus: Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? Jesus said: Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God...


Jesus admits here He is not God - and that He, Jesus Christ is not good.


Matthew 19:19 Jesus said: Honour thy father and thy mother...

John 2:4 Jesus said to His mother: Woman, what have I to do with thee?

Shame on you Jesus! Those are disrespectful words to say to your mother. Jesus Christ dishonored His mother - while telling others to honor theirs.

John 10:37-39 Jesus said: If I do not perform God’s works, do not believe Me, but, if I do perform them, even if you don’t believe Me, believe the works that you may realize that God is in Me and I am in God. They, again, tried to get Jesus but He escaped.


Why did the Jews not believe in their living God, Jesus?


No one has jurisdiction over facts. Some refuse to be party to the facts. Some make up their own truth, then commit to their own truth as gospel. Some claim we have no rights concerning God, that we are just to obey. Some actually presume to know the mind of God. Some often tell you to obey what will turn out to be mostly their own will.


Faith is like an addictive drug that promotes a feeling. Some want, expect and demand everyone else to buy into and support their feeling - so to feel like them, or else. It, like a drug, changes lives. Faith steals life from some so to, by virtue, give it back to a wrathful God. Faith tactics have served as primitive civilizing methods to control fearful believers during times when there were limited, corrupt or just no law-enforcement.


Paradoxically, some people cheat. They don’t like the personal restrictions of the very laws they expect and insist that others obey. People rarely trust or have faith that law-enforcement would be carried out except when they themselves are guilty and caught. Others righteously feel and believe they are above the law; that they are promised unmerited-gifts and privileged to assumed-entitlements. Is faith but a hope for luck (unmerited-gift)?


Some state: I don’t care what you say, I don’t care what the Bible says, I don’t care what evidence exists, I will not change my mind. I only have hope, faith and I believe! I can’t explain it.


People, who promote hope, faith, belief and love, are often promoting commitments. Sometimes, when we commit to something, it becomes, for us, a form of slavery. Often, if we commit to others, they become our masters. We become their slaves.


It seems that most people lie. Today, the law doesn’t seem to honor many commitments that aren’t witnessed in writing. One must be careful as to what one says because many, who are honest, feel that one is only as good as one’s word. I feel that way. GWD


Is it one’s lack of commitment (love, faith, belief) that frustrates the parasites of life?


Matthew 25:41 Jesus said to them on His left: Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels.


Jesus ordered people into everlasting fire?


Do we have the courage or desire to seek the facts regardless of where they might lead us? Can we clear our minds of all the old programmed prejudice and propaganda? Can we focus on what we see to be evident in our own Bibles? This agenda is to expose C&V facts. Decisions made concerning these facts are the responsibility of those who know the facts.


Behavioral Perspectives: Committed believers usually try to stop anyone who’d dare to debate their Bible and their God. Some tend to get highly emotional when addressing the topic. They typically assume to be the authority over the topic while insisting their logic is “spiritual” and their bottom-line answer to almost every controversy is “faith”.


Thinkers, on the other hand, don’t tend to deny the facts. They tend to alter a presentation to a format or style more to their liking (like poetry / myth). Although some facts may be new to them, thinkers often develop attitudes that demands those facts be presented their way - or not be presented at all. Thinkers are not doers. Most rarely debate Biblical topics to any length due to their fear of any inconvenience the debate may create.


For a successful debate:


Remember to stay focused on the topic.


Remember that I am NOT the authority.


Remember that you are NOT the authority.


Remember that the Bible C&V facts ARE the authority. 






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