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The Bible According To DeVaney
Did Jesus Christ Lie?



Did Jesus Christ Lie?


If Jesus did not lie - then - did Jesus prove to be evil?



Dictionary: Liar - a person who tells lies.



Matthew 5:39 Jesus said: Resist not evil...


Would you trust a Christian babysitter with your child who would not resist evil? Did Jesus lie?


Matthew 9:18-25 While Jesus spoke, there came a certain ruler who worshipped him, saying, my daughter is dead, but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. Jesus said the maid is not dead, but sleeping. They laughed at him. Jesus went in, took her by the hand, and the maid arose.


If the ruler's daughter was dead, then, Jesus lied. If she was not dead, then Jesus performed no miracle. C. Dennis McKinsey


Matthew 10:5-6 Jesus said: Go not into the way of the pagan (Catholic) gentiles (KJV), but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.


What? Is Jesus saying that He only wanted to save the Jews and not to bother with pagans and gentiles? Aren't pagans and gentiles also human beings? Did Jesus Christ lie? Courage, now! Did He?


Matthew 12:40 Jesus said: The Son of Man (Jesus) will be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth.


Was Jesus actually put in the heart of the Earth? Is a cave-tomb the heart of the Earth? How can from “Good Friday” afternoon to before sunrise Sunday morning qualify for 3 days and 3 nights? Did "perfect" Jesus lie?


Luke 22:36 Jesus said: He that has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.


Did Jesus lie - or - are you an obedient Christian who personally owns a sword?


Matthew 10:34-36 Jesus said: I came not to send peace but the sword, man against father, daughter against mother…and one’s enemies will be those of his household.


Did Jesus lie when He said that He did not come to send peace but the sword / conflict / war into your family's lives? Was it Jesus' agenda for your family members to be your enemies? Is this an evil agenda? Does Jesus prove to be evil? Are Christian families, who are not against each other, bad Christians in Jesus' eyes?


Matthew 23:9 Jesus said: Call no one on Earth your father…


Did Jesus lie when He commanded for you - a converted, believing Christian - to call no one on Earth your father? If you do call your male parent, your father, aren't you insisting that Jesus lied? If you call your male parent "father" are you truly a Christian? Why are Catholic Priests called "Father"?


Matthew 11:12-14 Jesus said: John the Baptist is Elijah Catholic / Elias KJV


John 1:21 John the Baptist said he was not Elijah Catholic / Elias KJV.


Who lied - John the Baptist or Jesus Christ? Do you acknowledge and confirm that according to these 2 Bible C&Vs, either Jesus Christ or John the Baptist lied?


Matthew 16:28 Jesus said: There are some standing here who will not taste death until they see The Son of Man (Jesus) coming in His Own kingdom.


Did Jesus lie to those standing there - about their not dying - before He came into His own Kingdom? What has history proven?


Luke 12:33 Jesus said: Sell what you have and give alms… KJV


Did Jesus lie or have you sold what you have? Did you then give all your money away? Do you prove to be a good Christian in Jesus' eyes?


If the average American Christian watched, saw and heard an Islamic leader, King or President say on TV: "I have come to set the Earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing. How great is my anguish until it is accomplished!" Would he or she claim that these were the words of an evil terrorist?

Is this an "evil", terrorist statement? Yes? No?

Luke 12:49-54 Jesus said: I have come to set the Earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing. How great is My anguish until it is accomplished!

Did Jesus Christ prove to be an evil / insane terrorist by making this evil / murderous statement?

Does Jesus want, demand and expect His believers and followers to fulfill His wishes? Will Jesus punish those who will not fulfill His wishes? Do you pick and choose which of Jesus' wishes you will fulfill and those you won't? How much of a God is a God who has to wish?


Should Jesus Christ be arrested, put in "Gitmo", water-boarded / tortured and held without charges for saying it?

Or - Did Jesus outright lie when He said it?


If Jesus did say it - did Jesus prove to be evil?

What kind of model was Jesus Christ to have said this?

Or - did the Holy Bible lie by claiming and documenting that Jesus did say it?



Mark 13:12 Jesus said: Brother will hand over brother to death, and the father his child; children will raise up against their parents and put them to death


Did Jesus lie concerning His agenda for children to kill their parents?


Luke 14:26 Jesus said: If anyone comes to Me without hating his father, mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters and even his own life, he can not be My disciple. 


Did Jesus lie about your having to hate your mother, your father, your brothers, your sisters, your wife, your children and your own life before Jesus would accept you? Would an evil person require that?


Luke 19:27 Jesus said: But My enemies, who would not have Me reign over them, bring them before Me and slay them.


If the no-name, kingdom-expanding King that Jesus referred to in His Bible parable is Himself, did Jesus lie about "bring them before Me and slay them"?


Is "if you don’t accept Jesus Christ as your savior, you will suffer Eternal Torment" Christianity's parallel teaching?


Revelation 2:23 Jesus (The Son of Man) said: I will also kill her children... KJV


Did Jesus lie when He said that He would also kill the Harlot's children in Rev 2:23? Would you, a saved Christian, assist Jesus Christ in killing someone's children?


Mark 4:11-12 Jesus said to them, to you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to outsiders, all these things are done in parables: That they may see, and not perceive; and they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.


What? Jesus wants outside people to not understand, to not be converted, and to not be forgiven? Jesus Christ wants outsiders to not to be saved. Or, did Jesus lie?

Mark 10:18 Jesus said: Why do you call Me good? No one is good but God alone.


Did Jesus tell the truth? Or, did Jesus lie about Himself not being good? Who do you know, by name, did the Biblical God prove to be good for? Other than the myth of creation, can you provide an evidence list whereby the Old Testament Biblical God did something good for someone without hurting someone else? Does you list prove to be short and weak? If so, why is that?


Mark 16:17-18 Jesus said: They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.


You do believe Jesus - don't you?


Luke 10:19-20 Jesus said: I have given you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will hurt you.


Did Jesus Christ lie in either or both of these C&Vs concerning poisonous serpents? Come on! Would a sane person put a live Cobra in his or her own lap or in your child's lap to prove that Jesus did not lie? (Do not ever do that!)


Mark 10:25 Jesus said: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


If you are rich, do you perceive that Jesus lied?


A multi-millionaire televangelist and his wife were flying in their private jet to a conference. The preacher turned to his wife and asked: If I weren't rich, would you still love me? A worshipful tear came to her eye. She looked at him and said: Of course, I'd love you... I'd miss you.


Mark 10:26-27 Who can be saved? Jesus said: For human-beings, it is impossible


Obviously, all Christians, who try to convert you, believe Jesus to be a liar concerning salvation.


Mark 16:15 Jesus said: Preach the gospel to every creature


What? Jesus said for you to preach the gospel to fleas, maggots, cats, and Great White Sharks, too? Are they not "creatures"? Does Jesus' order qualify to be a lie?


John 3:13 Jesus said: No one has gone up to Heaven except the One who has come down from Heaven, The Son of Man (Jesus).


But, when Jesus said this, Jesus, Himself, was still alive and had not yet gone up to Heaven. If Jesus, Himself, is the only one to have gone up to Heaven, doesn’t that contradict and eliminate Enoch’s going up to Heaven in Genesis 5:22-24 and Elijah’s going up to Heaven in a whirlwind in II Kings 2:11 and Angels going up and down, to and from Heaven on "Jacob’s Ladder" in Genesis 28:12? So, did Jesus Christ utter another falsehood here? Did Jesus get caught in documenting another lie?


John 4:22 Jesus said: You people worship what you do not understand. We worship what we understand, because salvation is of the Jews. KJV


What? Salvation is documented, Bible C&V, to be a racial thing? Didn't Jesus make a racial statement? Did Jesus prove to be a racist? Or, did Jesus lie?


John 5:21-22 Jesus said: Nor does God judge anyone, but He has given all judgment to His Son. Catholic


What? God judges no one? Jesus does all the judging? Is this true? Do you believe this or did Jesus lie?


John 8:15 & 12:47 Jesus said: I judge no man. KJV


Which do you prefer to be a lie? No. Really! Which one?


John 5:34 Jesus said: I do not accept testimony from a human being… Catholic


If you, a human being, pray to Jesus, then you must claim that Jesus lied about not accepting human testimony.


Matthew 5:29 Jesus said: If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out, throw it away.


Did Jesus lie? Well, you don't believe it enough to do it - do you? (Do not do it!)


John 5:31 Jesus said: If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true. KJV


What? Does Jesus admit in this "sacred" Bible C&V to being a liar? What "spin" should a devout Christian put on Jesus' statement?


John 5:41 Jesus said: I do not accept human praise… Catholic


Why would you praise Jesus Christ unless you view that Jesus lied about His not accepting human praise?


John 5:45 Jesus said: I will not accuse you. The one who will accuse you is Moses


Moses! Is there an honest, truthful Christian who would say that Jesus lied about this? Would you say it?


Revelation 2:26-27 Jesus said: To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations. He will rule them with a rod of iron: he will dash them to pieces like pottery, just as I have received authority from my Father.


Jesus will put a tyrant "who does His will to the end" over nations and he will dash other nations to pieces like pottery?


Do you think that is something a tyrant would do?

Does Revelation describe that Jesus is dashing other nations (of people) to pieces AT the end time or AFTER the end time in Jesus' Heaven? Will Jesus, as a master tyrant, do this evil on other nations - or - did Jesus lie?

What bothers me the most is: Why do Christians currently support, promote, worship and finance such a character as Jesus Christ, who would "dash other nations to pieces like pottery"?


If I accurately selected Bible C&Vs where Jesus is documented to have lied, would you go "ad hominin" and ignore Jesus' lying and instead claim that I lied concerning all these selected Bible C&Vs? If so, why?



Declaration: I did not write the Bible - did I?

I am not responsible for what the Bible documents - am I?

I'm not responsible for how people feel about what the Bible documents.

How can I be?

I take issue with specific Bible C&Vs.

If I make an error concerning a C&V that I take issue with - I welcome valid topical correction.

If I am proven to be in error - I will make the valid correction and sincerely thank the one who submitted it.

Many believers do not like my research and the C&V issues I take with God, Jesus Christ and the Bible.

As long as I accurately take issue with what the Bible states, C&V, their anger and hurt feelings should not affect my integrity.

Regards, Gary DeVaney







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